Hey !
So you’re ready to start planning your Social Media!
I have to admit this long-awaited part of the Moonsight Planning System took me nearly 4 years to not only compile enough data to use but to also figure out a system that would allow you to use it on repeat.
What you’re going to find below is a couple of different approaches to using this system.
One will be a method that I call ‘Across the Bow’, which will appeal to those who want a mega plan, without the astrological personalization, so they can target every major social media platform and not have to be concerned about where these platforms are focused within their own chart.
The second method is much more personalized and means centralizing your social media impact by focusing only on the platforms that you are most connected to, and that align best with how you specifically work, rather than trying to target all of them.
So before we get started there are a couple of things we want to clarify first –
1) What your social media goals are (what outcome do you want from what you plan to invest)?
2) What your social media habits are (what is your posting style and frequency like, regardless of what the social media gurus say)?
The answers to these two questions will form the basis of your social media strategy and also determine which of these two approaches will suit you.
Because no matter how great the strategies and systems I’m about to show you are, the best one is the one you’ll actually use.
We’ve all been there buying ‘pre-done’ social media templates only to be disappointed time and time again when –
It may seem irrelevant to ask question #2 with the advent of social media scheduling software, but time and time again we have seen that in order to ‘beat the algorithm’ organic interaction is incredibly important.
So how often you like to be on social media and your habits around social media MUST be considered, even if you plan to schedule content out ahead of time.
Because when your content IS effective you will get engagement and that will mean needing to be available to respond, engage and build that community.
I’m sure I’ll have some people clicking their tongues at me, or waving their fingers in shame, but after many years of trying to navigate social media while juggling a business, and the influx of such a multitude of social media channels – here’s my take:
✨ The best social media platform(s) for you are the ones you actually WANT to hang out on, or at least the ones you’re willing to tolerate. ?
Because it’s not enough to create a social media strategy and influx of social media content, we have to be willing to maintain those communities.
Anything worth building is going to take time, regardless of how good the strategy might be. So my suggestion is to pick one, maybe two channels to start and ideally one that aligns with your astrological chart so that you find YOUR PEOPLE there, and you’ll actually enjoy the time you’ll spend building it.
If you find that you feel burnt out or overwhelmed by social media, then know that you need to protect your time and instead focus on quality over quantity and let that be part of your strategy.
Think about content that AGES WELL, and is NOT time sensitive, especially if you want to build a legacy brand.
Let’s also not forget that the purpose of social media from a personal standpoint is MUCH different than the purpose of social media from a business standpoint.
Meaning that those who don’t run businesses online, don’t use social media the same way as a business. Their goals and use cases are completely different.
In a personal or individual approach, the average person uses social media for social connection and entertainment.
In a business approach, social media is being used as an ROI tool. Meaning that posts are strategically made to generate leads and sales. We may employ humor, education, sharing of personal information, or asking for help but the goal is completely different from that of an average citizen, even though we may employ similar approaches (humanizing our content, adding humor and personality etc), we are looking for different things.
If you have found that you struggle with getting interaction on your posts, it is quite possible that your approach has been that of an individual/or from a personal place, rather than from a strategic business place, or that you are not speaking the language of the user of the platform based on their needs.
I’ll be discussing the differences in this below.
Ready to Plan Your Social Media?
In this section, we’ll be talking about:
- Your 2 Options for Social Media Planning Strategy and how to choose what may work best for you. (See Moonsight Social – Getting Started)
- Utilizing Your Social Media Houses (so you can find the energy of ‘your people’ and what they are looking for from you (content-wise))
- How to do Market Research (giving you the data you need to create your marketing materials.)
- Planning Your Offers to Inform Your Content. (Coming Soon)
- Creating a Social Media Content Plan based on your launch goals. (Coming Soon)
This makes up some of the core strategies utilizing the Moonsight Planning System through the lens of Moonsight Social. Plus through this process, you’ll find the additional information you’ll need for your business to create the content, copy, and marketing pathways of your client’s journey.
If you are just interested in planning your social media for the week, and how to schedule it, scroll down below to the ‘Planning Your Social Media Schedule’ Section.
Moonsight Social - Getting Started
Lite Version: If you don’t want to dive deep into your chart and just want to begin planning your content start with ‘Social Media Houses + Personalizing Marketing’ and follow it with ‘Market Research’ below, before diving into the zodiac planning.
Advanced Version: If you would like to first find your best social media platform matches based on your astrological chart, you’ll want to start with Moonsight Social first. And then return to the ‘Social Media Houses + Personalizing Marketing’ below, and move onto The Market Research & The Zodiac Content Planning Section Below.
Social Media Houses + Personalizing Marketing
Market Research Techniques
GETTING STARTED: Content Planning using the Zodiac
Pssst – Already completed ‘Moonsight Social‘ program and ready to plan your content? Start here. ?
Ready to Schedule Your Social Media? Great! Now that you know what you want to market and the needs and struggles of your client, you can get to work on scheduling your social media strategy into your calendar.
You’ll first want to look and see where the Moon is for the period you are looking to plan your social media. If you are looking to plan out a week’s worth of social media posts then use the Moonsight Calendar and/or the current Mooncast to see where the Moon will be, and then you can scroll down to the section titled ” Social Media with the Lunar Zodiac”.
If you are looking to plan out more than one week’s worth of social media content, then you’ll want to use the Moonsight Digital Calendar to determine when the Moon will be moving through the signs to help you know what types of posts, goals, and platforms will be most aligned.
But before we dive into that I recommend checking out the 8 Lunar Phases of Marketing (found here), and How to Do Market Research video above to help you determine your Client Journey and your specific offers (if you aren’t yet clear on that).
If you have already gone through this, and are clear on your offer or you simply want to plan out your social media for the week quickly then feel free to go through the content below to begin your plan.
Check Where The Moon is This Week
So let’s first begin by checking where the Moon is this week using the calendar and seeing where the Moon is, and where it’s going to be over the next several days. This is also found in the Moonsight Digital Calendar that you received when joining the Lab.
Once you’ve checked it out, make a note of what element/signs the Moon will be in on which day, and any Void Moon windows.
Want a walkthrough?
Tune into the Current Mooncast
Want a summary of what elements and phases are at work this week? Check out the recent Mooncast. The Mooncasts include tips for both personal and business tasks for the day that might give you some great ideas on how to utilize the astrological energy of the week. Check out the video below for some tips on how to utilize the Mooncast more fully.
Want a walkthrough?
Social Media Marketing with the Zodiac
Once you know where the Moon is and what element/zodiac energy it is highlighting, we can personalize it further by customizing your social media to each of the zodiac signs and specific platforms based on their astrology.
As the Moon moves through each of these zodiac signs every 2.5 days you can focus your social media content to highlight the needs of each of these signs. We each have these signs in our chart and given that the Moon not only represents YOUR needs/emotions/mental focus/energy it also is the energy/ focus/ emotional filter that the public and your community are experiencing.
When we meet these needs through our social media and marketing, we connect directly to those who need our specific services and support, especially if you know your brand story (as covered in the above videos).
The Zodiac signs tell a story, a story of evolution, understanding, growth, and development. And the Moon is moving through all 12 of these signs in a lunar month (approximately every 28-29 days). This journey gives us a wonderful opportunity to take people through our brand and content, in a way that supports their needs.
And by aligning this with relevant social media platforms that resonate with your audience, your chart, and your specified goals you have a recipe for increased engagement and rapport with your community and followers, which builds trust and a strong business foundation that allows you to sell your offers and support your clients with less effort and more fulfillment.
It also removes the stress upon you to know what to post, to which platform, and when, freeing up time for you to focus more on your strategy, the quality of your products and services and generating leads, and building a community where it matters most.
If you haven’t yet already checked out the current written Mooncast, you might find it helpful as it gives you suggestions on what types of content will do best. Otherwise, you can also refer to the content below, which summarizes what each Zodiac sign needs and how it expresses itself as the Moon moves through a new sign every approx. 2.5 days.
If the below sections look familiar to you – please note that these can also be found in similar variations under ‘Plan Your Marketing’ as the themes are the same whether you are focusing in general on planning your marketing or looking specifically to plan out your social media content, they work together and through understanding their links, you can build a more cohesive brand marketing strategy.
The difference in this section, however, is that here you will also find listings by social media platform based on their astrology chart make-up to help you determine what to post specifically to each of these platforms, and what is more likely to attract your ideal clients.
Note – you do not need to post to every one of these platforms, you may wish to specifically choose one or two ideally aligned platforms based on your social media houses.
?♈ Social Media With Aries
NEED: The need during Aries Moons is to take ACTION. We are compelled forward. It is not a time of overthinking, processing information or emotions, or planning. During Aries, we are DONE with what has come before, are ready for a change, and may feel some big emotions nudging us towards action. These can be feelings of frustration, anger, feeling fed up, or a readiness to be done with fear. It is an intense energy of needing to fight, overcome, battle (even if it’s against ourselves), and physically enact change. If we don’t take action at this time, the energy will need to go somewhere, and often it goes inward where we will turn it against ourselves (attacking, blaming, belittling, shaming, repressing, self-harming, sabotaging), or we will direct it at others and either start fights, or create drama or distractions so that we don’t have to change or notice our patterns.
During Aries, people want to rally, they want to fight FOR or AGAINST something, they want to be inspired to take action, to act in spite of fear, to change their lives. Like all zodiacal energy, the burst of energy is SHORT, and it will tend to run out within 2 days or so, so if action is going to happen, it needs to be done quickly.
MARKETING: Give them a reason to get fired up, excited, and to DO something. Great time for a CTA (call to action), where you direct them to a sign-up page, share an opt-in, announce an event, or the release of something coming SOON (Aries is impatient). With Aries, we can only focus on ONE thing at a time. Be specific about what you want them to do, and how you want this energy used. What is the end RESULT that you want? Make sure you know what that is before you post or share your marketing materials. Ask them a question, ask them to share, ask them to click, tell them exactly WHY, and be clear on what’s in it for them (after all Aries rules the 1st house of identity and ‘me’). People are more likely to be thinking of themselves during this Moon, not others. Materials shared during this time should help them to IDENTIFY themselves in your branding, your offer, and your outcome. They need to see themselves in the problem, Aries wants you to give it to them straight, don’t beat around the bush, cut through the BS, tell them how it is, and don’t sugar coat it.
If it’s going to be work, say that, if the media is lying to them, tell them, if they’ve been going about the problem all wrong – be honest. They can take direct, to-the-point answers at this time, and they will respect you MORE for it.
Aries is looking for Truth Tellers and Action Takers.
Challenges are great for this time. They are more competitive, they want to outdo themselves, or even others.
Using ‘who’s in?!’, and ‘let’s do this’ language in your copy or content.
Think Headlines like: ‘5 things you don’t know about ____ that’s robbing you of ____, and how to stop it’.
They want you to cut to the point, use bullet points, use wording to show how much something pisses you off, be polarizing, share with them what others in your industry aren’t telling them, if there’s something they’re doing that’s costing them time or money, tell them. Have a shortcut? Tell them about it. They are looking for the shortest route to get them results. Talk about RESULTS.
- Bullet Points
- Content MUST be quickly digestible/useable/actionable.
- Funny Memes through your post/email/blog
- SHOW don’t tell (testimonials, screenshots of income, screenshots of comments, of other people’s results, before and afters)
- Other people they admire follow that same advice (even if you didn’t give it)
- Walk them through it, give them bite-sized homework
- Challenges – do this and come back and report.
- Make it competitive or use gamification – extra bonus points they can win a prize
- Short or inspiring videos.
- Memes or Inspirational Quotes that summarize their values or what they’re done with.
- Celebrating wins posts.
- CTAs of ONE thing you want them to do – comment below, share, sign up, post your favorite meme, subscribe to my channel, leave a comment for my podcast, subscribe to my podcast.
- ‘Yes’ Ladders – “I’m thinking about doing this/I just made this ‘thing’…if you want in/want a copy when it’s done, comment below with a ‘yes”. If you do this make sure it’s HIGH value.
- Post inspirational content that gets YOU fired up.
- Share your new opt-in
- Share your upcoming Free event/workshop
- Open your cart (only if you’ve warmed them up before)
- Hold a flash sale (only if you’ve warmed them up a bit before, ie. I have something special planned for tomorrow, watch your inbox/this space)
- Talk about what pisses you off, and what you’re done with, and ask them to comment below if they’re fed up with that too, or to comment with what they’re ‘done’ with/what pisses them off about their industry.
- Accountability Threads – what are you going to tackle in the next 24 hours, comment below and then come back here tomorrow and tell us what you were able to get done, or offer to tag them in the next day or two if they want accountability. This is especially effective if you’re holding a challenge around that topic.
? ARIES Content Calendar by Platform ♈
⛰️♉ Social Media With Taurus
NEED: Taurus is looking for security, resources, materials, finances, and quality of life, they are interested in having things work for them, but they aren’t interested in having to do a lot of work to get it done.
Aries demands a totality, and after Aries, Taurus is spent, it wants to enjoy some of its time now. The energy is slower than Aries, they want to have their cake and eat it too. They view everything through the lens of security, comfort, and safety. These are needs for Taurus.
They want to keep their comforts without having to tax themselves too much, to them there is no reason why they can’t have fun while working or getting things done. They want to do it when they are INSPIRED, at their PACE, not yours.
They cannot be rushed to make a decision or take action. In fact, trying to hurry them alone will usually result in them walking away/or digging their heels in more firmly. The emphasis here is home, security, wealth, luxury, enjoyment, and experiencing life (through their senses, foods, music, and textures), on their terms.
Taurus rules the 2nd house of resources/skills/ finances/materials/security and personally generated income in the astrology chart. If they can experience things from the comfort of their own home or space, even better.
They are focused on the homeyness of things and all the things that stem from that space. They want to do it themselves, or be pampered and have someone else do it for them, either way, they want the quick route there, they need a simple, easy, and a shortcut because they have more important living to do. We are creatures of habit in Taurus, we want our comfort zones, we want coziness, and we don’t like taking risks; if we can get away with doing it in our pajamas that works too.
Taurus is naturally a business sign because it’s stubborn and consistent with things that are important to it. It understands that business and success only work if it nurtures us RIGHT NOW as well as LATER. The gratification with Taurus needs to come NOW and LATER, it can’t just be later.
It’s interested in more than just survival, it needs to have its needs taken care of now, which is what makes it a sustainable sign for business.
However it’s not good with waiting for things, so make sure your marketing doesn’t keep them waiting too long. Don’t make it weed through a bunch of information, it wants you to have taken the time, assessed all the risks, and make the decision as EASY as possible.
If you make Taurus overthink or have to do research before it decides, the answer is likely no. If you promise something to a Taurus/during a Taurus Moon, be sure you give it to them, don’t inflate anything because they will remember.
MARKETING: Taurus will throw money at solving a problem, especially if they don’t need to have to do much to solve it, or the feeling of buying something makes them feel like they are doing something about it – think templates, done for you, step-by-step, done with you and pre-done systems. They are interested in making their lives better NOW, so anything you sell or market should fit this bill. It needs to be focused on immediate gratification, in some way, ie. Join now and get access to my templates, my system, my vault of content, etc.
They are also enticed by creating security/ financial wealth, material gain, in the short term, or alleviating themselves of guilt or shame, so if your product/service helps them forgive themselves, or feel better about themselves now, even better.
They have big hearts, they are big givers, and will often give to others at the expense of themselves, they need this kind of support in their own lives. They like ‘collecting’ things, acquiring things, that they can store up and save for later. So even if they won’t use it right away, they feel better knowing they have it. If you are selling something that has a variety of things, a slew of tools, or a vault of content or applications, especially if they can go through it at their own pace, they are more likely to buy.
They know they aren’t like other people, that systems/structures that work for others, don’t really work for them, so if you make it easy for them, give them a shortcut, or cut out the fluff that they don’t want to spend their time doing, they will become long-term customers. If they can do/include your product/service into their current routine and it seamlessly fits in, all the better, they don’t like change, so if what you’re offering requires them to have to step too much out of their habits/patterns they will likely decline.
Talk about your own ‘laziness’. Talk about your creature comforts, your vices, your indulgences. Host unboxings, and walkthroughs that show ease/simplicity/application in real-time.
Think of how your product/service can be templatized (I made that up, but you get what I mean!). How can you ‘cookie-cutter’ your offer/service, or offer something to make it easier to apply? Taurus will love you for it. Website templates, social media templates, and apps.
They also love beautiful things, beautiful branding, photos, behind-the-scenes, beautiful products/physical items/spaces, and flowers. They aren’t especially great with follow-through because they need the feeling of immediate satisfaction, which often doesn’t happen until later with larger projects/goals. So help them to feel good NOW, or THROUGH your process, step by step. Helping them implement is good, a call where you help them set up something, or a check-in call later is also good.
If they can see how investing now will not only make them feel good now but also help them improve something LATER in the near future, this is usually enough for their logical mind to say ‘yes’. They like pampering themselves. They do a lot for others, and they know others probably won’t see it, or give them a ‘permission slip’ to indulge, so they like it when your product/service makes them feel like they can pamper themselves. Marketing your product/service like a spa/retreat/get-away is also excellent.
- Give Me -don’t tell me. Give them something that’s already done for them, especially if it’s free, high value, AND beautiful.
- Videos/Live Streams
- Blogs with photos and how-tos.
- Podcasts that they can listen to while doing other stuff.
- Kindle Books or Audible/audio format.
- Videos showing lifestyle with your product/service.
- Fancy downloadables/opt-ins.
- They love great branding/product mock-ups.
- Relate parts of your life that involve being at home, being a home-body, and things that you do to pamper yourself/indulge while doing relatively mediocre/ordinary things.
- All things home and self (living spaces, family, pets, recipes/cooking, and ways of beautifying the home/office space, or material things like bags/purses (look inside my purse), my favorite self-care items/products)
- Being able to nurture and be nurtured is very Taurus.
- Buying gifts for yourself/your business, the gift you’re giving to yourself/your business, you deserve, it’s time, you work so hard, you’re always helping everyone else, ‘why not?’ luxury, top-of-the-line, best-rated, high quality, imported, rare, pamper yourself, irresistible, one-of-a-kind, limited time, edition, exclusive, (language to use when marketing to Taurus energy)
- Put the focus and the attention on them, not you. It’s all about THEM. Flatter them, compliment them. Give them shout-outs. Boost them up.
- Make your offer a great deal. Tell them how much they’re saving. Show them a chart comparison, and do the research for them. It makes them feel more secure. They like feeling like they’re getting a discount or are walking away a winner.
- Talk about the ways they can apply/use your system/product/service – in their pj’s, from the comfort of their own home, or on their phone while driving their kids to soccer practice.
- Tell them how it will make them more organized, the envy of the PTA, they like feeling like they have their shit together, so if your product/service does that, they’ll love you for it.
- They are far more capable than they ever give themselves credit for, remind them of it.
- Gifts, high-value freebies.
- Private Community Spaces where they feel comfortable and surrounded by others like them. Deliver your content in an ‘exclusive’ or private area.
- Personalized Emails, written directly to them, where you take your guard down, and share your vulnerabilities, and what’s important to you and them.
- Coaching Calls/Group Calls/Intimate Community Calls.
- Give them a system/technique that you do on the spot.
- Ways to make money, become more wealthy, be more of who they are, and be in their purpose, especially delivered through live stream, video, or audio/podcast format.
⛰️TAURUS Content Calendar by Platform ♉
♉?️ Taurus Activated Social Media Platforms
At the beginning of Taurus Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Taurus Energy: |
Facebook Posts
MC ♂☊
That's a load of Bull! (a little Taurus Astro humor for you).
With this transit we see a triple whammy of the natal Midheaven, Mars, and North Node in Taurus in Facebook's combined charts.
