From Dream to Reality: How Saturn and Neptune in Pisces Will Shape Your Marketing Strategy from 2023 – 2026

As Saturn joins Neptune in Pisces from 2023 – 2026 we will see the marketing landscape shift, building up to their climax conjunction at 0 degrees Aries . Join me as we explore how you can adapt your marketing and business focus to coincide with these changes and ensure you’re not left behind. 

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In this Astro salon, we’ll be exploring the Saturn Ingress  (Mar 8/23 – Feb 13/26) joining Neptune as they traverse Pisces, before finally coming together an epic 35-year conjunction in the making. Occurring at  0 degrees Aries, the world axis, it promises to be one for the record books. We’ll be discussing potential coming trends, global market changes, advances in business, marketing, technology, art, and potential upheavals. 


 – The coming Saturn Ingress will be leaving the technology and humanity and civil rights governed sign of Aquarius on March 7th where it has remained from March 22, 2020, marking the beginning of Covid restrictions and global governmental restructuring and entering the sign of Pisces. 

– Ingresses of major planets like Saturn mark periods of significant personal and global change to the very structural fabrics of our lives. They rule the very nature of time, organization, and rules that we live our lives by. 

–  Saturn’s entrance into Pisces will last from March 7, 2023 – February 20, 2026, where it along with Neptune will leave Pisces and come together in a powerful conjunction in Aries. The last times that Saturn was in Pisces were from May 1993 to April 1996, March 1964 to March 1967, and February 1935 to January 1938. Anyone born during those periods will be experiencing their Saturn Return within the next 3 years. 

– Historically speaking we have seen advancements in music, art, literature, and the paranormal, medical advancements, as well as de-advancements in society, especially around human and civil rights, war, genocide, drugs, poverty, depressions, water-related global issues, and disasters.  In this astro salon I’ll be providing historical references and providing areas of advancement and opportunities for building security, trends, and growth based on sound astrological marketing theory. 


 – Neptune’s current transit in Pisces began in April 2011 and will last until February 2026. Neptune creates a ‘blinding’ or ‘head in the clouds’ effect and is especially strong in Pisces which it rules. 

– Neptune transits last approximately 13 years and rule dreams, visions, and intuition, as well as a disconnection from reality, secrets, unconscious or avoidant behaviors, and areas that we don’t wish to see the truth.

– It is through Neptune’s Cycles with Saturn that we are provided with ‘reality checks’, and these events often take about 35 years to occur, and we are due for another in 2026.

– Between 2023 to 2026 Saturn will be ‘cleaning up’ what we were unable or unwilling to see, and providing us with facts, and truth so that we may create our dreams from a firm foundation of reality. It is here to remind us that the check always comes due, and we will likely see this in the way of rampant governmental spending, debt, and hidden facts coming to the surface to be addressed head-on. 

– During this Astro Salon I’ll be sharing potential market changes, opportunities for investment, and security as well as what spiritual, creative, and visionary markets may see growth, as well as potential blind spots.  


– Occurring approximately every 35 years Saturn and Neptune come together to form a powerful conjunction resetting the way we see the world, bringing structure to our intuition, and illuminating solutions to spiritual and psychological challenges. 

– Like all Major Planetary Cycles involving collective and generational planets, these transits often occur over the course of decades, bringing issues to a collective head, often through a sequence of difficult or climatic events and this transit is no different.

– This Saturn-Neptune Conjunction will offer opportunities for course correction, and will also address inflationary markets, and inflammatory or disconnected conditions on both a collective, individual, and global scale in regard to resources, real estate, financial markets, assets, currency, alliances, and war. 

– Where are your hidden assets? What skills, resources, or insights do you have that have the power to shift the direction of your business now and into 2026? Join me during this Astro salon where I’ll be sharing what to expect with these transits, and how they are operating as signal flares to some of the pending economic changes we’ll be seeing over the course of the next few years.

In this Astro Salon, I’ll be exploring Saturn in Pisces, the Saturn-Neptune Cycle, and the coming Saturn Neptune Conjunction as we’ll break down the influence of these transits on small businesses and entrepreneurs. Join me as we uncover the impact of transit on resources, productivity, and sales from now into early 2026. 

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Meet the Astrologer & Creator of Moonsight Planner, Mystic Business School and Cycles for CEOs

Vanessa Corazon is an Astrological Planning Strategist and Intuitive Business Coach, with two decades of experience helping thousands of ambitious entrepreneurs, executives, and visionaries breakthrough limiting beliefs and self-sabotage, create thriving businesses, and turn failing launches into multi 5-figure success stories (without burning out or selling their souls). 

Her signature approach demystifies astrology and intuition into an easy-to-understand, repeatable, and tangible goal-centered system based on our natural, biological, and psychological rhythms.

Vanessa is the founder of Mystic Business School and has been featured in media outlets like Westender, Within Kingston, The Edgar Cayce Conference, and The Huffington Post. She is the creator of Moonsight Planner, a yearly moon-based calendar planning system and the Sacred Mindset Map, a 12-step guide to breaking through limiting beliefs and self-sabotage. She lives with her husband and three children in Vancouver, Canada.

We will come to remember this time as before 2020, and after 2020, don’t let these changes catch your business unaware. Join me and Plan Using the Cycles…

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