The Midheaven rules our reputation, public achievements, success, legacy, and what you're known for, this being in the sign of Taurus this presents possibilities for you to develop a firm business foundation and income stream through consistent (Taurus) Facebook posts. This is further activated by the addition of Mars in Taurus, with Mars ruling action, motivation, momentum, CTAs, and more specifically sales.
In addition with the North Node also being in Taurus, this serves as an opportunity to focus on common goals and higher purpose that your community and followers have in common. In this case, there can be a desire to create financial security, to 'live well', to grow wealth, and to satisfy more immediate desires. All of these placements are auspicious for generating sales on the platform.
This can be a great time to not only determine a consistent posting routine for yourself (what you choose now will be more in alignment with your habits and less likely to end up as a great but unrealistic idea) but also to think about the types of content you share that are relevant to your followers and ideal clients daily habits and routines.
Do you create and post content that people would appreciate reading daily, over morning coffee, or at night in bed as they settle in for the night? Is it something they'd look forward to reading to learn the latest developments, updates, or techniques (with ROI that is connected to saving time, money, health, or making their lives easier)?
It's important to keep in mind that the energy of Taurus is often described as lazy, and while in some specific or more personal cases, this is true, I prefer to see it as efficient in how it uses its energetic resources. If it can find a way to use less energy, less time, do less work, and still achieve a good result, then it's going to opt for the path of least resistance. After all, Taurus is a resource sign.
The focus here is to enjoy life now while also finding a way to secure the future, and keep things the way they are, or hold onto what it has. Being a fixed sign it is resistant to change, and that's what makes it so predictable. Keeping these themes and needs in mind as you write your content to your people will be helpful to understand their desires and what will draw them to your offers.
The positive features of this are that if your product or service helps them to get great results without having to do a lot of work, or still maintain their routines, you're more likely to make sales.
From a content perspective, consistency here is what allows you, your content, your ideas, and your systems to remain not only in their awareness but potentially become a part of their day and ingrained habits. At this point, it's only a matter of time when and what they purchase.
The overall influence of this transit is that this is a good time to become consistent about your messaging, offers, and posting schedule. Use this time to share high-value content, pitch, sell and ensure your CTAs are clear, and focus on content that meets the needs of your idea clients' overall goals and sense of higher purpose and growth. Nailing these will increase your conversations while also building a stable foundation for your business on Facebook.
Marketing Advice:
Authentic Storytelling: Share your brand story in a way that connects with your audience on a deeper level. Be transparent, genuine, and relatable, allowing your audience to resonate with your journey.
Example Strategies:
Create engaging video content that showcases behind-the-scenes moments, product demonstrations, or personal stories.
Craft compelling captions that evoke emotions and encourage meaningful interactions.
Share user-generated content to highlight the experiences and testimonials of your satisfied customers.
Visual Appeal: Leverage the power of visuals to capture attention and make an impact on Facebook. Invest in high-quality imagery and design elements that align with your brand's aesthetics.
Example Strategies:
Use eye-catching graphics, infographics, or carousel posts to present information in a visually appealing way.
Incorporate captivating images or videos that convey your brand's personality, values, and products/services.
Experiment with Facebook's interactive features like polls, quizzes, or AR filters to engage your audience.
Community Engagement: Foster a sense of belonging and build a loyal community around your brand on Facebook. Encourage conversations, create meaningful interactions, and provide value to your audience.
Example Strategies:
Host Facebook Live sessions to engage directly with your followers, answer their questions, and provide valuable insights.
Run contests or giveaways that require audience participation, encouraging them to engage with your content and share it with their friends.
Join relevant Facebook Groups and actively participate in discussions, offering advice, and sharing your expertise.
Facebook Stories
This is a potent period to leverage Facebook Stories to encourage your followers, clients, and viewers to take clear action. Under the influence of Taurus, this action is focused more on immediate gratification and a desire to save time, money, or effort. As well the desire can be more visually or superficially oriented with Taurus being ruled by Venus.
Can you customize your offer, pitch, or CTA to provide immediate satisfaction for them, or absolve them of guilt, or self-judgment around laziness? By saying yes to your offer does it provide them with an immediate sense of personal satisfaction that they are doing something about their problem? If the answer is yes then your offer will do exceptionally well under this transit through Facebook Stories.
This can also be a great time to use Facebook Stories as a re-cap or redirect to your Facebook Posts (see above summary) and use this time to redirect them to your offer or remind them that time is running out.
Because Taurus is drawn to high value, luxury, and exclusive offers, if your offer has limited spaces, limited numbers, or other luxury qualities to it, this can also be an excellent time to share it.
Marketing Advice:
Compelling Visuals: Leverage the visual power of Facebook Stories to capture attention and tell your brand's story. Create visually stunning content that stands out amidst the sea of stories.
Example Strategies:
Use high-quality images or videos that showcase your products, services, or behind-the-scenes moments.
Incorporate eye-catching design elements, stickers, or filters to add flair and personality to your stories.
Experiment with different story formats like boomerangs, stop motion, or interactive polls to engage your audience.
Emotional Storytelling: Connect with your audience on an emotional level through storytelling. Craft narratives that evoke feelings, resonate with their experiences, and align with your brand values.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories that reflect your brand's journey, struggles, and triumphs.
Highlight customer success stories, testimonials, or case studies to showcase the impact of your products/services.
Incorporate storytelling techniques like cliffhangers, relatable anecdotes, or inspirational messages to keep your audience engaged.
Call to Action: Encourage your audience to take action and engage with your brand through your Facebook Stories.
Example Strategies:
Use interactive features like polls, quizzes, or swipe-up links to drive engagement and gather valuable insights.
Include clear and compelling calls to action, such as "Swipe up to learn more," "Tap to shop now," or "Tag a friend who needs this."
Collaborate with influencers or partner brands to create co-branded stories that encourage cross-promotion and increase reach.
Facebook Reels
This transit sees the Moon activating natal Uranus in Taurus in Facebook Reels chart. Uranus in Taurus is all about utilizing technology, the internet, the future, and innovative approaches (Uranus) to generate income, resources, and security (Taurus).
This can be an excellent time to post your offers, ideas, or unique system to Facebook Reels. Under Uranus activities now can be more impulsive, immediate, or sudden, which also indicates this is a good time for flash sales, surprise offers, or sharing new, shocking, or unique information or details.
Marketing Advice:
Unleash Your Creativity: Embrace the freedom and creativity of Facebook Reels to showcase your unique talents, perspectives, and brand voice.
Example Strategies:
Showcase your artistic skills, whether it's painting, dancing, or playing a musical instrument.
Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your creative process or workspace.
Collaborate with other creators or influencers to co-create exciting and original Reels.
Unexpected Surprises: Tap into the element of surprise to captivate and engage your audience. Keep them on their toes by incorporating unexpected twists, humor, or exciting reveals into your Reels.
Example Strategies:
Create Reels with unexpected transitions, visual effects, or humorous storytelling.
Surprise your audience with exclusive discounts, giveaways, or special announcements hidden within your Reels.
Experiment with unexpected collaborations or guest appearances to spark intrigue and curiosity.
Authenticity and Self-Expression: Use Facebook Reels as a platform for self-expression and showcasing your brand's unique personality. Let your true self shine through in your content.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories, experiences, or anecdotes that align with your brand values.
Use music and soundtracks that resonate with your audience and reflect your brand's vibe.
Engage with your audience through comments, responding to questions, or creating Reels that address their interests or concerns.
Facebook Messenger
If you are utilizing your Facebook Posts, Facebook Reels, or Facebook Stories to generate leads, share offers, and ask people to comment for more information, and your strategy includes following up with them via DM in Facebook Messenger this can be an excellent period to do so.
Here we see the transit Moon conjunct with Facebook Messenger's natal Mercury in Taurus. Mercury rules education, information, data, communication, commerce, processing, networking, and connection, and in Taurus, this is done through a medium that is comfortable, and low-pressure. With Facebook Messenger, sharing details, especially those that were requested, using this period to follow up, or sending personalized messages that are related to business, cash flow, saving time, saving money, or luxury offers or gains can be beneficial at this time. Taurus loves a personal touch as well as the sense of exclusivity that can be attained through more private messaging, and also of course the ability to not respond (which makes this a low-pressure approach).
Not a great time for copy-pasting impersonal messages, but really great if you utilize Facebook Messengers' voice message, or video option to connect with them on a more personal basis.
With Mercury being in the mix, this may be focused on sharing detailed information, sending a link, an invite, training, inviting them to a call, answering questions, or teaching in some way.
It's important to note that under Taurus they don't do well with pressure, fear, or intimidation, and will likely resist further if you try to impose restrictions or expectations. However if they feel pampered, and excited about the offer, and if the offer is limited or exclusive in some way that can go a long way in moving the needle forward.
Marketing Advice:
Personalized Messaging: Tailor your messages to each individual recipient, making them feel seen and valued. Personalization fosters a sense of connection and increases the likelihood of engagement.
Example Strategies:
Use merge tags or custom fields to address recipients by their names.
Reference specific details or preferences based on their previous interactions or profile information.
Offer personalized recommendations or solutions based on their needs or interests.
Prompt and Timely Responses: Respond to messages promptly to show your dedication and attentiveness. Quick and reliable communication helps build trust and enhances the customer experience.
Example Strategies:
Set up automated responses to acknowledge received messages and provide estimated response times.
Use chatbots or AI-powered tools to handle common inquiries or provide immediate support.
Create a designated team or system to monitor and respond to messages efficiently.
Value-Driven Content: Provide valuable content through Messenger to educate, inform, and nurture your leads. Share insights, tips, or exclusive offers that align with your target audience's interests and pain points.
Example Strategies:
Send personalized newsletters or updates related to your industry or niche.
Offer exclusive discounts, promotions, or early access to new products or services.
Provide educational resources such as e-books, guides, or video tutorials.
Seamless Sales Funnel: Use Messenger as part of your sales funnel by guiding leads through the customer journey. Provide relevant information, address objections, and offer support to facilitate conversions.
Example Strategies:
Share product information, specifications, and customer testimonials through Messenger.
Use Messenger for product demos or consultations.
Offer personalized discounts or incentives to encourage purchase decisions.
Drive traffic from your Facebook Posts, by asking them to comment below to receive a DM with information, or access to your offer (free or paid).
At the middle & end of Taurus Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Taurus Energy: |
Facebook Posts
MC, ☊
This activation is similar to the one I included above under Facebook Posts, with the exclusion of Mars, please refer to that summary for suggestions on how to use this transit.
Facebook Reels
Here we see the Moon conjunct Facebook Reels natal North Node in Taurus. As shared above under Facebook Posts, this serves as an opportunity to focus on common goals and higher purpose that your community and followers have in common. In this case, there can be a desire to create financial security, to 'live well', to grow wealth, and to satisfy more immediate desires. All of these placements are auspicious for generating sales on the platform.
Knowing and understanding this overarching theme, and how your content, your message, your offers, and your expertise unite to serve this bigger picture need within your community and ideal clients can help you to craft content that speaks to them in a deeper way while also helping them to fulfill this purpose on some level.
Because Taurus is often focused on immediate needs, usually what we need to survive, many feel guilty or resistant around it, whether its resistance is in being open about what they want and need, or in even thinking about it. Understanding this guilt, and the commonly held stories, pain, and beliefs your community has around it and deconstructing it in your content can ensure that your content serves as a medicine.
Think of it as a permission slip. By sharing these permission slips in our content, we free people up to let go of their shame around money, security, and material needs and wants, so that they can then be their best selves and have a real impact in the world. What are these hangups for your people? Use this period to talk about them and inspire them to think bigger.
Marketing Advice:
Authentic Storytelling: Use Facebook Reels as a platform to share your stories, experiences, and insights. Authentic storytelling helps you connect with your audience on a deeper level and build a loyal following.
Example Strategies:
Share behind-the-scenes footage or glimpses into your creative process.
Use narratives that evoke emotions and resonate with your target audience's experiences.
Incorporate user-generated content to foster a sense of community and participation.
Visual Appeal: Create visually stunning videos that capture attention and inspire engagement. Focus on high-quality visuals, creative editing, and compelling aesthetics to make your Reels stand out.
Example Strategies:
Experiment with different video formats, such as tutorials, time-lapse, or stop motion.
Use eye-catching visuals, vibrant colors, and engaging transitions.
Incorporate music or sound effects that complement the mood or message of your content.
Educational and Entertaining Content: Offer value to your audience by providing educational or entertaining content through Facebook Reels. This can range from quick tips and hacks to informative tutorials or entertaining skits.
Example Strategies:
Share bite-sized educational content related to your industry or niche.
Demonstrate practical tips, tricks, or DIY projects through concise videos.
Infuse humor or creativity into your Reels to entertain and engage your audience.
Consistent Posting Schedule: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and build anticipation. Regularly share fresh and engaging content to establish a strong presence on Facebook Reels.
Example Strategies:
Create a content calendar and plan your Reels in advance.
Post at optimal times when your target audience is most active.
Use analytics and insights to track the performance of your Reels and refine your strategy.
At the beginning of Taurus Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Taurus Energy: |
Instagram Posts
Here we have the powerful alignment of the Moon and the natal North Node in Taurus in Instagram's combined charts. It's an exciting time where we can tap into the common goals and higher purpose that our community and followers share. On Instagram, this translates into a desire for financial security, the pursuit of a comfortable and abundant lifestyle, and the satisfaction of immediate desires.These influences are favorable for generating sales, especially for luxury, exclusive, or high-quality products or services, and creating a thriving business on the platform.
Understanding this overarching theme and how our content, message, offers, and expertise align with the deep needs of our community and ideal clients allows us to craft impactful content. We have the opportunity to speak directly to their core desires while helping them fulfill their purpose in meaningful ways.
Taurus is often associated with immediate needs and survival instincts as well as more material wants, which can sometimes be accompanied by feelings of guilt or resistance. We have the power to address these emotions head-on in our content, acknowledging the common stories, pain, and beliefs surrounding financial security and material desires. By deconstructing these limiting beliefs and providing permission to embrace their desires, our content becomes a transformative force, empowering our audience to step into their best selves and make a real impact in the world.
What is the shared bigger and more luxurious or material-oriented vision of your followers? Using imagery that portrays this while also giving them a permission slip to indulge themselves can gather a lot of engagement at this time.
Marketing Advice:
Authentic Visual Storytelling: Use Instagram as a platform to share your visual story and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Embrace your authenticity, showcase your unique perspective, and use visuals to convey your message.
Example Strategies:
Share captivating photos or videos that reflect your personal or brand identity.
Use Instagram Stories to provide behind-the-scenes glimpses into your life or business.
Incorporate user-generated content to foster a sense of community and authenticity.
Consistent Aesthetic: Develop a consistent visual aesthetic that sets the tone for your Instagram profile. Choose colors, filters, and themes that align with your brand and resonate with your target audience.
Example Strategies:
Curate your feed with a cohesive color palette or theme.
Experiment with different photography or editing styles to create a signature look.
Use Instagram's creative tools, such as filters or editing apps, to enhance the visual appeal of your content.
Meaningful Engagement: Foster genuine connections and meaningful engagement with your audience on Instagram. Encourage conversations, respond to comments, and create interactive experiences that invite participation.
Example Strategies:
Ask questions in your captions to spark discussions.
Respond to comments and direct messages with genuine interest and appreciation.
Run contests or giveaways that require audience participation.
Value-driven Content: Provide value to your audience by sharing informative, educational, or inspirational content. Offer tips, insights, or advice that align with your niche and address your audience's needs or interests.
Example Strategies:
Share actionable tips or tutorials related to your industry or expertise.
Create inspiring or motivational quotes that resonate with your audience.
Collaborate with influencers or experts to provide expert insights or guest content.
Instagram Reels
This transit sees the Moon activating natal Uranus in Taurus in Instagram Reels chart. Uranus in Taurus is all about utilizing technology, the internet, the future, and innovative approaches (Uranus) to generate income, resources, and security (Taurus).
This can be an excellent time to post your offers, ideas, or unique system to Instagram Reels.Under Uranus activities now can be more impulsive, immediate, or sudden, which also indicates this is a good time for flash sales, surprise offers, or sharing new, shocking, or unique information or details.
Here you may gain a lot of attention by sharing content that challenges the status quo, conventionally held beliefs, or seems counter-intuitive in some way. Don't be afraid to stand out, do things differently, have a little fun, and enjoy yourself.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Creativity: Use Instagram Reels as a platform to showcase your creative side. Experiment with different formats, effects, and storytelling techniques to grab your audience's attention.
Example Strategies:
Incorporate music, filters, and effects to enhance the visual appeal of your Reels.
Try out trending challenges or dances while infusing your personal style.
Use stop-motion, time-lapse, or other creative techniques to create visually striking content.
Show Authenticity: Infuse your Reels with authenticity and let your personality shine through. Be genuine, relatable, and engage your audience by sharing moments that highlight your unique perspective.
Example Strategies:
Share behind-the-scenes footage to give your audience a glimpse into your life or creative process.
Use captions and voiceovers to provide insights, anecdotes, or storytelling elements.
Show your imperfections and embrace authenticity to connect on a deeper level with your audience.
Surprise and Delight: Take advantage of the unexpected and surprise your audience with content that breaks the mold. Think outside the box, be bold, and create Reels that leave a lasting impression.
Example Strategies:
Create unexpected transitions or visual effects to add an element of surprise to your Reels.
Share quick tutorials or DIY hacks that provide valuable and surprising information.
Collaborate with other creators to create unique and unexpected collaborations.
Follow Trends and Leverage Virality: Stay on top of current trends and use them to your advantage. Join popular challenges, adapt them to your style, and ride the wave of virality.
Example Strategies:
Participate in trending dances, challenges, or hashtags to increase your reach.
Put your own spin on popular trends, showcasing your creativity and uniqueness.
Collaborate with influencers or popular content creators to leverage their audience and expand your reach.
Instagram Stories
With the Moon aligning with the natal Midheaven of Instagram Stories in Taurus, this transit shines a spotlight on career recognition, expertise, reputation, and the success you have built over time. The Midheaven represents what you're known for and the public image you project to the world.
During this influential period, it's time to showcase your expertise and elevate your professional presence on Instagram Stories. Leverage the platform's storytelling capabilities and visual appeal to establish yourself as a trusted authority in your field. Share valuable insights, practical tips, and engaging narratives that demonstrate your knowledge and set you apart from the competition.
This can also indicate an excellent time to sell, whether it's a flash sale or you're in the middle of a launch.
Focus on cultivating a strong personal brand that aligns with the core values of Taurus, such as reliability, perseverance, and tangible results. Consistency and authenticity are key to building a solid reputation that resonates with your audience. Showcasing your achievements, highlighting success stories, and offering behind-the-scenes glimpses into your work can help solidify your professional standing and attract new opportunities.
Embrace this transit as a chance to strengthen your career trajectory, amplify your influence, and establish yourself as a go-to expert in your industry. By leveraging the power of Instagram Stories, you can enhance your professional reputation, expand your reach, and attract new opportunities that align with your long-term success.
Marketing Advice:
Share Valuable Insights: Use Instagram Stories as a platform to provide your audience with valuable insights and information related to your niche. Showcase your expertise and establish yourself as a go-to resource for your followers.
Example Strategies:
Share tips, tricks, and how-to guides that are relevant to your industry or area of expertise.
Conduct Q&A sessions or host live chats to answer your audience's questions and provide expert advice.
Share industry news, trends, or research findings to keep your audience informed and engaged.
Behind-the-Scenes Content: Take your audience behind the scenes and provide a glimpse into your work process, projects, or daily life. This helps create a sense of authenticity and connection with your followers.
Example Strategies:
Show snippets of your creative process or the making of a product.
Share behind-the-scenes footage from events, collaborations, or photo shoots.
Offer exclusive sneak peeks or previews to build anticipation and engagement.
Engage and Interact: Utilize interactive features of Instagram Stories to engage with your audience and foster meaningful connections. Encourage your followers to participate and share their thoughts.
Example Strategies:
Use interactive stickers, polls, or quizzes to gather feedback or opinions from your audience.
Respond to DMs, comments, and mentions to show that you value your audience's engagement.
Collaborate with followers by featuring their content or incorporating their ideas into your Stories.
Showcase Testimonials and Success Stories: Leverage Instagram Stories to share testimonials and success stories from satisfied customers or clients. This helps build trust, credibility, and social proof.
Example Strategies:
Feature customer testimonials through text, images, or videos.
Share before-and-after stories or case studies showcasing the transformation or results achieved.
Highlight success stories or milestones of your business or clients.
At the middle & end of Taurus Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Taurus Energy: |
Instagram Posts
♃ ☿
Here we see the Moon conjunct the natal Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus in Instagram's combined charts. Jupiter rules publishing, teaching, higher education, personal growth, and spiritual development and embodiment. It also indicates an opportunity for growth and financial gains, when combined with Mercury we see an amplification of these themes especially when focusing on teaching through your content.
Mercury rules information, knowledge, teaching, processing, e-commerce, networking, education, and decision-making. When these two come together under the influence of Taurus this makes for a stellar period to dive headfirst into direct marketing, sales, and sharing your content and ideas openly with your followers, while also emphasizing the immediate benefits available to them. How does your offer save them time, money, and energy, make their life easier, or more luxurious in some way? There is a big emphasis here on the quality of life, freedom, and expansion of possibilities.
Marketing Advice:
Expand Your Reach: With the support of Jupiter's energy, it's time to broaden your reach on Instagram. Explore new strategies to expand your audience, attract new followers, and increase your visibility.
Example Strategies:
Collaborate with influencers or other content creators in your niche to reach new audiences.
Utilize hashtags strategically to increase the discoverability of your content.
Engage with relevant communities and participate in Instagram challenges or trends to expand your network.
Engage with Authenticity: Mercury's influence encourages open and authentic communication. Use Instagram as a platform to engage with your audience genuinely, fostering connections and building trust.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments and DMs in a timely and personalized manner, showing genuine interest in your audience's thoughts and questions.
Initiate conversations through thought-provoking captions or compelling questions in your posts.
Share relatable stories or experiences that resonate with your audience, encouraging them to engage and share their own stories.
Share Knowledge and Expertise: Leverage Instagram as a platform to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Provide valuable content that educates, informs, and inspires your audience.
Example Strategies:
Create informative and visually appealing infographics or tutorials to share industry-related tips and advice.
Host live Q&A sessions or Instagram Lives to directly interact with your audience and address their questions or concerns.
Share insightful quotes, statistics, or research findings to establish yourself as a reliable source of information in your niche.
Visual Appeal and Aesthetics: Taurus' influence emphasizes the importance of aesthetics and visual appeal. Pay attention to the visual elements of your Instagram content to create a cohesive and captivating feed.
Example Strategies:
Use high-quality images, videos, and graphics that align with your brand's style and resonate with your target audience.
Consistently apply a cohesive color palette, filters, or editing techniques to maintain a visually appealing and harmonious feed.
Experiment with different creative formats, such as carousel posts or Instagram Guides, to provide engaging and informative content.
At the beginning of Taurus Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Taurus Energy: |
TikTok Videos
This transit is all about capturing eyeballs using unconventional, or unique approaches. Here we see the Moon conjunct natal Uranus in Taurus in TikTok's combined charts. Uranus rules the unconventional, the future, innovation, genius, surprises, and unexpected change or approaches. And in the sign of Taurus, this can take the form of habits, behaviors, patterns, routines, business, finances, food, domestic activities, tools, home-based themes, fitness, and body-oriented topics.
When we think of some of the most popular topics, videos, or accounts on TikTok many of them are based around rather ordinary topics with a unique approach. For example, there are TikTok accounts focused just on cleaning, showing before and afters, time lapse videos, or cleaning strategies or techniques. The same goes for making food, food saving, money saving, fitness hacks, food prep hacks, and so on. And here we can see why with TikTok's natal placement having Uranus in Taurus. It is essentially excitement, enthusiasm, and unconventional approaches to daily human things (Taurus).
This can be a great time for you to share video content that takes an unconventional, shocking, surprising, unexpected, or innovative approach to tackling things people would like to be good at (or rather have the results of) but struggle with low dopamine around (Taurus). As well the added benefit here is watching how it improves the appearance of something (Taurus is ruled by Venus).
Let your video creation process be inspired.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Authenticity and Uniqueness: Uranus's influence encourages you to embrace your authentic self and showcase your unique talents and perspectives on TikTok. Be original, innovative, and unafraid to push the boundaries of creativity.
Example Strategies:
Create content that reflects your personality, passions, and skills, showcasing what makes you stand out from the crowd.
Experiment with different video formats, effects, and music to bring a fresh and unexpected twist to your content.
Share behind-the-scenes glimpses or process videos that highlight your creative journey, fostering a sense of connection with your audience.
Ride the Wave of Trends: TikTok is known for its viral trends and challenges. With Uranus's influence, stay tuned to the latest trends and adapt them to your unique style. Jumping on trending topics can help boost your visibility and engagement on the platform.
Example Strategies:
Participate in popular challenges or create your spin on existing trends, putting your unique twist or expertise into the mix.
Stay updated with the trending hashtags, songs, and effects to create content that resonates with the TikTok community.
Pay attention to emerging niche trends that align with your interests or expertise, allowing you to establish yourself as a go-to content creator in that area.
Engage and Collaborate: TikTok thrives on community engagement and collaboration. Uranus's energy encourages you to foster connections, engage with your audience, and collaborate with other TikTok creators.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments and engage with your audience, showing appreciation for their support and feedback.
Collaborate with other TikTok creators on duets, stitch videos, or collaboration challenges to expand your reach and tap into their follower base.
Participate in TikTok live streams or host Q&A sessions to directly interact with your audience, building a sense of community and authenticity.
Experiment with Visuals and Editing: Taurus's influence emphasizes the importance of aesthetics and visual appeal. Pay attention to the visual elements of your TikTok content, creating eye-catching and well-edited videos.
Example Strategies:
Use creative transitions, text overlays, and visual effects to enhance the storytelling in your videos.
Experiment with different video editing techniques, such as stop-motion, time-lapse, or slow-motion, to add a captivating and unique touch.
Maintain a consistent visual style or theme across your TikTok content, creating a visually appealing and recognizable brand.
TikTok Live Events
Here we see that TikTok Live events also share the same natal Uranus in Taurus placement, as Uranus moves slowly and TikTok Live Events was born only a short time after the official launch of TikTok. Please see my above summary for this activation, even though TikTok Live Events and TikTok Videos are a little different the same themes and approaches apply here, you would simply hold it in a live-video format.
At the beginning of Taurus Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Taurus Energy: |
YouTube Shorts
This transit activates the same themes as the summaries shared previously for TikTok Videos and TikTok Live events as YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and TikTok Live Events all share the same natal placement of Uranus in Taurus. So I'll include a modified version of this summary for YouTube Shorts below.
Note - given that all three of these platforms share the same Uranus placement you may wish to take segments or clips of your TikTok Videos or TikTok Live Events content and put it into your YouTube Shorts and repurpose it.
This transit is all about capturing eyeballs using unconventional, or unique approaches. Uranus rules the unconventional, the future, innovation, genius, surprises, and unexpected change or approaches. And in the sign of Taurus, this can take the form of habits, behaviors, patterns, routines, business, finances, food, domestic activities, tools, home-based themes, fitness, and body-oriented topics.
When we think of some of the most popular topics and videos on YouTube Shorts many of them are based around rather ordinary topics with a unique approach. For example, there are accounts focused just on cleaning, showing before and afters, time lapse videos, or cleaning strategies or techniques. The same goes for making food, food saving, money saving, fitness hacks, food prep hacks, and so on. And here we can see why YouTube Shorts' natal placement has Uranus in Taurus. It is essentially excitement, enthusiasm, and unconventional approaches to daily human things (Taurus).
This can be a great time for you to share video content that takes an unconventional, shocking, surprising, unexpected, or innovative approach to tackling things people would like to be good at (or rather have the results of) but struggle with low dopamine around (Taurus). As well the added benefit here is watching how it improves the appearance of something (Taurus is ruled by Venus).
Let your video creation process be inspired.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Creativity and Uniqueness: Uranus's influence encourages you to think outside the box and create content that stands out from the crowd. Embrace your creative instincts and infuse your YouTube Shorts with your unique style and flair.
Example Strategies:
Experiment with different video editing techniques, visual effects, and creative storytelling methods to capture viewers' attention.
Showcase your talents, skills, or passions in a way that is both entertaining and inspiring.
Incorporate unexpected elements, surprises, or twists in your videos to keep viewers engaged and coming back for more.
Engage and Interact: Short-form videos provide a great opportunity to connect with your audience in a concise yet impactful way. Uranus's energy encourages you to engage and interact with your viewers, fostering a sense of community and connection.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments and engage with your audience by asking questions or encouraging them to share their thoughts on your content.
Collaborate with other YouTube creators or feature viewers' content to encourage participation and create a sense of community.
Use interactive features such as polls or challenges to actively involve your viewers in your Shorts.
Embrace the Unexpected: Uranus is all about surprises and unpredictability. Use this energy to your advantage by incorporating unexpected elements or themes into your YouTube Shorts.
Example Strategies:
Create "wow" moments by showcasing extraordinary feats, unusual talents, or mind-bending tricks.
Surprise your viewers with unexpected plot twists, unconventional storytelling, or unconventional angles.
Collaborate with other creators for unexpected crossovers or guest appearances, creating buzz and excitement among your audience.
Authenticity and Originality: Taurus's influence emphasizes the value of authenticity and staying true to yourself. Use this transit to showcase your unique voice and perspective.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories, experiences, or insights that resonate with your audience and showcase your authenticity.
Focus on niche topics or themes that align with your passions and expertise, allowing you to stand out and attract a dedicated following.
Avoid copying trends or content styles verbatim and instead put your own spin on them to maintain originality.
At the middle & end of Taurus Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Taurus Energy: |
YouTube Videos, Engagement & SEO
Welcome home, Moon! This transit sees the Moon returning to the same natal placement it was born under in YouTube's combined charts. This creates what's called a lunar return and marks a new cycle, specifically around the emotional needs and desires of the public while using the platform. Ie. What really brings people to YouTube?
With the Moon in Taurus, the desire is security, comfort, the satisfaction of seeing work done or progress (without necessarily doing the work themselves), financial growth, hobbies, interests, collectibles, and pleasure-seeking activities.
This is a great time to create content that is based on your viewers' long-term interests while also appealing to their appreciation for beautiful content and visuals.
Think - ‘Unboxings’, How-to videos, before-and-afters, demonstrations, content focused on personal gains (financial, business, security), daily routines and habits, domestic topics (food, food preparation, morning routines, meal planning, organization, etc).
These are topics that will refill the cup of your community, provide satisfaction, and often dopamine hits (they get to watch someone else start and complete something without having to do any work). It also often tends to be content that ages well, which can attract ongoing viewers to your channel.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Emotional Authenticity: The Moon's influence invites you to tap into your emotions and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Authenticity is key, as it allows viewers to relate to you and creates a sense of trust and loyalty.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories and experiences that evoke emotions and connect with your viewers on a human level.
Create content that addresses common challenges, struggles, or aspirations of your audience, providing them with guidance, inspiration, or relatable advice.
Be vulnerable and open about your journey, sharing both successes and failures, to create a genuine connection with your viewers.
Establish Community and Engagement: Building a strong community on YouTube is essential for long-term success. The lunar return amplifies the importance of nurturing this community and fostering meaningful engagement.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments and engage with your viewers, showing genuine interest in their thoughts and opinions.
Organize live chats, Q&A sessions, or community events to create opportunities for direct interaction with your audience.
Encourage viewers to share their own experiences or participate in challenges related to your content, fostering a sense of belonging and involvement.
Consistency and Reliability: Taurus's influence emphasizes stability and dependability. Use this transit to establish a consistent content schedule and provide reliable value to your viewers.
Example Strategies:
Set a regular upload schedule that aligns with your audience's expectations, ensuring they know when to anticipate new content from you.
Deliver high-quality videos that meet or exceed your viewers' expectations, showcasing your dedication to providing valuable and reliable content.
Explore series or recurring themes within your content to create anticipation and build a sense of continuity.
Grounded Approach to Growth: Taurus's energy encourages a grounded and deliberate approach to growth on YouTube. Focus on sustainable strategies that align with your values and long-term vision.
Example Strategies:
Take the time to plan and strategize your content, ensuring it aligns with your overall goals and resonates with your target audience.
Collaborate with other YouTubers or cross-promote each other's content to expand your reach organically.
Invest in building your channel's brand and identity, ensuring consistency across visuals, messaging, and overall presentation.
YouTube Shorts
This transit is the same as I shared above for YouTube Videos with YouTube Videos and YouTube Shorts both sharing the same moon sign, and this transit activates a lunar return for this platform.
Please read the above summary to get an idea of how to use this transit for your YouTube Shorts. The only difference is the length of the content and potentially how you may wish to use it in your marketing strategy. With YouTube Shorts, the content is shorter, more direct, and time-sensitive. Here you can speed up some of the content that I suggested above (how-to videos turning into time-lapse videos, or before and after shots), giving several short ideas in one video, or using a series of clips to show a process, potentially with mini tips in between.
Remember, with this being a lunar return you have the power through your content to help your subscribers feel refilled, nourished, and content after viewing your content, as well as planting seeds of intrigue and excitement at what is possible moving forward.
Marketing Advice:
Storytelling Mastery: YouTube Shorts’ lunar return in Taurus invites you to master the art of storytelling in your Shorts. Embrace the power of concise narratives that captivate and resonate with your viewers.
Example Strategies:
Create short stories or vignettes that evoke specific emotions, such as humor, inspiration, or nostalgia.
Use visual storytelling techniques to convey a message or evoke an emotional response without relying heavily on dialogue.
Experiment with different storytelling formats, such as mini-series or recurring themes, to engage viewers and keep them coming back for more.
Emotional Resonance: Taurus's influence amplifies the importance of evoking emotions in your Shorts. Connect with your viewers on an emotional level, leaving a lasting impact within the short duration of each video.
Example Strategies:
Craft Shorts that explore universal emotions or experiences, such as love, friendship, success, or overcoming challenges.
Use music, visuals, and editing techniques to enhance the emotional impact of your Shorts, creating a powerful and memorable viewing experience.
Experiment with different emotional tones, from heartfelt and uplifting to thought-provoking and introspective, to cater to a diverse range of viewers.
Visual Appeal: Taurus's energy encourages you to create visually captivating Shorts that catch the eye and engage your audience from the very first second.
Example Strategies:
Pay attention to composition, lighting, and visual aesthetics to create visually stunning Shorts.
Experiment with different editing styles, transitions, and effects to add a unique touch to your videos and enhance their visual appeal.
Use text overlays or captions strategically to convey key messages or highlight important moments within the short duration.
Engage and Encourage Interaction: Taurus's lunar return emphasizes building connections and fostering engagement. Leverage Shorts' interactive features to encourage viewer participation and build a sense of community.
Example Strategies:
Prompt viewers to engage with your Shorts by asking questions, encouraging comments, or inviting them to share their own stories or opinions.
Respond to comments and engage with your audience, showing appreciation for their input and fostering a sense of belonging.
Consider collaborating with other content creators on Shorts, creating opportunities for cross-promotion and expanding your reach.
At the beginning of Taurus Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Taurus Energy: |
Twitter Posts
♄ ASC ☊
I can't imagine a better transit for those who are serious about growing their brand on Twitter.This transit brings an activation to the natal Saturn, Ascendant, and North Node in Taurus in Twitter's combined charts.
Saturn ruling security, foundations, material wealth, success built over time, tangible assets, mastery, reputation, and staying power. What is built under Saturn cannot be taken away, so long as you invest the time and necessary resources. It should be said as well that what's built under Saturn will require work, there are no hacks, no back doors, and no shortcuts, your authenticity and willingness to sacrifice are what cultivate the foundational stones that build your empire.
When combined with the natal Ascendant, which rules hints, first introductions, the first exposure, first impressions, first announcements, the face of the brand, and breadcrumbs, we can see that there is a lot of power here to build strong brand awareness, through the use of Twitter, especially focused around topics that unite your following under a common higher goal (North Node), and provide direction and a sense of purpose to their work (Taurus).
There are also clear themes here around the business building, marketing, resources, finances, habits, routines, discipline, more immediate needs, and survival-based topics (housing, income, food, etc).Whether you yourself are focused on these topics as part of your business, or what you do is interconnected to these topics in some way for your audience, or simply you utilize these themes in your own life to build your business on the platform they play a prominent role at this time.
The key here is consistency with content, the use of threads, and how-tos, including video, imagery, or other resource content in your posts, and breaking things down into bite-sized pieces that create increased engagement and following of your account.
Marketing Advice:
Consistency and Reliability: Taurus's influence emphasizes the importance of consistent and reliable content on Twitter. Establish a clear brand voice, posting schedule, and content strategy that aligns with your expertise and resonates with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Create a content calendar to plan and schedule your tweets, ensuring a consistent flow of valuable content.
Focus on delivering reliable information, insights, and resources that your audience can depend on.
Build a reputation for being consistent in your interactions, responding to comments and engaging with your followers regularly.
Authentic Expertise: Taurus's alignment with the Ascendant and North Node highlights the need to showcase your expertise and build your personal brand on Twitter. Share valuable knowledge, insights, and perspectives that position you as a trusted authority in your field.
Example Strategies:
Share informative threads, industry news, or thought leadership content that demonstrates your expertise.
Engage in meaningful conversations and offer valuable insights within your niche.
Collaborate with other experts or influencers on Twitter to expand your reach and leverage collective knowledge.
Engaging Visuals: Taurus's lunar transit encourages you to incorporate visually appealing elements into your tweets. Grab attention and enhance engagement by using compelling visuals and aesthetics.
Example Strategies:
Include eye-catching images, GIFs, or videos in your tweets to make them stand out in the Twitter feed.
Experiment with different visual formats, such as infographics or slide decks, to convey information in a visually appealing way.
Use consistent branding elements, colors, and fonts to create a cohesive visual identity on Twitter.
Build Authentic Connections: Taurus's influence highlights the importance of building genuine connections and fostering a supportive community on Twitter. Engage with your followers, initiate conversations, and create a space where people feel valued and heard.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments, mentions, and direct messages, showing genuine interest and appreciation for your audience.
Participate in Twitter chats, industry discussions, or hashtag campaigns to connect with like-minded individuals and expand your network.
Share personal anecdotes, stories, or behind-the-scenes glimpses to humanize your brand and foster a sense of authenticity.
Twitter Spaces
♅ Rx
This transit is focused on the implementation and application of unconventional approaches, innovative ideas, and new information directly into the lives and businesses of your followers and community.
This can foster great discussions through Twitter Spaces, especially on how to create real-world results, pattern interrupts, behavioral and habit changes and generate more security, safety, and happiness in your community through the application of unconventional ideas and approaches. This may involve the use of technology to make life simpler, and easier, or address topics that are new, futuristic, or cutting edge, and how we can embody them or enmesh them more fully in our lives to improve our living situation or quality of life.
How do your work, your methods, and your approaches differ from what is normally out there?
How can your followers benefit from practicing or implementing some of these ideas directly in their lives?
What are the ramifications of doing so?
This can be a great time to explore these topics in your community.
Marketing Advice:
Unique and Thought-Provoking Topics: Taurus's alignment with Uranus Retrograde highlights the need for unique and thought-provoking topics in your Twitter Spaces. Break away from the mainstream and explore subjects that are unconventional, unexpected, and generate curiosity among your audience.
Example Strategies:
Host Spaces that delve into emerging trends, cutting-edge technologies, or thought-provoking concepts in your industry.
Invite special guests or experts with unique perspectives to share their insights and spark captivating discussions.
Experiment with themed Spaces that stand out from the usual conversations on Twitter.
Engaging and Interactive Experiences: Taurus's lunar transit encourages you to create engaging and interactive experiences within your Twitter Spaces. Foster a sense of community, participation, and connection among your listeners.
Example Strategies:
Encourage audience participation through polls, Q&A sessions, or interactive discussions within your Spaces.
Incorporate engaging visuals, such as presentation slides or visual aids, to enhance the listening experience.
Collaborate with other Twitter users or influencers to co-host Spaces and bring diverse perspectives to the conversations.
Authenticity and Emotional Connection: Taurus's influence emphasizes the importance of authenticity and emotional connection in your Twitter Spaces. Create an atmosphere where listeners feel comfortable, valued, and emotionally engaged.
Example Strategies:
Share personal anecdotes, stories, or experiences that resonate with your audience and create a sense of relatability.
Show vulnerability and authenticity by sharing your own journey, challenges, and lessons learned.
Foster a supportive and inclusive environment within your Spaces, encouraging listeners to share their thoughts and experiences.
Promote and Leverage Twitter Spaces: Taurus's alignment with the Moon encourages you to actively promote and leverage your Twitter Spaces. Utilize other Twitter features and platforms to attract a wider audience and increase engagement.
Example Strategies:
Tweet in advance to announce upcoming Spaces, creating anticipation and generating interest among your followers.
Cross-promote your Spaces on other social media platforms or through collaborations with influencers to reach new audiences.
Encourage listeners to share their experiences and key takeaways from your Spaces, amplifying the reach and impact of your conversations.
Twitter Community Spaces
This transit serves as an opportunity to connect more deeply with your community and followingthrough Twitter Community Spaces by facilitating or participating in discussions focused on the bigger overarching purpose or higher calling of your community. Specifically, what they feel they are here to fulfill, especially in relation to their work, their business, their income, or their personal habits and goals.
With the Moon conjunct with the North Node in Taurus in Twitter Community Spaces, there is a bigger reason for the drive towards material security, maybe it's so that they can make a greater impact, maybe it's so that they have more time to focus on things that are deeply important to them. There may be obstacles, guilt, emotional blockages, or fears that are preventing them from reaching these goals, due to their belief systems around financial wealth, security, or capability.
This can be a good time to facilitate discussions around these topics as they relate to your work and the needs and challenges of your community.
Marketing Advice:
Authenticity and Inclusivity: Taurus's alignment with the North Node highlights the importance of authenticity and inclusivity when building communities on Twitter. Create a safe and welcoming space where individuals can express themselves, share their experiences, and feel heard.
Example Strategies:
Encourage open and respectful dialogue within your Community Spaces, allowing diverse perspectives to be heard and respected.
Promote a culture of inclusivity by actively engaging with and amplifying voices from marginalized communities.
Share personal stories and experiences that resonate with your community, building trust and relatability.
Engage and Empower: Taurus's lunar transit emphasizes the need to actively engage and empower your community members. Foster a sense of ownership and participation, encouraging individuals to take an active role in shaping the community.
Example Strategies:
Host regular Q&A sessions or AMA (Ask Me Anything) events within your Community Spaces, giving community members an opportunity to ask questions and share insights.
Collaborate with community members to co-create content, allowing them to contribute their expertise and perspectives.
Offer resources, tools, or educational content that empowers your community members to achieve their goals or overcome challenges.
Value-driven Content: Taurus's influence encourages you to provide value-driven content that aligns with the interests and needs of your community. Offer resources, insights, and inspiration that enrich their lives or support their personal or professional growth.
Example Strategies:
Conduct polls or surveys to understand the topics or areas of interest within your community, then curate content that addresses those needs.
Share informative articles, tutorials, or case studies that provide practical tips and advice related to your community's interests.
Showcase success stories or profiles of community members who have achieved notable milestones or made a positive impact.
Foster Community Engagement: Taurus's alignment with the Moon encourages you to foster community engagement and create opportunities for connection and collaboration.
Example Strategies:
Organize virtual meetups, networking events, or themed discussions within your Community Spaces, encouraging community members to interact and form connections.
Initiate hashtag challenges or community projects that allow members to collaborate and showcase their skills or creativity.
Recognize and celebrate community milestones, anniversaries, or achievements to foster a sense of pride and belonging.
At the middle & end of Taurus Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Taurus Energy: |
Twitter Community Spaces
♅ Rx
With an activation to natal Uranus Retrograde in Taurus, the focus of this transit is implementation, deep inquiry and introspection, modification, experimentation, and transformation within the self aroundinnovative, unconventional, or unexamined ideas, themes, and changes.
Uranus operates like a lightning rod, transferring information rapidly, and rather chaotically (or at least in a way that's often not in our control). It rules uncontrollable change and evolution, and when retrograde this energy is turned inward. Taurus rules our everyday security, habits, behaviors, patterns, finances, resources (food, time, energy, housing), assets, as well as physical and emotional needs and wants.
It also often tends to be quite stubborn and resistant to change, so the interaction of Uranus and Taurus could not be any more different. What is designed to inspire, or even force change comes up against what is designed to resist change at all costs.
This transit in Twitter Community Spaces chart is here to help us discuss the ramifications of these changes that are happening in our world, in our financial sectors, in our food sectors, in our creature comforts, retirement funds, in our skills and other assets, and how these changes are forcing change within us whether we like it or not. That the world itself is not what it used to be, and putting our heads in the sand isn't going to make it go away.
And so here, one of the best discussion opportunities you have is that we are being forced to face these changes one way or another. Here you can share your ideas, your insights, data, a new application of concepts, or new ways to make the transition more seamless, less painless, or more exciting for them.
Uranus rules the future, and these changes will have ripple effects, what opportunities or challenges does that create for your followers?
This is where your content gold can be found.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Uniqueness: Uranus Retrograde's influence highlights the importance of embracing your uniqueness when building communities on Twitter. Encourage individuals to express their authentic selves, share diverse perspectives, and create an environment where everyone feels accepted and celebrated.
Example Strategies:
Encourage community members to showcase their unique talents, skills, or expertise within the Community Spaces.
Embrace and celebrate different opinions, even if they challenge the status quo, fostering an environment of open-mindedness and inclusivity.
Collaborate with unconventional influencers or thought leaders who bring fresh perspectives and engage with your community.
Innovation and Experimentation: Uranus Retrograde's transit encourages you to innovate and experiment with new formats, features, or approaches to community-building on Twitter. Embrace cutting-edge technologies, emerging trends, and creative strategies to captivate your community members.
Example Strategies:
Explore interactive elements within your Community Spaces, such as polls, quizzes, or live challenges, to engage and captivate your audience.
Incorporate multimedia content, including videos, GIFs, or visual storytelling, to add excitement and variety to your community experience.
Stay up to date with the latest Twitter features and updates, leveraging new tools to enhance engagement and interaction within your Community Spaces.
Spontaneity and Excitement: Uranus Retrograde's alignment with the Moon calls for a touch of spontaneity and excitement within your community-building efforts. Create an environment that sparks curiosity, surprises, and keeps your community members on their toes.
Example Strategies:
Host impromptu sessions or surprise guests within your Community Spaces, providing unique and unexpected experiences.
Incorporate elements of gamification, challenges, or contests to infuse excitement and friendly competition among community members.
Collaborate with influencers or industry experts for exclusive and spontaneous Q&A sessions or live discussions.
Nurturing Collaboration: Uranus Retrograde's influence encourages you to foster collaboration and collective intelligence within your Community Spaces. Create opportunities for community members to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on projects or initiatives.
Example Strategies:
Organize themed discussions or brainstorming sessions within your Community Spaces, encouraging community members to contribute their insights and ideas.
Facilitate networking opportunities, connecting community members with complementary skills or interests.
Initiate community-driven projects or initiatives where members can collaborate and create something meaningful together.
Twitter Posts
♅ Rx
This transit is aspecting the same placements in Twitter's chart as it does in Twitter Community Spaces that I shared above. Please refer to that summary to create the content topics for your posts. An added benefit here is that you can also turn these topics into threads or a series with Twitter Posts.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Unconventional Topics: Uranus Retrograde's influence encourages you to embrace unconventional topics and discussions on Twitter. This is the perfect time to tap into niche interests, share alternative perspectives, and engage with thought-provoking content.
Example Strategies:
Initiate conversations around emerging trends, controversial subjects, or overlooked topics.
Collaborate with influencers or thought leaders who challenge the status quo and offer unique insights.
Participate in Twitter chats or hashtag campaigns that focus on unconventional themes.
Innovate Communication Styles: Uranus Retrograde's transit calls for innovative communication styles on Twitter. Break free from traditional approaches and experiment with new formats, visuals, or interactive elements to captivate your audience.
Example Strategies:
Incorporate multimedia content, such as videos, GIFs, or infographics, to add excitement and variety to your tweets.
Experiment with Twitter Spaces to host live audio conversations and engage with your followers in real-time.
Use innovative storytelling techniques to convey your message and capture attention.
Challenge the Status Quo: Uranus Retrograde's alignment with the Moon invites you to challenge the status quo on Twitter. Dare to express your unique opinions, challenge prevailing narratives, and encourage critical thinking among your followers.
Example Strategies:
Share thought-provoking tweets that challenge conventional wisdom or spark meaningful discussions.
Engage in respectful debates with others, offering alternative viewpoints and encouraging open-mindedness.
Retweet and amplify content from diverse voices that challenge the mainstream narrative.
Embrace Authenticity: Uranus Retrograde's transit encourages you to embrace your authentic self on Twitter. Be true to your values, share personal experiences, and build genuine connections with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories and anecdotes that resonate with your followers' emotions and experiences.
Engage in meaningful interactions by responding to comments and messages with authenticity and empathy.
Showcase your expertise and unique perspective on relevant topics, positioning yourself as a trusted and relatable voice.
At the beginning of Taurus Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Taurus Energy: |
LinkedIn Posts, Articles, Lead Gen
⨀ ☾
With the Moon aligning with the natal Sun and Moon in Taurus, this transit brings a harmonious blend of emotional stability, practicality, and a grounded approach to LinkedIn.
Taurus represents reliability, perseverance, and a focus on tangible results, which aligns perfectly with the professional networking and career-oriented nature of LinkedIn. Here we see a lunar return in Taurus in the combined charts of LinkedIn. This marks a new cycle, a new beginning, especially for your business, and presents opportunities for you to share your work.
Share valuable content, insights, and practical advice that demonstrates your expertise and helps others in their professional journeys. As well the connections you make at this time can form the foundations or long-term relationships that will grow your business for the next several years.
Utilize the platform's features, such as articles, posts, and interactions, to showcase your achievements and share valuable resources that support professional growth. Build long-term relationships and develop trust through consistent high-value content and insightful personalized engagement.
Marketing Advice:
Cultivate a Strong Personal Brand: LinkedIn is all about personal branding, and the lunar return amplifies this focus. Take the opportunity to refine and strengthen your professional image, highlighting your expertise, skills, and unique qualities.
Example Strategies:
Optimize your LinkedIn profile by including a professional headshot, a compelling headline, and a concise yet impactful summary.
Share valuable industry insights through thought leadership articles or engaging posts that showcase your expertise.
Engage in relevant LinkedIn groups and discussions, offering insights and perspectives that align with your personal brand.
Expand Your Network: The lunar return prompts you to expand your professional network on LinkedIn. Connect with like-minded individuals, industry peers, and potential collaborators who can contribute to your professional growth.
Example Strategies:
Actively engage with others by liking, commenting, and sharing their content to build meaningful connections.
Attend virtual networking events or webinars and follow up with personalized messages to establish relationships.
Seek out LinkedIn groups related to your industry or interests and actively participate in discussions to expand your network.
Share Engaging Content: To make the most of your lunar return on LinkedIn, focus on creating and sharing compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Provide valuable insights, industry updates, and actionable tips to position yourself as a trusted authority.
Example Strategies:
Publish articles on LinkedIn's publishing platform, addressing relevant industry topics or sharing your professional experiences.
Create engaging visuals, such as infographics or slideshows, to accompany your posts and capture attention.
Incorporate storytelling techniques in your content to make it relatable and memorable to your audience.
Enhance Professional Development: The lunar return in Taurus encourages you to invest in your professional development on LinkedIn. Take advantage of LinkedIn Learning courses, certifications, and networking opportunities to enhance your skills and stay ahead in your industry.
Example Strategies:
Explore LinkedIn Learning courses or certifications that align with your career goals and interests.
Engage with industry leaders and influencers through LinkedIn Live events or webinars to gain insights and expand your knowledge.
Seek recommendations and endorsements from colleagues or clients to showcase your expertise and credibility.
At the middle & end of Taurus Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Taurus Energy: |
LinkedIn Posts, Articles, Lead Gen
☿ Rx ☊
One of the things that build your LinkedIn profile over time is content that not only ages well, but is full of power-packed, insightful, and high-value information that not only supports your readers in what they need to know now or in the future but also appeals to their higher sense of purpose, belonging and fulfillment.
Here we see the Moon conjunct natal Mercury Retrograde and North Node in Taurus in LinkedIn's combined charts. With Mercury Retrograde in Taurus, we may take longer to go and take action on materials, knowledge, and information. We may need to re-read it, process it, integrate it, or understand its impact or relevance for us, or we may need time to bring our businesses to a stage where we can use and benefit from it. But being able to have content that we can trust and return to builds valuable connections, expertise, and long-term clients.
They may not be in a place to make a mental decision at this point, so it's helpful to look at this as a period of creating content to feed your pipeline and meet the needs of a broad range of potential clients at different stages in their journey.
Under the influence of the North Node in Taurus in LinkedIn's chart, we can see that the commonly shared higher purpose of users of the platform is business success, financial security, business growth, access to resources, and meeting immediate needs.
Understanding this, and incorporating it into your content, even on a subliminal or subconscious level will help to not only meet more immediate needs of your readers and connections in terms of information but will also remind them they're in the right place, and that by following your material not only will they meet more of their immediate needs but they will also fulfill other bigger parts of themselves who desire to utilize their material gains for greater, more meaningful impact in the world.
Marketing Advice:
Effective Communication: With the lunar transit activating LinkedIn's Mercury Retrograde, it's an ideal time to improve your communication skills and ensure your messages are clear, concise, and impactful.
Example Strategies:
Craft compelling headlines and engaging intros for your LinkedIn articles and posts.
Use storytelling techniques to make your content relatable and memorable.
Pay attention to your tone, ensuring it aligns with your personal brand and resonates with your audience.
Thought Leadership: The conjunction with LinkedIn's North Node suggests a calling to share your expertise and become a thought leader in your industry. Focus on providing valuable insights and positioning yourself as a trusted authority.
Example Strategies:
Publish well-researched articles or thought leadership pieces that showcase your expertise.
Engage in industry-related conversations and share your unique perspective.
Collaborate with other influencers or experts to co-create content that offers a comprehensive view of a topic.
Networking and Collaboration: The lunar transit encourages you to expand your professional network and seek out collaborative opportunities on LinkedIn. Connect with like-minded professionals, engage in discussions, and build meaningful relationships.
Example Strategies:
Actively participate in LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry or interests.
Reach out to professionals who share similar goals or can complement your expertise.
Offer to contribute as a guest writer or speaker for webinars, podcasts, or other professional platforms.
Lifelong Learning: The Moon in Taurus conjunct LinkedIn's Mercury Retrograde and North Node highlights the importance of continuous learning and professional development. Utilize LinkedIn Learning and other resources to acquire new skills and knowledge.
Example Strategies:
Explore LinkedIn Learning courses or certifications that align with your professional goals.
Join webinars, workshops, or virtual events to expand your knowledge base.
Seek mentorship or coaching opportunities to enhance your career growth.
At the beginning of Taurus Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Taurus Energy: |
Spotify Podcasts
This period amplifies the reach of your podcast through Spotify Podcasts. During this transit, we see the Moon conjunct the natal Midheaven in Taurus in Spotify's chart. The Midheaven rules our reputation, accumulated experiences and successes, legacy, and what we're known for, and in the sign of Taurus, we see business stability, financial growth, security, and consistency.
If your Podcast is focused on business, or the everyday survival-based needs and necessities of life, such as food, fitness, domestic responsibilities, work, habits, or the skills needed to overcome and create a stable successful future then this is an excellent time for you.
This is a great time to bring attention to what you do, through direct offers, launches, or sales during your podcast, as the spotlight will be on you. If you have been diligently working towards the completion of a project, offer, or significant part of your business or brand this can be an excellent time to announce or release it.
You can also bring further attention to your work by interviewing guests who have a compatible following, or whose brand is larger than yours.
If you have sponsors you'll want to be careful who you align your brand with as their reputation becomes yours, and with this placement, you can see a ripple effect that impacts you in either a positive or negative way.
Marketing Advice:
High-Quality Content: With the lunar transit activating Spotify Podcast's Midheaven, it's crucial to deliver high-quality and engaging content that resonates with your target audience.
Example Strategies:
Conduct thorough research and preparation for each episode to provide valuable insights and information.
Utilize storytelling techniques to captivate your listeners and keep them engaged throughout the episode.
Invite industry experts or influential guests to share their perspectives and enhance the overall quality of your podcast.
Professional Branding: The alignment with Spotify Podcast's Midheaven emphasizes the importance of presenting your podcast with a professional and consistent brand identity.
Example Strategies:
Design a visually appealing podcast cover art that reflects the tone and essence of your show.
Create a compelling podcast description that clearly communicates the value and unique selling points of your podcast.
Establish a consistent tone and style in your podcast episodes to build recognition and loyalty among your listeners.
Strategic Networking: The Moon conjunct the Midheaven signals a favorable time for networking and collaborating with other podcasters and industry professionals.
Example Strategies:
Reach out to other podcasters in your niche for potential guest appearances or cross-promotion opportunities.
Participate in podcasting conferences, events, or virtual meetups to connect with like-minded individuals.
Engage with your audience through social media and encourage them to share your podcast with their networks.
Amplify Your Reach: The lunar transit presents an opportunity to expand your podcast's reach and attract a larger audience.
Example Strategies:
Promote your podcast episodes on social media platforms, utilizing compelling visuals, catchy captions, and relevant hashtags.
Utilize email marketing to notify your subscribers about new episodes, special guests, or exclusive content.
Consider collaborating with influencers or industry leaders to amplify your podcast's reach through their established networks.
Google Podcasts
This transit activates the same themes as the summaries shared previously for TikTok Videos, TikTok Live Events, and YouTube Shorts. TikTok, TikTok Live Events, YouTube Shorts, and Google Podcasts all share the same natal placement of Uranus in Taurus. So I'll include a modified version of this summary for Google Podcasts below.
This transit is all about capturing eyeballs using unconventional, or unique approaches. Uranus rules the unconventional, the future, innovation, genius, surprises, and unexpected change or approaches.And in the sign of Taurus, this can take the form of habits, behaviors, patterns, routines, business, finances, food, domestic activities, tools, home-based themes, fitness, and body-oriented topics.
When we think of some of the most popular topics and themes on Google Podcasts many of them are based around rather ordinary topics with a unique approach. For example, there are podcasts focused just on cleaning, cleaning strategies, or techniques. The same goes for making food, food saving, money saving, fitness hacks, food prep hacks, business solutions, techniques, hacks, and so on. And here we can see why Google Podcasts' natal placement has Uranus in Taurus. It is essentially excitement, enthusiasm, and unconventional approaches to daily human things (Taurus).
This can be a great time for you to share podcast content that takes an unconventional, shocking, surprising, unexpected, or innovative approach to tackling things people would like to be good at (or rather have the results of) but struggle with low dopamine around (Taurus). As well the added benefit here is learning how it increases revenue and improves productivity, sleep, sex, health, or any other Taurus-ruled theme.
If you also include videos with your Podcasts you could include time lapse videos, how-to videos, and before and afters, in the content to help boost dopamine and activate Taurus' love for beautiful solutions (with it being ruled by Venus).
If you video record your podcast you may also wish to share clips or segments of it in your TikTok Videos, TikTok Live Events, or YouTube Shorts or take content from those platforms and share it through your Podcast.
Let your podcast creation process be inspired.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Technological Innovations: The alignment with Google Podcasts' Uranus encourages you to leverage the latest technological advancements to enhance your podcasting experience.
Example Strategies:
Utilize interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, or live chats to actively engage your listeners and make them a part of the conversation.
Explore virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) technologies to create immersive podcasting experiences.
Experiment with 360-degree audio or binaural recording techniques to offer a unique and captivating listening experience.
Explore Unconventional Formats: With the lunar transit activating Google Podcasts' Uranus, it's time to think outside the box and experiment with alternative podcasting formats.
Example Strategies:
Create serialized podcasts that follow a narrative arc or tell a story over multiple episodes, keeping your audience eagerly awaiting each new instalment.
Incorporate guest interviews, panel discussions, or roundtable conversations to offer diverse perspectives and engage your listeners in dynamic discussions.
Produce live podcast episodes or streaming events that allow your audience to interact with you in real-time.
Amplify Your Podcast's Visibility: The Moon conjunct the natal Uranus invites you to explore innovative ways to promote and distribute your podcast to a wider audience.
Example Strategies:
Optimize your podcast's metadata, including titles, descriptions, and tags, to improve its visibility in search results.
Submit your podcast to various directories, platforms, and social media channels to reach new listeners.
Collaborate with influencers or other podcasters to cross-promote each other's shows and tap into each other's fan bases.
Engage with Your Community: The lunar transit presents an opportunity to build a strong and engaged community around your podcast.
Example Strategies:
Encourage listener feedback and incorporate their suggestions or questions into future episodes.
Create a dedicated space, such as a Facebook group or Discord server, where your audience can connect, share insights, and engage in discussions related to your podcast.
Host live Q&A sessions or AMA (Ask Me Anything) episodes to directly interact with your listeners and build a personal connection with them.
At the middle & end of Taurus Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of TaurusEnergy: |
Spotify Podcasts
This transit sees the Moon conjunct the Sun in Taurus in Spotify Podcast's natal chart. This in essence creates an impact similar to a 'New Moon' or new cycle, as when the Sun and Moon come together during the lunar cycle the Moon enters a new stage.
In general the Sun placement in a chart, especially a business or social media chart indicates a natural spotlight of attention and influence. And whatever is released under that activation gets more attention, influence, and recognition than at any other time in the cycle, with the least amount of effort.
With the Sun in Taurus, some of the main topics that do well on Spotify Podcasts are business podcasts, habit-based podcasts, productivity, income and financial planning, food, and meal-planning, diet, and health, and money-saving as well as anything that shortcuts a process.
If your podcast is focused on any of those topics then this is an extra special transit for you, and if it isn't, fear not it doesn't mean you can't use this transit. You'll simply want to combine your content with something I've mentioned above or use a Taurus-like approach to the content. For example, talk about hacks or shortcuts, provide a how-to, emphasize the easy route, or easy approach, leverage habits, behaviors, or skills they already possess, or on how they can get an immediate benefit to whatever you're talking about.
This can also be a great time for launches, promotions, reveals, sales, or hints about what you have coming down the pipeline.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Authenticity: The alignment with Spotify Podcasts' Sun encourages you to infuse your podcast with your true personality and values, creating an authentic connection with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories, experiences, or anecdotes that resonate with your listeners and create a sense of relatability.
Let your passion and enthusiasm shine through your voice and delivery, creating an engaging and captivating listening experience.
Be transparent and open about your journey, including the challenges, successes, and lessons learned along the way.
Showcase Expertise: With the lunar transit activating Spotify Podcasts' Sun, it's time to establish yourself as an authority in your podcasting niche and provide valuable insights to your audience.
Example Strategies:
Invite industry experts or thought leaders as guests on your podcast to share their knowledge and perspectives.
Offer educational episodes that provide practical tips, advice, or step-by-step guides to help your listeners solve problems or achieve their goals.
Dive deep into specific topics, providing in-depth analysis and expert opinions to establish your credibility.
Engage with Your Audience: The Moon conjunct the natal Sun invites you to build a strong and interactive community around your podcast, fostering engagement and loyalty.
Example Strategies:
Encourage listener feedback, questions, or topic suggestions and incorporate them into future episodes.
Host live Q&A sessions or listener call-ins to directly interact with your audience and build a sense of connection.
Leverage social media platforms to engage with your listeners, respond to comments, and initiate discussions related to your podcast episodes.
Optimize Discoverability: The lunar transit presents an opportunity to enhance your podcast's visibility on Spotify and reach a wider audience.
Example Strategies:
Craft compelling episode titles and descriptions that highlight the key topics, benefits, or intriguing aspects of your content.
Utilize relevant tags and categories to optimize your podcast's discoverability within Spotify's search and recommendation algorithms.
Encourage your existing listeners to leave reviews and ratings on Spotify, which can help boost your podcast's visibility and attract new listeners.
At the beginning of Taurus Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Taurus Energy: |
Google Search, Publishing, SEO
♄ Rx
This can be a potent time to build upon the content you've already published, refine your core content, revisit your core marketing and optimization strategies, or adjust your content to meet the needs, wants, and long-term revenue opportunities available to you, based on current and up-to-date data. You can also use this period to create and add content upgrades on your articles to grow your email list or unlock content through encouraging signups to your website. This works like a mini funnel to connect further with your followers, readers, and subscribers.
From an analytics approach, this can be a great time to do deeper keyword research, build strong backlinks, and improve your metadata, headlines, and SEO.
With this being a Taurus Moon conjunct natal Saturn retrograde in Google's combined charts it can be helpful to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day, these changes will occur over time and should be a part of your ongoing maintenance of your site, to improve it's ranking and drive targeted traffic to your site, and grow your list.
Marketing Advice:
Establish Strong Foundations: The alignment with Google's Saturn Retrograde emphasizes the importance of solid foundations in your online presence.
Example Strategies:
Conduct a thorough website audit to ensure that your site structure, navigation, and user experience are optimized for search engines and visitors.
Create an editorial calendar or content plan that outlines a consistent publishing schedule and aligns with your audience's needs and interests.
Invest time in keyword research to identify relevant and high-impact keywords to incorporate into your content.
Implement Effective SEO Strategies: With the lunar transit activating Google's Saturn Retrograde, it's a favorable time to optimize your content for search engines and improve your visibility.
Example Strategies:
Focus on on-page optimization techniques such as incorporating relevant keywords in your titles, headings, meta tags, and content.
Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry to enhance your website's authority and credibility.
Optimize your website's loading speed and mobile responsiveness, as these factors can significantly impact search rankings.
Provide Reliable and Authoritative Content: The Moon conjunct the natal Saturn Retrograde encourages you to establish yourself as a trusted source of information in your niche.
Example Strategies:
Conduct thorough research and provide well-referenced and fact-checked content that offers valuable insights to your audience.
Write in-depth and comprehensive articles that cover important topics in your industry, demonstrating your expertise and knowledge.
Publish case studies, white-papers, or research findings to showcase your authority and credibility in your field.
Foster Long-Term Growth: The lunar transit presents an opportunity to focus on sustainable and long-term growth strategies for your online presence.
Example Strategies:
Build a community around your blog or website by encouraging comments, discussions, and sharing of your content.
Collaborate with influencers or experts in your industry to create guest posts or co-authored content that expands your reach.
Monitor and analyze your website's performance using analytics tools to identify areas for improvement and optimization.
⨀ ☿ Rx
Here we see an activation of the Sun and Mercury Retrograde in Taurus in Substack's combined charts. The Sun indicates an opportunity to bring awareness to your work to both new and seasoned subscribers, cover new topics, build out your content into a series or dive deeper into some topics to build a more thorough article library.
With the activation of natal Mercury Retrograde, we are reminded that old content can be made new again and that your subscribers whether new or old likely haven't seen all of your content, opening upopportunities to leverage previous work. You can also use this as a period to update your content if relevant developments or new information has come to light. As well this is a great time to create a resource list of some of your best content or turn it into a series. Here under natal Mercury Retrograde, this is about reviewing as much for you as it is for your readers, so you may wish to adjust your strategy, or include more keyword optimization in your content, or break content apart into smaller articles.
This period also indicates that they may focus more on review of your content and materials, spend more time processing what you've shared, or are focused on integration. Either way, this marks an excellent period to plant seeds for content you plan to write, build a promotion strategy around some of your more powerful pieces, and use this to build resources to attract new paid subscribers or other strategies based on your goals for your Substack.
Under Taurus, there is a focus on business, financial gains and security, leverage, habits, and more daily needs and desires. Whether this is something you discuss directly in your content or is just something that may be top of mind for you and/or your audience at this moment is helpful to recognize it so that you can clarify your direction and provide more impactful content.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Authenticity: The alignment with Substack's Sun encourages you to embrace your unique voice and personal brand.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories, experiences, and insights that resonate with your subscribers and reflect your authenticity.
Infuse your writing with your personality and allow your passion for the subject matter to shine through.
Show vulnerability and create a genuine connection with your readers by sharing your challenges and triumphs.
Provide Valuable Insights: With the Moon conjunct Substack's Sun, it's a favorable time to showcase your expertise and share valuable insights with your subscribers.
Example Strategies:
Offer in-depth analysis, expert opinions, or behind-the-scenes information related to your niche.
Conduct interviews with industry leaders or influencers to provide unique perspectives and insider knowledge.
Share practical tips, strategies, or actionable advice that your subscribers can implement in their own lives or businesses.
Refine Your Communication Style: The lunar transit activating Substack's Mercury Retrograde invites you to reflect on your writing style and make improvements to enhance your communication with subscribers.
Example Strategies:
Review your past newsletters and identify areas where you can improve clarity, organization, or overall readability.
Experiment with different formats, such as including visuals, infographics, or video content to enhance engagement.
Encourage feedback from your subscribers and use it to refine your content and address their specific needs and interests.
Build a Loyal Subscriber Base: The Moon's alignment with Substack's Sun and Mercury Retrograde emphasizes the importance of nurturing and growing your subscriber community.
Example Strategies:
Offer exclusive content, bonuses, or early access to create a sense of exclusivity and reward your loyal subscribers.
Engage with your subscribers by encouraging comments, questions, and discussions, and responding promptly to build a sense of community.
Collaborate with other Substack writers or influencers in your niche to cross-promote each other's newsletters and expand your reach.
☿ ♂ MC
This is a potent period for your Patreon Membership that shouldn't be underestimated. Here we have the Moon transit conjunct natal Mercury, Mars, and Midheaven in Taurus in Patreon's combined charts. With Mercury being activated this is an important time for sharing and teaching your content with your audience and Patrons, in a very grounded and down-to-earth way. Specifically, content that is related to 'how-to's, 'before-and-afters', processes that save time, energy, and money or improve the quality of their life in some way. Under the influence of Mercury, they're more likely to absorb what you're sharing.
Next, we have the activation to Mars which indicates that your community is motivated, especially to take action around themes that involve bettering their every day, easing their workload, or increasing their cash flow. This pair indicates an excellent time for a launch or promotion whether it be to bring new Patrons into your community or to encourage your current Patrons to move up a tier, especially if you give them something as a high-value or luxury bonus that either does the work for them, or again saves them time or energy, or just makes them look good.
Finally with the activation of the Midheaven of Patreon's combined charts what you share and teach at this time has the power to directly impact your reputation, influence, and career recognition. This is your business staying power, and by tapping into this transit you can not only increase your own cash flow and business stability but you can also keep that momentum going for the long run.
Marketing Advice:
Clear and Transparent Communication: The alignment with Patreon's Mercury emphasizes the importance of clear and effective communication with your patrons.
Example Strategies:
Provide regular updates to your patrons about your creative projects, milestones, and future plans.
Engage in meaningful conversations with your supporters, responding to their comments, questions, and feedback.
Clearly articulate the value your patrons receive through your content, exclusive benefits, and experiences.
Take Action and Drive Growth: The lunar transit activating Patreon's Mars brings a boost of energy and motivation to drive your creative projects and attract new patrons.
Example Strategies:
Launch special campaigns, limited-time offers, or exclusive content to incentivize new patron sign-ups.
Collaborate with other creators or influencers in your niche to cross-promote each other's Patreon campaigns.
Regularly engage in promotional activities, such as sharing previews, teasers, or behind-the-scenes content to generate excitement and attract new supporters.
Elevate Your Professional Presence: With the Moon conjunct Patreon's Midheaven, focus on establishing yourself as a reputable creator and leader in your creative field.
Example Strategies:
Showcase your expertise through educational or informative content that highlights your unique knowledge and skills.
Participate in industry events, podcasts, or interviews to increase your visibility and reach new audiences.
Offer exclusive perks, mentorship opportunities, or personal consultations to provide added value to your patrons and demonstrate your commitment to their success.
Reward and Appreciate Your Patrons: Show gratitude for the support you receive from your patrons and provide them with unique benefits and experiences.
Example Strategies:
Offer tiered membership levels with increasing benefits based on different pledge amounts.
Provide exclusive access to behind-the-scenes content, early releases, or special discounts on merchandise.
Host virtual hangouts, Q&A sessions, or exclusive events for your patrons to foster a sense of community and appreciation.
☿ ♀
Information + Cashflow. This transit of the Moon conjunct WordPress' natal Mercury and Venus in Taurus indicates that through the content you share, especially content that focuses on the desires wants and needs of Taurus (security, money, appearance, beauty, stability, success, ease, time) can bring opportunities, clients, income, and growth.
This is the time to share what you love, with passion, and to be generous, your audience is going to appreciate the attention you put into your content and value your opinion. You can also of course use this period to launch a sales page on your WordPress site, or other offers, event sign-ups, or anything you'd like to get a little extra love at this time.
This can also be an optimum time to write ‘how to’ blog posts, food-related posts (if you’re a food blogger), or any other passion-interest oriented content, as under the influence of Mercury you’ll be able to articulate well what you wish to say within your content and when aligned with the passions, interests and desires of your audience under the themes of Taurus you’ll find they’re well received.
Just remember the key to Taurus is consistency, don't let loss of momentum or excitement rob you of the fulfillment of creating a routine that serves you and your audience, and also pays you back over time.
Marketing Advice:
Clear and Engaging Communication: The alignment with WordPress' Mercury emphasizes the importance of clear and effective communication through your website or blog.
Example Strategies:
Craft compelling and informative content that resonates with your target audience.
Use a conversational tone to connect with your readers and make your content more relatable.
Engage with your audience through comments and feedback, responding to their questions and fostering discussions.
Enhance Aesthetic Appeal: The lunar transit activating WordPress' Venus brings a focus on aesthetics and visual appeal.
Example Strategies:
Choose an attractive and user-friendly theme for your website or blog.
Optimize images and multimedia elements to enhance visual appeal and loading speed.
Incorporate visual storytelling techniques, such as infographics or videos, to engage and captivate your audience.
Expand Your Reach: Leverage promotional strategies to attract an audience to your WordPress site.
Example Strategies:
Share your content on social media platforms, engaging with relevant communities and using appropriate hashtags.
Guest post on other blogs or collaborate with influencers to reach new audiences.
Utilize SEO techniques to optimize your content for search engines and improve discoverability.
Foster Community Engagement: Build meaningful connections with your readers and foster a sense of community around your content.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments and engage in discussions with your audience.
Encourage social sharing and provide easy-to-use social media sharing buttons on your website or blog.
Consider hosting webinars, Q&A sessions, or virtual events to further engage with your readers.
At the middle & end of Taurus Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Taurus Energy: |
Illumination of passion and inspiration. The second activation to Patreon's chart, this time taking place in the second half of the Taurus Cycle. Here we have the transit Moon conjunct with the natal Sun and Venus in Taurus in Patreon's combined charts.
This indicates a prosperous period where your promotions, ideas, and offers will get more attention, with less work from you. The Sun is a natural spotlight bringing awareness, warmth (warming up your audience), excitement, and momentum behind your projects, content, and ideas. And Venus indicates not only the opportunity for cash flow but also passion around what you're sharing and within your community itself. This can be a great time to have a promotion, launch, or sale for your Patreon membership targeted towards new Patrons or to entice your current Patrons to up level a tier to get access to some new VIP content, or exclusive offer.
You may also wish to use this period as a sneak peek or a limited-time preview of some of your more prized material, to give them a first-hand experience of what you have available for them and to let them see if it's for them. This also creates a sense of exclusivity (Venus in Taurus) to what you do. As well loving on your community and being generous with your time and support also tend to go very well at this time.
If you have offers that are Taurus-themed - ie - business minded, skills-focused, money-making, time-saving, food-related, diet-related, habit-focused these can also do exceptionally well at this time as well.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Your Creative Talents: The alignment with Patreon's Sun emphasizes the importance of embracing your unique creative talents and sharing them with your patrons.
Example Strategies:
Create exclusive content that showcases your expertise and creative abilities.
Offer patrons behind-the-scenes access to your creative process or sneak peeks of upcoming projects.
Collaborate with other artists or creators to offer unique and compelling collaborations for your patrons.
Cultivate a Supportive Community: The lunar transit activating Patreon's Venus brings a focus on building relationships and fostering a sense of community.
Example Strategies:
Express gratitude to your patrons and make them feel valued and appreciated.
Encourage interaction and engagement by hosting live Q&A sessions or community discussions.
Provide opportunities for patrons to connect with each other and collaborate on projects or ideas.
Enhance Value and Impact: Evaluate your pricing structure and find ways to deepen the value of your offerings.
Example Strategies:
Offer tiered rewards that provide increasing levels of access and benefits to your patrons.
Provide exclusive perks or early access to your content to incentivize higher-tier memberships.
Regularly assess and update your offerings to ensure they align with the evolving needs and interests of your patrons.
Build Long-Term Relationships: Focus on cultivating long-term relationships with your patrons and creating a sustainable income stream.
Example Strategies:
Provide consistent and reliable content updates to keep patrons engaged and excited.
Offer special rewards or incentives for patrons who maintain their support over an extended period.
Communicate with your patrons regularly, sharing updates, milestones, and future plans to keep them informed and involved.
Google Adsense
Under this transit, we see the potential expansion and possibility of monetization of our websites through Google Adsense. This can be a good time to expand what you think is possible, re-visit your strategy, and focus on high-value authentic content, keywords, SEO optimization, and custom-crafted content to drive traffic and revenue to your website.
With the North Node in Taurus the goal here is increased consistent revenue that can be expanded over time, and having the time you're investing in creating content pay you back in other ways. Using keywords that are related to the topics and themes of Taurus can also be helpful - money-making, business-oriented, habit or productivity-focused, food-focused, and so on.
Marketing Advice:
Increase Website Traffic: The alignment with Google AdSense's North Node signifies a destined path of growth and development.
Example Strategies:
Implement SEO best practices to improve your website's organic search visibility.
Create valuable and engaging content that attracts a larger audience to your website.
Promote your website through various marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, and guest blogging.
Optimize Ad Performance: Pay attention to the quality and relevance of the ads displayed on your website.
Example Strategies:
Experiment with different ad placements and formats to identify the most effective ones.
Regularly review and analyze the performance metrics provided by Google AdSense.
Continuously refine your ad strategies based on the insights gained from data analysis.
Enhance User Experience: Focus on creating a seamless and user-friendly experience for your website visitors.
Example Strategies:
Optimize your website's loading speed and ensure it is mobile-friendly.
Place ads strategically to maintain a balance between user experience and revenue generation.
Provide valuable and relevant content that keeps users engaged and encourages them to spend more time on your website.
Stay Updated and Innovate: Keep up with the latest trends and best practices in the advertising industry.
Example Strategies:
Stay informed about changes in Google AdSense policies and guidelines.
Follow industry blogs, forums, and conferences to learn about new advertising techniques.
Experiment with new ad formats or features introduced by Google AdSense to stay ahead of the competition.
Here we are focused on some of the higher-purpose needs and goals of our readers and target market. Under the influence of the Moon conjunct the natal North Node in Taurus in WordPress' chart, we may find that our audience is interested in information that helps them to build a stable business, better habits, make more money, or keep the money they have, meal plan, improve our quality of life, or focused on hobbies and interests that we have. The key through this isn't to just look at the topic on its own but look at the bigger motivation around that topic, what they want to do with more money, more time, etc. Why is this important to them?
It is these larger needs and sense of higher purpose that we are really speaking to in our content at this time. By understanding this and including it in your content and marketing plan for your WordPress site, you not only strengthen your business, and generate more revenue, but you also succeed in creating offers and programs that offer greater fulfillment and results as well as ensure return business, and referrals.
What is your higher purpose for your website? What need do you see it filling? How do you ensure that your audience and readership not only know about this but benefit from it?
A successful site is built consistently over time, by addressing these needs and creating products, services, and content that fills in the gaps.
Marketing Advice:
Enhance Website Design and Functionality: Focus on optimizing your website's design and functionality to provide a seamless user experience.
Example Strategies:
Choose a visually appealing and responsive WordPress theme that aligns with your brand.
Streamline your website's navigation and ensure it is easy for visitors to find the information they need.
Implement plugins or tools that improve website speed, security, and overall performance.
Create Valuable Content: Establish yourself as an expert in your niche by delivering valuable and informative content.
Example Strategies:
Publish regular blog posts, articles, or guides that address your audience's pain points or provide solutions.
Create engaging videos, podcasts, or webinars to share your expertise and connect with your audience.
Offer downloadable resources, such as e-books or templates, that provide additional value to your visitors.
Optimize for Search Engines: Improve your website's visibility in search engine results through effective SEO techniques.
Example Strategies:
Conduct keyword research to identify relevant and high-performing keywords in your niche.
Optimize your website's metadata, headings, and content with targeted keywords.
Build quality backlinks from reputable websites to increase your website's authority.
Engage with Your Audience: Foster meaningful connections with your audience to build loyalty and attract new visitors.
Example Strategies:
Respond promptly to comments and messages from your audience, showing genuine interest and providing helpful responses.
Encourage social sharing of your content by integrating social media sharing buttons on your website.
Host live Q&A sessions, webinars, or online events to engage directly with your audience and address their questions.
At the beginning of Taurus Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Taurus Energy: |
Email in All Forms (But Especially Personal Email/ Warm Audience)
♄ Rx Chiron
Good relationships and rapport with your list are built over time, by coming back to the same core topics, over and over again. By making space for them to join you where they're at, implement change and take action as they're ready, willing, and able. Under this transit, we see the Moon conjunct natal Saturn Retrograde and Chiron in Taurus in Email's charts.
Saturn Retrograde, especially in Taurus indicates that your list isn't ready to commit fully yet, and in fact, they may be quite resistant to change and even more resistant to someone telling them what they should do or pushing them.
So take heed that if you're writing to your list at this time, you'll want to avoid applying pressureand instead review some of the foundational pieces of your work, and encourage them to modify it, bend it, and play with it until they find what works for them. This can also be an excellent time to lean into the habits they already have and see if you can still create the same results for them by embracing how they already operate rather than trying to force them to implement something that goes counter to how they already operate.
This is a big pain spot during this transit with Chiron being activated. They will be feeling wounds around results, material issues (finances, security), capability, and wherever they feel they are the problem or that they've failed. The key here is to help them to turn what they see as their weaknesses into strengths. To show them that they don't need to change and that in fact, they are consistent, powerful, and fully capable if they allow themselves the flexibility to do things on their own terms.
It is through taking this approach that when they are ready to commit and go all in, you'll be the first one they come to. The one that didn't make them feel shame about who they are.
Marketing Advice:
Personalization: Tailor your emails to individual interests and needs using segmentation and personalization tools. Make every subscriber feel like you're speaking directly to them.
Example Strategy: Create dynamic content blocks within your emails that adapt based on subscriber preferences and behavior. Use personalized subject lines, greetings, and product recommendations to increase engagement.
Storytelling: Engage your audience with compelling stories that resonate with their experiences and aspirations. Connect on an emotional level and leave a lasting impression.
Example Strategy: Share success stories or case studies of customers who have benefited from your products or services. Use storytelling techniques to captivate your warm audience and demonstrate the value you provide.
Call to Action: Clearly define the action you want your subscribers to take. Use a strong and concise call-to-action to guide them towards your desired goal, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for an event, or sharing your content.
Example Strategy: Include prominent and visually appealing buttons or links in your emails that prompt subscribers to take action. Use action-oriented language and create a sense of urgency to encourage click-throughs.
Email Automation: Take advantage of email automation tools to streamline your communication and deliver timely messages. Set up automated workflows based on user behavior or triggers to enhance engagement and provide a personalized experience.
Example Strategy: Implement a welcome email series that is automatically sent when a subscriber joins your warm audience. Use automated follow-up sequences to nurture leads or re-engage inactive subscribers based on specific triggers.
Email Strategy, Series & Funnel Building
A great time for both sales as well as beautifying your offers, sales pages, and funnels. Here we see the Moon (public) conjunct natal Venus (beauty, values) in Taurus (money, material goods), the sign it rules. This makes this transit very powerful for your email strategy and marketing at this time. This can be a potent period to sell, hold a launch, promote your offer, release bonuses that make their lives easier, provide a shortcut, that are high value, save them time, money, or face (ie that boost their ego, and make them feel good about themselves, or better than others).
A playful approach that highlights visually beautiful imagery, videos, or product shots can work very well at this time. Under Taurus we don't want to be pushed, we want to be wooed, we want to be won over, we want to be pampered.
Using love notes in your copy, emails, and messages, and writing as though you would write to someone you care about and have fun with is effective. Think of using funny memes, making them playful, cracking jokes, using humor, and otherwise making them feel like a star.
This is also a great time to share your passion for your topic and expertise, be generous, and give valuable insights and information.
Marketing Advice:
Visual Appeal: Create visually appealing emails and funnels that leave a lasting impression on your subscribers. Use captivating images, attractive typography, and well-designed layouts to engage and captivate your audience.
Example Strategy: Incorporate eye-catching visuals and graphics that align with your brand identity and evoke the desired emotions. Use whitespace effectively to create a clean and uncluttered design.
Compelling Copy: Craft persuasive and authentic copy that resonates with your audience and drives them to take action. Use storytelling techniques, address pain points, and highlight the benefits of your products or services.
Example Strategy: Write captivating subject lines that grab attention and entice subscribers to open your emails. Use personalization to make your messages feel tailored to each recipient.
Seamless Funnel Experience: Optimize your email funnels to provide a smooth and intuitive customer journey. Guide your subscribers through a logical sequence of emails and ensure each step aligns with their needs and interests.
Example Strategy: Use automation tools to set up email sequences that deliver the right content at the right time. Incorporate personalization based on subscriber behavior or preferences to enhance relevance.
Trust and Social Proof: Build trust and credibility throughout your funnels by incorporating testimonials, social proof, or success stories. Demonstrate the positive experiences of your customers to instill confidence in your offerings.
Example Strategy: Share testimonials or reviews from satisfied customers at strategic points in your funnels. Use social proof, such as social media follower counts or industry certifications, to build trust.
Email Newsletter Marketing
Chiron Rx
What are the wounds of your list, what do they struggle with, and what's at the core of their struggles? Often it is exactly this wound that you share in common that encouraged you to start your business in the first place, and it is around his wound that you have created your products and services. Under this transit, we see an activation to this core shared wound with your list. Often the wound itself is around capability, consistency, finances, security, wealth, patterns and behaviors, time, or other resources.
With this transit activating natal Chiron Retrograde in Taurus, your audience is ready to do something about the wound. They are not so enmeshed in it that they identify themselves with the wound, and are more able to see that they need tangible solutions to make real change in their lives. If you happen to have products or services that help them with this, this can be a great time to market those during this transit, so long as you have spent some time talking with your list about these issues prior. As well if your bonuses, or offer itself helps to streamline, shortcut, or otherwise simplify or does it for them, they'll be even more grateful to take you up on it.
Remember, don't be afraid to go deep into the wounds and struggle of your list at this time, just make sure you don't stay there, the natural transition towards a solution is helpful, and also empowers them to make the changes they deeply desire right now.
Marketing Advice:
Review and Reflect: Take the time to review your past email campaigns and identify areas for improvement and growth. Reflect on past challenges and learn from them to create a more effective email newsletter strategy.
Example Strategy: Analyze open and click-through rates, subscriber engagement, and feedback to identify patterns and areas that need attention. Use this information to refine your content and approach.
Embrace Consistency and Innovation: Balance stability and reliability with innovation and new ideas in your email newsletters. Provide a consistent experience while introducing fresh approaches that resonate with your audience.
Example Strategy: Maintain a regular newsletter schedule to establish a sense of reliability. Experiment with new content formats, such as interactive elements, videos, or personal stories, to engage your subscribers.
Connect Emotionally: Tailor your email newsletters to address the emotional needs and desires of your audience. Create content that resonates with their emotions and provides value in their lives.
Example Strategy: Share personal stories or experiences that demonstrate vulnerability and authenticity. Use storytelling techniques to connect with your subscribers on a deeper level.
Build Trust and Credibility: Foster trust and credibility in your email newsletters through transparent and open communication. Be sincere in your messaging and ensure your newsletters align with your brand values.
Example Strategy: Clearly communicate your intentions, values, and mission to build trust with your subscribers. Avoid deceptive tactics and focus on building an authentic relationship based on trust.
Email Marketing - Cold Emailing & Lead Gen
⨀ Chiron MC
By becoming clear regarding the wounds and struggles of your target audience or leads, you have the power to craft deep, impactful, and high-converting emails and content at this time. This transit sees the Moon conjunct natal Sun, Chiron, and Midheaven in Taurus in Email Marketing (lead gen)'s chart.
Your research into this wound, which is often focused on capability, consistency, finances, security, wealth, patterns and behaviors, time, or other resources is very important to have before jumping into writing your copy.
Using resources like Facebook Groups, Reddit threads, book reviews, Quora, or forums, you can pull a lot of gold nuggets out, that help you in understanding how your target audience describes their struggles, the words they use, the emotions they feel and what they believe the issue is (which may or may not be the true issue).
Once you have this information, you can use this transit to write and send deep, and intimate emails to your target audience and leads. With the Sun activation working in your favor, your audience will have higher awareness than normal of the issues at hand, and also they will potentially warm up faster to your offer of help and guidance.
The key here is of course in personalizing your message to them so it doesn't seem like it was copy-pasted, adding personal relevant information about them shows you have taken the time to learn about them before emailing them and will also potentially increase your responses.
Finally, by doing this at this time, with care and attention, you have the potential to strengthen your reputation, perception in the eyes of your leads, and your expert status with the activation of the Midheaven.
Marketing Advice:
Heal Past Wounds: Reflect on past experiences and heal any wounds or insecurities related to cold emailing and lead generation. Embrace the transformative energy of Chiron to develop a more empowered and resilient approach.
Example Strategy: Practice self-reflection, seek support from mentors or peers, and engage in personal growth activities to address any past wounds or insecurities.
Personalize Your Outreach: Craft tailored and compelling cold emails that resonate with the specific needs and pain points of your target audience. Focus on building genuine connections through personalized communication.
Example Strategy: Research your prospects and use the information to personalize your cold emails. Address their specific challenges, highlight relevant case studies, and demonstrate how your solutions can benefit them.
Establish Authority: Share valuable insights, case studies, or success stories that demonstrate your expertise and establish your authority in the field of lead generation.
Example Strategy: Publish informative articles or create content that showcases your knowledge and experience in lead generation. Leverage social media platforms or industry forums to share valuable insights and engage with your target audience.
Prioritize Quality Relationships: Focus on building meaningful connections rather than pursuing quantity in your lead generation efforts. Invest time and effort into nurturing relationships with genuine care and attention.
Example Strategy: Identify high-potential prospects and allocate resources to build personalized relationships. Engage in meaningful conversations, provide value through relevant content or resources, and follow up consistently.
This is an excellent time to utilize Gmail for follow-ups, lead generation, or simple administrative activities. Here we see the Moon conjunct natal Mercury and North Node in Taurus in Gmail's chart which highlights the opportunity to educate, share information, connect, and communicate especially around the basic needs and wants of the recipient of your message.
By focusing on some of the core themes of Taurus which are often survival-based, financial, material, and business oriented, you are likely to get more engagement and response to your email activities at this time.
And with the activation of the North Node, communication at this time has the power to meet more important needs and serve a higher purpose for both you and your recipient. Just make sure you're not just focusing only on the more immediate details and issues at hand but also thinking about some of their bigger goals, and how this meets what they view as fulfilling their larger goals and purpose.
Marketing Advice:
Organize for Efficiency: Create a structured system for organizing emails related to follow-ups, leads, and administrative tasks. Use Gmail's labels and folders to categorize and prioritize emails for efficient management. For example, create labels like "Follow-ups," "Leads," and "Admin" to easily locate and manage relevant emails.
Craft Compelling Follow-up Emails: Ensure your follow-up emails are professional, concise, and personalized. Showcase your dedication to building relationships and providing value to recipients. For example, include specific details from previous conversations or offer additional resources that align with their interests or needs.
Engage in Effective Lead Generation: Leverage Gmail to reach out to potential leads, initiate collaborations, and respond to inquiries. Tailor your emails to the recipient's needs and utilize Gmail's search and filtering capabilities for efficient lead management. For example, personalize your subject lines to grab their attention or use Gmail's advanced search operators to find specific types of leads within your inbox.
Streamline Administrative Activities: Use Gmail's organizational features to manage administrative emails, invoices, and important documents. Utilize labels, filters, and folders to stay organized and set reminders for important tasks. For example, create filters to automatically label and archive incoming invoices, or use Gmail's "Tasks" feature to create to-do lists for administrative activities.
At the middle & end of Taurus Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Taurus Energy: |
Email in All Forms (But Especially Personal Email)
Chiron Rx
If you leveraged the earlier transit in Taurus for Email (found under the Email summary above) then you'll also want to make use of this one. In your last email, you would have clearly focused on their wounds, and in this one, the direction is in providing them an outlet to do something about the wound itself. Here your audience feels less invested or identified with the wound itself, and is now looking for tangible solutions to move towards their own healing, especially under the lens of Taurus (capability, finances, material security).
Here you can recap some of what you previously shared, or go a little deeper into it, and then move the attention towards the next steps of what is possible now that they're empowered. Remember still being under the influence of Taurus that scaring or pushing them will only have them dig their heels in further, they need to be inspired to take this action themselves, because they feel capable and because it's time. If they don't take the leap there's always later.
Marketing Advice:
Craft Authentic and Personalized Emails: Focus on creating authentic and personalized emails that speak directly to the needs and interests of your warm audience. Customize your messages to reflect their preferences and engage them on a personal level.
Example Strategy: Personalize your email subject lines to grab attention and increase open rates. Use merge tags to include the subscriber's name or other relevant information in the email body. Segment your warm audience based on their past interactions or purchase history and send targeted emails with tailored recommendations or exclusive offers.
Provide Valuable Content: Offer valuable and insightful content in your emails to nurture your warm audience. Share industry knowledge, helpful tips, exclusive offers, or relevant resources that align with their interests and provide solutions to their challenges.
Example Strategy: Send a weekly or monthly newsletter featuring curated content from your blog, industry news, and updates. Include actionable tips, case studies, or success stories that showcase how your products or services can benefit your warm audience. Consider offering exclusive discounts or early access to new products as a way to reward their loyalty.
Encourage Interaction and Engagement: Foster two-way communication by encouraging your warm audience to interact and engage with your emails. Prompt them to respond, ask questions, or share their opinions to create a sense of community and strengthen the connection.
Example Strategy: Include a call-to-action in your emails that encourages subscribers to reply with their feedback or thoughts on a particular topic. Run contests or giveaways exclusive to your warm audience and ask them to participate by submitting their entries via email. Use interactive elements like quizzes or surveys to gather insights and tailor your future email content accordingly.
Implement Personalization and Automation: Leverage automation and personalization tools to streamline your email marketing processes and deliver tailored experiences to your warm audience. Use dynamic content, triggered emails, and personalized recommendations based on their past interactions or preferences.
Example Strategy: Set up an automated welcome email series to introduce new subscribers to your brand, products, or services. Use behavioral triggers, such as abandoned cart or browsing history, to send targeted emails with personalized product recommendations or reminders. Implement a re-engagement campaign to win back inactive subscribers by offering exclusive incentives or content.
Email Newsletter Marketing
The Moon returns to itself. Under this transit, we see a lunar return of Email Newsletters natal Moon in Taurus. This marks a fresh start, or a new cycle within your email newsletter series. You can use this period to re-warm up your audience, especially if you haven't emailed in some time, or to re-share valuable resources with them. This also works as a great period to share tips, hacks, shortcuts, before and afters, or give them something generously. If you have any announcements to make this can be a great time to plant the seeds for that, as under Taurus Moons things tend to 'stick'.
In terms of topics, remember the themes of Taurus - capability, security, finances, business, food, habits/patterns, saving them time, money, or effort, or things that make them feel good now, (ie immediate gratification or ego boosts). Talking about these topics or hinting towards them in your newsletter can help keep your list engaged and provide helpful tips and insights that they benefit from and that further strengthen your connection.
If you have any offers that deeply meet the above Taurus needs this can be a great time to share them.
Marketing Advice:
Craft Compelling Subject Lines: Grab your subscribers' attention with compelling and enticing subject lines that pique their curiosity and encourage them to open your newsletters.
Example Strategy: Use subject lines that evoke emotions, pose intriguing questions, or offer a solution to a problem. For instance, instead of "May Newsletter," try "Discover the Secrets to Boosting Your Productivity this May."
Tell Engaging Stories: Incorporate storytelling techniques to connect with your subscribers on an emotional level and make your newsletters memorable.
Example Strategy: Share customer success stories, testimonials, or personal anecdotes that highlight how your products or services have positively impacted individuals. For inspiration, you can explore newsletters from brands like Charity: Water, which effectively use storytelling to create a sense of purpose and impact.
Design Visually Appealing Newsletters: Invest in visually appealing designs and layouts that capture attention and align with your brand's aesthetics.
Example Strategy: Use high-quality images, consistent color schemes, and well-structured content to create visually engaging newsletters. Brands like Airbnb and Canva are known for their visually appealing newsletters that showcase beautiful imagery and well-crafted designs.
Provide Valuable and Relevant Content: Ensure that your newsletter content delivers value to your subscribers by addressing their interests, needs, and pain points.
Example Strategy: Offer exclusive tips, industry insights, or educational content that helps your subscribers overcome challenges or achieve their goals. Take inspiration from newsletters like The Skimm or Morning Brew, which provide concise yet informative content tailored to their target audience.
Email Strategy, Series & Funnel Building
⨀☊ Chiron
This is an excellent period to bring attention to your offers. This transit sees an activation of the Moon with the natal Sun, North Node, and Chiron in Taurus in the Email strategy's chart. The potency of this transit shouldn't be underestimated as the Sun brings a natural spotlight, enthusiasm, and momentum behind it, it also increases awareness of your audience to the matter at hand. The North Node aligns its purpose around security, financial and material gain, habits, time, and stability, especially if you are serving other business owners. And finally, with Chiron being activated, this helps you to connect deeply to the struggles of your audience and create copy and offers that are focused on meeting those needs.
Your research into this wound, which is often focused on capability, consistency, finances, security, wealth, patterns and behaviors, time, or other resources is very important to have before jumping into writing your copy.
Using resources like Facebook Groups, Reddit threads, book reviews, Quora, or forums, you can pull a lot of gold nuggets out, that help you in understanding how your target audience describes their struggles, the words they use, the emotions they feel and what they believe the issue is (which may or may not be the true issue).
Once you have this information, you can use this transit to write and send deep, and intimate emails to your target audience and leads.
Use this to refine your email strategy, improve your conversion with human-aligned content and copy, and meet the deeper needs of your audience and you'll have a winning strategy.
Marketing Advice:
Define Clear Objectives: Align your email strategy with your overall business goals and define clear objectives for each email campaign or funnel.
Example Strategy: If your objective is to increase sales, design a funnel that focuses on driving conversions through strategic email sequences and targeted offers.
Segment Your Email List: Divide your email list into segments based on demographics, interests, or purchasing behavior to deliver more personalized and relevant content.
Example Strategy: If you have an e-commerce business, create segments for different product categories or customer preferences. Send tailored emails showcasing relevant products and offers to each segment.
Implement Automation and Personalization: Leverage automation and personalization tools to deliver timely and targeted messages to your subscribers.
Example Strategy: Set up automated welcome sequences for new subscribers, triggered emails based on specific actions or behaviors, and personalized recommendations based on past purchases.
Provide Value and Build Trust: Focus on nurturing relationships with your subscribers by providing valuable content and resources.
Example Strategy: Share educational articles, tutorials, or case studies that address your audience's pain points or offer solutions to their challenges. Offer exclusive discounts or perks to your loyal subscribers.
This can be a great time to reconnect with old contacts, follow up with potential leads or tackle the admin in your inbox. This transit sees the Moon conjunct the natal Venus in Taurus in Gmail's chart. This enables you to connect at a heart level and with passion, especially around matters you care about with your email recipients.
The themes of Taurus are still activated here - capability, skills, security (especially financial), stability, habits and behaviors, food, business, diet, and pleasurable hobbies and interests.
This can be a great time to talk about some of your interests and passions, as well as use Gmail to increase your cash flow whether it be through follow-ups or strategic campaigns where you reach out to contacts or make new connections.
Marketing Advice:
Enhance Visual Appeal: Pay attention to the visual elements of your emails, such as design, layout, and branding, to create an attractive and engaging experience for your recipients.
Example Strategy: Use professional email templates or hire a designer to create visually appealing email layouts that align with your brand aesthetics.
Craft Compelling Copy: Write persuasive and compelling copy that resonates with your target audience and conveys your brand's values.
Example Strategy: Create a sense of urgency or exclusivity in your subject lines and calls to action. Use storytelling techniques to connect with your audience emotionally.
Capture and Nurture Leads: Utilize Gmail's contact management features to capture leads and nurture relationships with potential customers.
Example Strategy: Create lead capture forms on your website or landing pages and automatically add the contacts to specific Gmail lists. Develop email sequences to nurture leads with valuable content and personalized offers.
Streamline Administrative Tasks: Optimize your email organization and management systems to enhance your productivity.
Example Strategy: Set up labels or folders for different types of emails (e.g., clients, projects, invoices) and use filters to automatically categorize incoming emails. Utilize Gmail's search and filtering features to quickly find specific emails or information.
☁️♊ Social Media With Gemini
NEED: The Need during Gemini is information, learning, and communication. During Gemini, we are sponges for content, learning, and sharing of information. We need and want to be around people, or at least talking to them in some way, whether through writing, talking, on video, or in person.
It is a time to research, collect, read, process, and gather information, with a desire to integrate what we need so that we can make a decision to move forward. It is NOT a period of decision-making, but rather a period of preparing to make a decision and implement change through the accumulation of knowledge and understanding.
We are more talkative during this time and need people, philosophies, and perspectives to gather insights from and bounce ideas off of. It’s a great time for networking and connection and information filtering, but our dialogues and searches may not be very deep because the focus is on a VARIETY of information, rather than an individual subject. Meet the need for variety by allowing movement between subjects, interests, topics, dialogues, and information.
We are more open to receiving A LOT of information and knowledge at this time. We are looking to learn from others and can process a lot of information at lightning speed. We may not be able to go deeply into it, but we can get the big picture, and see how things go together.
MARKETING: Validate their knowledge and experience. Share facts, data, statistics, resources, overall strategy, and philosophy, and help them direct it towards a specific tangible result. We are more open to receiving information at this time, so let your marketing take on the position of the guide.
It’s not possible to give them too much information at this time, just don’t go too deep into the knowledge. They need to see how everything works together, they need to know the history, the logic, the science, behind WHY something works. They are interested in the application, but may not be able to apply it NOW, so give them a toolbox so that they can apply it later.
If you have a lot of information to share with them, or your system is quite detailed, give them the blueprint. Give them the step-by-step checklist (but don’t include HOW to do those things). Give them a mind map, a Trello board, a spreadsheet, and links to resources, or blog posts.
Videos can be helpful if they are an overview or focused more broadly (5 tips to help your kid eat their vegetables, even if they are a sensitive eater or 5 things your course platform needs to have, and my tips on how to choose the best one for you).
Think about content that engages your community and gets them talking about themselves, fun facts, interesting or silly tidbits, or an opportunity to network or socialize are all excellent to help you be seen as the bridge.
- Short videos – think 5- 15 minutes or less.
- Blueprints, checklists, spreadsheets, mind maps
- Quizzes
- Resources – list of recommended tools, links, apps, etc
- Access to your vault/library of content (to collect for later)
- Small or short articles, or how-tos on a specific topic that they are interested in learning about/focusing on or wishing to improve.
- Mini-Courses or workshops (do it with me)
- Templates or fill-in-the-blanks
- Questions that get them engaging, or talking about themselves
- Meet-ups, group calls, or get-to-know-you sessions.
- Speed-dating
- Teaching the overall or broad view of a subject, with links or sources for them to follow up with after.
- Bite-sized content, or tips
- Memes or gifs
- Quotes
☁️ GEMINI Content Calendar by Platform ♊
♊☁️ Gemini Activated Social Media Platforms
At the middle & end of Gemini Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Gemini Energy: |
Facebook Posts
Transformation and liberation through information. This transit has the Moon in Gemini conjunct with the natal Pluto and Ascendant in Facebook's combined charts. Under the influence of Gemini, the public is looking for information, data, analysis, education, insights, translation of data, or condensed material that helps them to make sense of information that is broad or challenging to interpret.
This is where you can structure your content or materials to present the necessary data and information they need to understand, process, or decide something. With the addition of Pluto the goal here is to be free of pain, to transform their understanding, and apply information in a deeper way. The Ascendant operates like a preview or a hint, the first introduction your audience has to you, your brand, or information, making this an excellent time to announce, share or introduce them to your system, or material. The best approach to this is to use statistics, facts, studies, or scientific references to prove your case and solidify your system or solution in their minds.
Here your audience can absorb a lot of information, in short bursts, but would benefit from clear CTAs.
If there is a large gap in awareness within your audience between where they're at, their understanding of the root issues, and what they need to understand or become aware of in order to know if your program or offer is for them, this is the time to fill that gap in.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Versatility: Experiment with different content formats, styles, and tones to keep your audience engaged and curious.
Example Strategies:
Create video content to provide tutorials, behind-the-scenes insights, or Q&A sessions.
Utilize Facebook Live to host interactive events, interviews, or product launches.
Incorporate visual storytelling through images and infographics to convey your messages effectively.
Utilize Audience Insights: Dive deeper into your audience demographics, behaviors, and preferences to tailor your content and messaging effectively.
Example Strategies:
Use Facebook Audience Insights to gain a better understanding of your audience's interests, demographics, and online behaviors.
Conduct surveys or polls to gather direct feedback and preferences from your audience.
Analyze engagement metrics and adjust your content strategy based on the performance of previous posts.
Establish Personal Branding: Showcase your expertise, authenticity, and unique voice to build a strong online presence.
Example Strategies:
Share valuable insights, tips, and thought leadership content within your niche.
Craft engaging and compelling stories that highlight your experiences and expertise.
Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to expand your reach and credibility.
Foster Community Engagement: Engage with your audience, respond to comments and messages promptly, and foster a sense of belonging within your Facebook community.
Example Strategies:
Regularly respond to comments and messages to show your audience that you value their engagement.
Encourage discussions and conversations within your posts to create a sense of community.
Host exclusive events or giveaways for your Facebook followers to reward their loyalty.
Facebook Live
This a potent period to teach, share, or expand on your system, and insights or provide broad but insightful training on Facebook Live. This transit has the Moon in Gemini conjunct with the natal Midheaven in Facebook Live's chart.
The Midheaven is the peak angle of a chart that provides career and reputation recognition. It is what you're known for (your expert status), and solidifies you in your follower's and community's mind as someone they can trust, who has a wealth of experience and knowledge. With this being a transit of the Moon in Gemini the goal during this period is to share a broad range of information that is all interconnected, think skimming the surface of all 5 steps of your system, or 3 phases of solving a problem, and so on.
Here they are looking for EVIDENCE, science, data, and facts to back up what is being shared, and they are looking for real analysis of what is being shared that they can use to inform their decision-making process, deepen their understanding, and provide them with context to work with.
This is a great time to openly share your material with your community, including your results and if you have anything that helps to streamline this process, saving them time, or improving their results this is a good time to share it.
Marketing Advice:
Plan Compelling Content: Create a strategic plan for your live broadcasts, ensuring that your topics align with your brand message and resonate with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Host educational sessions or workshops related to your industry or niche.
Provide behind-the-scenes glimpses of your work or business processes.
Conduct interviews with industry experts or influencers.
Launch and demonstrate new products or services through live broadcasts.
Engage and Involve Your Viewers: Leverage Facebook Live's interactive features to actively involve your audience during your broadcasts.
Example Strategies:
Conduct live Q&A sessions where viewers can ask questions and receive real-time responses.
Use polls and surveys to gather audience opinions and preferences.
Encourage viewers to share their thoughts and experiences in the comments section.
Showcase Your Expertise: Use your Facebook Live broadcasts to position yourself as an authority and trusted resource in your field.
Example Strategies:
Share valuable insights, tips, and industry knowledge during your live streams.
Conduct tutorials or demonstrations that highlight your expertise.
Discuss trending topics or provide analysis and commentary within your niche.
Promote and Engage: Actively promote your Facebook Live broadcasts and engage with your audience before, during, and after the stream.
Example Strategies:
Utilize other social media platforms to generate excitement and awareness about your upcoming live events.
Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to cross-promote your live broadcasts.
Encourage viewers to leave comments, ask questions, and share their thoughts during and after the stream.
Facebook Messenger
The Ascendant operates as the first face of your business, your brand, your community, or your audience's first interaction with you, the first impression, the first exposure to your system, or material.It is an excellent time to share 'hints', 'trailers', announcements, or behind-the-scenes of something you are releasing, working on, or a new concept or approach that they are unfamiliar with.
It's important that what you do share is backed up by evidence, simplified (remove anything that leads to overwhelm), and focused on processing and implementing information at a rapid rate to help them make strides faster. Under Gemini, we are also encouraged to not only learn and intake new information but it serves as an excellent time to write, teach, network, and connect with new people.
Given that this period can operate as the first introduction people may have to you or your brand, it's not great to use it for unsolicited messages. You can, however, use it to share insightful content in your Facebook Posts or Facebook Live, and then ask people to comment or send you a message if they're interested in more, or if you noticed they attended one of your Facebook Lives you could reach out and thank them for attending and ask if they have any questions.
This period can open up an opportunity for dialogue and potential sales, so long as it's leveraged appropriately, otherwise, you might find you leave a bad taste in people's mouths that tend to stick to your brand. Associations are very important at this time.
Marketing Advice:
Craft Engaging Messages: Create personalized and compelling messages that resonate with your audience's needs and interests.
Example Strategies:
Use multimedia content such as images, videos, or GIFs to capture attention and enhance engagement.
Incorporate emojis or stickers to add personality and express emotions.
Utilize quick replies or buttons to provide easy options for response or action.
Optimize Lead Generation: Leverage Facebook Messenger to initiate conversations, offer valuable resources or incentives, and capture contact information.
Example Strategies:
Initiate conversations with website visitors through Facebook Messenger to engage them further.
Offer exclusive content or discounts in exchange for contact information.
Use targeted messaging based on customer segments or interests to increase relevance.
Prioritize Timely Follow-up: Be proactive and responsive in your communication, providing timely follow-up to inquiries and engaging in meaningful conversations.
Example Strategies:
Respond promptly to messages, addressing inquiries or requests for information.
Provide personalized responses that demonstrate understanding and empathy.
Establish a follow-up sequence that includes value-added content and clear calls to action.
Explore Chatbot Functionality: Consider the use of chatbots or automated messaging systems to assist with lead qualification and provide instant responses.
Example Strategies:
Implement a chatbot to deliver personalized recommendations or answer common questions.
Use chatbot sequences to guide leads through a predefined nurturing journey.
Balance automation with human touch to maintain authenticity and personal connection.
At the beginning of Gemini Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Gemini Energy: |
Instagram Posts
MC ♀, ☋
An excellent transit for utilizing the power of information and educational content to inform, bridge the gap and generate sales. Here we have the Moon in Gemini conjunct with the natal Midheaven, Venus, and South Node in Instagram's combined charts.
Firstly, the introduction of the South Node indicates that this is not so much a period for the release of new information or offers, but rather to leverage what has already been created, discussed, or approached. The South Node represents the past, and the reason its placement is further emphasized is that it is working recombination with the Midheaven which is your reputation and what you're known for, so leaning into what you have done in the past which reinforces your expertise in the minds of your audience is very important.
Secondly with the addition of Venus, here we see a love and passion around a specific topic, a generosity with content, connection, networking, and teaching that leads to sales (Venus), as well as emphasizing your shared values with your followers.
The Moon in Gemini indicates this is a potent period of sharing high-value content, data, and analysis of data that is translated into information that informs, helps your audience to make sense of things, or to implement what you're teaching and sharing. The approach tends to be broad as Gemini is a 'Jack of all trades, master of none', and so going wider with your content and connecting a series of issues, challenges, or symptoms together helps to align the next steps in the mind of your audience. This can also be a good time if you have a promotion or offer in effect to use this information to reinforce their understanding and invite them to join you.
Remember with the addition of Venus it's important to make your content beautiful, and visually appealing while also being educational.
Marketing Advice:
Showcase Your Brand Identity: Create visually captivating content that aligns with your brand's unique qualities, values, and offerings.
Example Strategies:
Develop a consistent visual aesthetic for your Instagram profile, using cohesive colors, fonts, and themes.
Feature behind-the-scenes content to provide a glimpse into your brand's personality and values.
Use Instagram's carousel posts or albums to tell a cohesive and engaging story.
Engage and Build Relationships: Foster community engagement and meaningful connections with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments, direct messages, and mentions to show appreciation and build relationships.
Conduct polls, surveys, or Q&A sessions in your Stories to encourage audience interaction.
Share user-generated content to showcase your community and foster a sense of belonging.
Experiment with Content Formats: Embrace Instagram's diverse content options, such as Stories, Reels, and IGTV, to keep your audience engaged.
Example Strategies:
Create engaging and informative Stories that provide value and evoke curiosity.
Use Reels to share entertaining or educational content in a creative and concise format.
Utilize IGTV for longer-form videos, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.
Learn from Analytics and Insights: Utilize Instagram's analytics and insights to gain a deeper understanding of your audience's preferences and optimize your content.
Example Strategies:
Review your top-performing posts and identify patterns or themes that resonate with your audience.
Analyze engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, and saves, to understand what content drives the most interaction.
Experiment with different posting times and frequency based on audience activity insights.
At the middle & end of Gemini Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Gemini Energy: |
Instagram Posts
⨀ , ♀ Rx, MC ASC
One heck of a transit for leveraging the power of your Instagram account. Here we see the Moon in Gemini conjunct with the natal Sun, Venus Retrograde, Midheaven, and Ascendant in Instagram's combined charts.
Similar to the above transit that I summarized above we can see that this transit also includes an activation to Venus and the Midheaven, except this time Venus is retrograde. Retrograde Venus can indicate a pause or hesitation around spending money, a need to have more value established, or get to the underlying needs and heartfelt desires of your audience first before sales will be made (what's the need beneath the need?). With the Midheaven this transit is also offering an opportunity to spotlight your reputation and legacy and bring awareness of your work to a larger audience.
This can show up as an opportune time to share your content in a way that illustrates your personal and company values, the ongoing value of your products or services, and the short and long-term needs your products and services fill. The addition of the Sun increases your visibility, and your audience awareness, and helps you to move them from cold to warm, or warm to hot in their buying journey. And finally with this also activating the natal Ascendant in Instagram's combined charts this can be a great time for you to introduce new offers, share more about your business, products, services, specializations, hint at new content, offers or events coming, or open your cart.
A reminder that the best type of content for this transit is broad and connecting, you need to bridge the gap by either eliminating concepts/beliefs/ideas that are not servicing them or are not connected to the actual issue at hand. Or alternatively by introducing content, insights, data, or context for them to process, understand and implement the content, ideally content that helps to inform their decision by filling in any necessary knowledge they need to move forward.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Authenticity: Showcase your unique personality, style, and offerings in an authentic and relatable manner.
Example Strategies:
Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your creative process or daily life to foster a sense of authenticity.
Highlight user-generated content that showcases how your products or services have positively impacted your customers.
Collaborate with influencers or brand ambassadors who align with your brand values to amplify your message.
Curate an Engaging Visual Aesthetic: Create a visually captivating and cohesive Instagram feed that aligns with your brand identity.
Example Strategies:
Experiment with different visual themes or color palettes to create a distinct visual aesthetic.
Use Instagram's grid layout to plan your posts strategically and ensure a cohesive flow.
Incorporate visually stunning and high-quality imagery or videos that resonate with your target audience.
Foster Engagement and Connection: Actively interact with your audience, respond to comments, and initiate conversations.
Example Strategies:
Ask thought-provoking questions in your captions to encourage discussion and engagement.
Respond to comments promptly and authentically, fostering a sense of connection and appreciation.
Collaborate with complementary brands or influencers to host Instagram takeovers or joint live sessions.
Leverage Instagram Stories and Features: Utilize Instagram's story features to engage and connect with your audience on a deeper level.
Example Strategies:
Use polls, quizzes, or question stickers to gather feedback and insights from your followers.
Share behind-the-scenes content, tutorials, or product demonstrations through Instagram Stories.
Announce and promote exclusive offers, discounts, or contests through Instagram Stories.
Instagram Reels
♀, ☊
Like the above two transits this transit will also be activating the natal Venus in Instagram Reels chart alongside its natal North Node, both in Gemini.
Reels, in general, are best for short content, that approaches issues from a more broad overview, or skims the surface by providing important and relevant data that piques curiosity and gets them wanting to know more. With Venus this can serve as a good time to sell through providing information, education, and insights, and also an opportunity to share your values, and passion for your specialization by being generous with what you're teaching or sharing. High-Value content especially does well under this transit, especially if it also connects them with their higher purpose and direction (North Node).
Here the North Node is pointed in the direction of Gemini, which is that learning is power, learning is transformation, and learning helps you to expand your view and experiences in the world, grow as a person and fulfill your higher calling. This is exactly what your audience is looking for at this time, to connect their own personal experiences with the information you're sharing and use it to grow themselves and fulfill a deeper longing they have in the world.
With Venus, we are also reminded that this can be a good time to open or close your cart, share CTAs, sign-ups, hold flash sales, or otherwise promote your business or services.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Creativity and Originality: Create visually captivating and unique Reels that stand out from the crowd.
Example Strategies:
Show your expertise or share valuable tips in bite-sized, engaging Reels.
Repurpose existing content into entertaining or educational Reels.
Collaborate with other creators to bring diverse perspectives and talents to your Reels.
Follow Trends and Challenges: Stay up-to-date with popular trends and challenges on Instagram Reels.
Example Strategies:
Participate in relevant trending challenges while incorporating your brand's unique twist.
Create themed Reels that align with special events, holidays, or viral topics.
Leverage popular songs or soundtracks to enhance the entertainment value of your Reels.
Engage and Collaborate: Actively interact with your audience, respond to comments, and collaborate with other creators.
Example Strategies:
Encourage viewers to engage with your Reels by asking questions or requesting their opinions.
Collaborate with complementary creators for duet or joint Reels.
Respond to comments with genuine appreciation, sparking conversations with your audience.
Showcase Authenticity and Brand Identity: Infuse your Reels with your brand's unique style and personality.
Example Strategies:
Use consistent visual aesthetics, filters, or colors that reflect your brand identity.
Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your creative process or company culture.
Include your brand logo or watermark in your Reels for brand recognition.
At the beginning of Gemini Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Gemini Energy: |
TikTok Videos
This transit to the natal Ascendant of TikTok with the Moon in Gemini opens a window for you to share informative, broad, and data-informed information with your audience. Gemini is all about the analysis, filtering, processing, compiling, and condensing of information into easy-to-understand and implement content. This period can be used to introduce seemingly unrelated topics, symptoms, or issues and connect them using your system and data (studies, statistics, etc).
With the Ascendant ruling the first face of your business, first impressions, first introductions, announcements, hints, trailers, or sneak peeks you may decide to use this time to announce a program, to introduce your audience to never-before-shared content, new concepts, new approaches or applications, or warm them up to something that you'll be sharing moving forward.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Authenticity and Creativity: Showcase your unique personality, talents, and ideas on TikTok.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories or experiences that resonate with your audience.
Demonstrate your skills or expertise through engaging tutorials or demonstrations.
Create original and creative content that stands out from the crowd.
Stay Current with Trends and Challenges: Participate in popular TikTok trends and challenges to engage with a wider audience.
Example Strategies:
Explore trending hashtags and incorporate them into your videos.
Put your unique twist on popular challenges to showcase your creativity.
Monitor popular sounds and use them creatively in your content.
Engage and Interact: Respond to comments, engage in conversations, and collaborate with other TikTokers.
Example Strategies:
Reply to comments and engage with your viewers to build connections.
Collaborate with other TikTok creators for duets or joint videos.
Participate in TikTok trends or challenges created by other users to expand your reach.
Educate and Inspire: Share valuable insights, educational content, or inspirational messages.
Example Strategies:
Break down complex topics into bite-sized, easy-to-understand videos.
Offer practical tips, advice, or tutorials in your niche.
Use storytelling techniques to deliver inspirational messages or share personal growth journeys.
TikTok Live Events
Here we see an activation of the Moon in Gemini to the natal North Node in TikTok's Live Events chart. The North Node rules the common shared higher purpose of your audience, which makes complete sense on a platform like TikTok that higher purpose being connected to learning quickly new information, approaches, or data, and how to apply it through shortcuts, or simplified methods. It's about removing complexity and providing the most important aspects needed to understand something or get results.
What is the higher purpose of your account in terms of what your followers are most looking to learn about?
How can you tie in what you share at this time both to the immediate needs and interests (Moon) as well as their bigger spiritual or personal growth-related higher purpose?
By combining the two during this time you will increase your engagement, and following.
Marketing Advice:
Engaging Live Events: Host captivating live events that encourage active participation and create a sense of excitement among your audience.
Example Strategies:
Conduct Q&A sessions or live interviews with industry experts or influencers.
Organize live performances, demonstrations, or interactive challenges.
Run contests or giveaways exclusively for your live event viewers.
Interactive Polls and Games: Incorporate interactive polls, quizzes, or games during your TikTok Live Events to increase engagement and encourage audience participation.
Example Strategies:
Ask your audience for their opinions on certain topics through polls.
Create quizzes related to your niche or content to entertain and educate your audience.
Engage your viewers with interactive games or challenges that they can participate in during the live event.
Collaborative Experiences: Invite other TikTokers or influencers to join your live events for collaborations, discussions, or joint performances.
Example Strategies:
Host panel discussions or roundtable conversations on trending topics.
Invite influencers or experts to share their insights or expertise during the live event.
Collaborate with other content creators to create unique and engaging live experiences.
Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Content: Offer glimpses behind the curtain by sharing exclusive behind-the-scenes content related to your live events.
Example Strategies:
Take your audience on a backstage tour before the live event begins.
Share sneak peeks or previews of what's to come during the live event.
Provide post-event recaps or highlights to keep the excitement going.
At the middle & end of Gemini Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Gemini Energy: |
TikTok Videos
This can be an excellent time to sell information or information products. This transit of the Moon in Gemini is activating the natal Venus and Mars in TikTok's combined natal charts.
Venus is cash flow, values, passion, and generosity, and Mars is action, CTAs, and motivation. With them both being in the sign of Gemini the motivator here is information, especially information that has been simplified, broken down, and extracted for its most valuable and necessary aspects and then translated into something that is useable by your audience, especially to solve problems, provide relief, reduce anxiety, or answer some of their bigger questions.
Pitches, cart open, cart close, flash sales, bundle sales, or CTAs towards other goals you have(getting sign-ups, joining your community, subscribing, etc) are all highly beneficial at this time, so long as you have provided them with enough of the right information to fill in any gaps emotionally and mentally in their awareness or deeper needs.
Marketing Advice:
Captivating Visuals: Create visually stunning content that grabs attention and leaves a lasting impression.
Example Strategies:
Use eye-catching filters, effects, and transitions to enhance your videos.
Experiment with different camera angles, perspectives, and composition techniques.
Incorporate aesthetically pleasing colors, lighting, and props to create a visually cohesive experience.
Authentic Storytelling: Share personal stories, experiences, or challenges to create a genuine connection with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Open up about your journey, struggles, and triumphs to inspire and motivate others.
Use humor and wit to engage your viewers and create a lighthearted atmosphere.
Share behind-the-scenes glimpses or "day in the life" snippets to give your audience a peek into your world.
Trendy Challenges and Duets: Participate in popular challenges and duets to increase your visibility and engage with the TikTok community.
Example Strategies:
Put your unique spin on trending challenges by adding your personal touch or creative flair.
Collaborate with other TikTokers by duetting their videos and showcasing your creativity.
Create your own challenges and encourage your followers to join in and share their versions.
Educational and Informative Content: Share your expertise, provide tips, or offer educational content that adds value to your viewers' lives.
Example Strategies:
Create short tutorials or how-to videos related to your niche or area of expertise.
Share bite-sized knowledge and insights on topics your audience is interested in.
Answer frequently asked questions and provide practical solutions to common problems.
TikTok Live Events
Here we see a lot of positive energy around growing your following, reputation, credibility, and legacy in your work through the use of TikTok Live Events. The transit Moon in Gemini is making a conjunction with the natal Midheaven in TikTok Live Events chart. The Midheaven is all about your reputation, career success, legacy, and what you're known for. When you leverage this transit to share, teach, network, or provide high-value content it carries with it the added benefit of building your credibility and trust factors with your audience.
The Midheaven also rules those who you serve, especially your clients, indicating a good time to attract new clients through sharing of information and content that easily translates into application and transformation for your audience.
This can be used during a launch or promotion, to share your system, blueprint, or an outline of your process, while also providing steps, phases, pillars, or other approaches to utilizing the informationand understanding how it fits in with the big picture.
Under Gemini, it's important to remember this information should be factual, and be backed up by studies, statistics, or reputable data to form the backbone of your argument. Your approach to deciphering what it means and how it applies to them becomes part of your system and your unique approach. Breaking information up, and streamlining what you're sharing so it doesn't become overwhelming is also important and helpful.
Marketing Advice:
Expertise Showcase: Demonstrate your knowledge and skills in your niche, positioning yourself as a trusted authority.
Example Strategies:
Create educational videos that provide valuable insights and practical tips.
Share personal anecdotes and stories that relate to your area of expertise.
Collaborate with other experts in your field to create engaging and informative content.
Engaging Storytelling: Craft compelling narratives that draw your viewers in and keep them hooked until the very end.
Example Strategies:
Use storytelling techniques to create emotional connections with your audience.
Incorporate humor, suspense, or surprise elements to make your videos memorable.
Experiment with different video formats, such as series or mini-documentaries, to tell longer stories.
Trendy and Current Content: Stay up-to-date with the latest TikTok trends and create content that resonates with the current cultural landscape.
Example Strategies:
Participate in popular challenges and put your unique spin on them.
Incorporate trending songs, sounds, and effects into your videos.
Keep an eye on current events and find creative ways to integrate them into your content.
Authenticity and Personal Branding: Embrace your true self and let your personality shine through in your TikTok presence.
Example Strategies:
Be genuine and authentic in your interactions with your audience.
Share behind-the-scenes moments and give your viewers a glimpse into your life.
Engage with your followers through comments, duets, and collaborations to build a sense of community.
At the beginning of Gemini Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Gemini Energy: |
YouTube Live
With the natal placements of YouTube Live’s Ascendant and Moon being in the sign of Gemini this indicates a platform that is focused on and rewards short-form, concise, and bite-sized content that addresses the big picture (umbrella issues) and narrows it down into just enough data and information for the viewer to get an adequate understanding of the topic.
We are reminded under this transit that in order to retain viewers we have to focus on meeting their needs for variety, curiosity, and attention captivation through eye-catching graphics, infographics, diagrams, bullet points, strong headlines and subheads, facts and statistics, videos, punchy music, subject matter and presentation outlines and re-caps.
Posting interesting facts, statistics, and data, using headlines that are controversial, or creating open loops in your presentation are highlighted here. We are able to cover a lot of information at this timebut it needs to be condensed into an argument where you breakdown your approach, and then back it up with evidence. They don’t have the time to become experts in this, but if you were to use this period to condense your years of knowledge, wisdom, and your own journey what would you share? That is what we want to cover during our lives at this time.
The transit Moon conjunct with the natal Moon in YouTube Live’s chart denotes that this is a lunar return for YouTube Live, which initiates a new cycle, and in many ways operates similarly to a ‘new moon’ in the lunar cycle. This suggests an excellent time for sharing your work with new audiences, bringing your work full circle, and walking your audience through the process.
The activation of YouTube Live’s natal Ascendant in Gemini by the Moon (Public Needs) suggests that this is an excellent period for first impressions, to introduce yourself, your work, your brand, your approach, your products, your service to an audience, as well as an excellent period for ‘hints’, reveals, trailers, behind-the-scenes, or introductory offers or invitations. Just remember that everyone learns, retains, and processes information differently and at this time attention spans are shorter than normal, so it’s best to make sure your presentation has a lot of variety in it, and makes use of various learning tools and styles (subtitles and closed captioning, bullet points, visual diagrams, and providing a clear outline before and after the presentation).
Marketing Advice:
Interactive Live Experiences: Engage your audience by creating interactive and participatory live experiences that encourage viewers to actively join the conversation.
Example Strategies:
Conduct live Q&A sessions where viewers can ask questions and receive real-time responses.
Run polls and surveys during your live streams to gather feedback and involve your audience in decision-making.
Invite viewers to share their thoughts, experiences, or opinions on specific topics and encourage lively discussions.
Storytelling and Emotion: Use the power of storytelling to captivate your audience's emotions and create a memorable live experience.
Example Strategies:
Share personal anecdotes, inspiring stories, or behind-the-scenes moments that resonate with your audience.
Craft narratives that evoke emotions such as joy, empathy, inspiration, or excitement.
Use visual storytelling techniques such as props, visuals, or on-screen interactions to enhance the storytelling experience.
Educational and Informative Content: Provide valuable insights, tutorials, or educational content during your live streams to establish yourself as an expert in your niche.
Example Strategies:
Conduct live workshops, demonstrations, or tutorials that teach your audience something new or valuable.
Share industry insights, trends, or tips that can help your viewers achieve their goals or solve their problems.
Invite guest experts or influencers to join your live stream and provide unique perspectives or knowledge.
Authentic Connection: Foster a genuine connection with your audience by being your authentic self and encouraging open and honest communication.
Example Strategies:
Engage with viewer comments and questions during your live streams, acknowledging and responding to their input.
Share personal experiences, challenges, or lessons learned to create a relatable and authentic connection.
Create a welcoming and inclusive environment where viewers feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.
YouTube Shorts
I can’t imagine a better transit for your YouTube Shorts content. Here we see the Moon in Gemini (king of condensed content, variety, and short attention spans) conjunct the natal Mars (action/motivation/CTAs) in YouTube Shorts chart.
This is a green light for you to go ahead and leverage YouTube Shorts to share your short, to-the-point condensed content with clear CTAs. This a reminder that your audience is looking for information at this time with Gemini being the natural co-ruler of Mercury, the planet of connection, communication, e-commerce, and learning. But because there is SO MUCH information to learn and absorb and attention spans are shorter and faster at this time it’s important to make sure that you take your audience from the big picture, right down to the most important details, and then back up your findings, like a lawyer might in court.
This is similar to the opening or closing statements that a lawyer may make at the beginning or end of a trial, where they share a view or perspective they want you to have, and then how they plan to prove that to you, and then at the end they provide a recap of what was shared and why this is the only answer, and finally telling you what the next steps are.
Here we understand that our audience is constantly bombarded by insane amounts of informationin relation to everything going on in their lives at all times, the only thing that can help to cut through the noise is to open by presenting facts, and data or statistics to back up those facts, and then using this to inform and tell a story. This approach for your YouTube Shorts will help meet the needs of your audience under Gemini and also keep them curious and engaged in the information you’re sharing.
This can be used to invite them to sign up for a call, watch a replay, sign up for an event, subscribe to your channel, or join your program.
Marketing Advice:
Be Bold and Engaging: Embrace the fiery energy of the Moon in Gemini conjunct YouTube Shorts' Mars and create videos that grab attention and leave a lasting impact. Show your enthusiasm and deliver content that resonates with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Use high-energy editing techniques, such as jump cuts or quick transitions, to maintain a fast-paced and captivating flow.
Experiment with dynamic camera angles, close-ups, or creative shots to add visual interest and intrigue.
Incorporate humor, surprise elements, or unexpected twists to engage viewers and keep them coming back for more.
Ride the Trend Waves: Take advantage of the transit's innovative and trend-setting vibes by leveraging popular trends and challenges on YouTube Shorts. Stay updated with the latest viral content and adapt it to align with your brand.
Example Strategies:
Put your own spin on popular challenges to showcase your creativity and stand out from the crowd.
Keep an eye on emerging trends within your niche and create Shorts that provide unique perspectives or insights.
Collaborate with other creators who are participating in viral trends to expand your reach and attract new viewers.
Inspire Action with Calls-to-Action: Use the assertive energy of Mars to drive action and engagement. Include clear and compelling calls-to-action in your YouTube Shorts to guide your audience's next steps.
Example Strategies:
Encourage viewers to like, comment, and share your Shorts to increase reach and engagement.
Direct them to subscribe to your channel for more captivating content and updates.
Invite them to visit your website or follow your other social media accounts for additional resources or exclusive offers.
Experiment and Innovate: With the Moon in Gemini aligning with YouTube Shorts' Mars, this is a time to think outside the box and try new approaches. Embrace the platform's short-form format and explore innovative ways to connect with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Create mini-tutorials or quick tips that provide value in a concise and engaging manner.
Showcase behind-the-scenes glimpses of your creative process or give sneak peeks of upcoming projects.
Use interactive elements like polls, quizzes, or challenges to actively involve viewers and foster engagement.
YouTube Ads
Similar to the summary above for YouTube Shorts, YouTube Ads also has Mars in Gemini which is being activated by this lunar transit. To get the full benefit of this transit please read the suggestions above for YouTube Shorts so that you can understand some ways to structure your content for YouTube Ads to capture audience attention.
The key to remember is that the information must form a well-structured argument, including an opening statement (headline) that captures attention and induces curiosity, followed by evidence(statistics/data) to back up the statement, then the information presented in a short, concise and engaging way (through creative visualization, humor, upbeat music), and then a recap of what was presented, and finally ending with a CTA for next steps.
This transit indicates that YouTube Ads rewards this type of content with more engagement (Mars)and that your audience is also looking for this type of content, especially content that gets them motivated and moving toward a solution (Gemini) that makes sense to them. You may also wish to target your audience specifically during this transit through data, research, and analytics of your potential markets (Gemini) as this transit also suggests a data-gathering opportunity for you to improve your results and deliverability.
Remember short, to-the-point information which begins broad, then narrows, meeting their need for education and variety and that is specifically chosen to motivate and inspire specific action, with a clear CTA to direct them on the next steps.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Dynamic and Engaging Content: The alignment of the Moon with YouTube Ads' Mars amplifies the need for content that is lively, captivating, and action-oriented. Make use of engaging visuals, compelling storytelling, and clear calls-to-action to drive viewers to take action.
Example Strategies:
Craft attention-grabbing video ads with visually stunning imagery, bold colors, and dynamic editing techniques.
Create compelling narratives that resonate with your target audience and evoke emotions.
Use concise and impactful messaging to convey your unique value proposition and encourage viewers to engage with your brand.
Target the Right Audience: The assertive energy of Mars calls for a targeted approach in your YouTube Ads campaigns. Focus on identifying and reaching the audience most likely to be interested in your product or service, ensuring your advertising efforts yield the best results.
Example Strategies:
Utilize YouTube's extensive targeting options, such as demographics, interests, and keywords, to refine your audience selection.
Take advantage of re-marketing campaigns to re-engage users who have previously interacted with your brand or website.
Test different audience segments to identify the most responsive groups and optimize your campaigns accordingly.
Optimize for Mobile: With the Moon in Gemini aligning with YouTube Ads' Mars, it's crucial to prioritize mobile optimization. Given the prevalence of mobile devices for video consumption, ensure your ads are tailored for optimal viewing on smartphones and tablets.
Example Strategies:
Create vertical or square video ads that fit seamlessly within mobile screens and are easily digestible.
Keep your messaging concise and visually appealing, making it easy for viewers to engage with your ad even on smaller screens.
Use mobile-specific features, such as clickable overlays or interactive elements, to enhance engagement and drive action.
Monitor and Refine Campaign Performance: The assertive energy of Mars encourages you to be proactive in analyzing and optimizing your YouTube Ads campaigns. Keep a close eye on performance metrics and make data-driven decisions to maximize your advertising effectiveness.
Example Strategies:
Regularly review key metrics, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition, to assess the performance of your campaigns.
A/B test different ad variations, targeting options, or landing pages to identify the most effective combinations.
Continuously refine your targeting, messaging, and creative elements based on insights gained from campaign data.
At the middle & end of Gemini Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Gemini Energy: |
YouTube Videos, Engagement, SEO
♄ Rx
Under the influence of the Moon (Public Needs) in Gemini (Information, Implementation & Variety) in conjunction with the natal Saturn Retrograde in YouTube’s combined charts we can leverage this as an opportunity to produce or share content for your YouTube channel that is rooted in your core content(Saturn) and supports your business foundation.
When Saturn is retrograde this indicates that your community (and you yourself) may not be ready to commit or decide your next steps fully. That there is a review going on at this time, and while this may seem like it’s not to your advantage it actually serves as the best time for you to introduce content, and re-view core foundational material with your subscribers so that they are armed with everything they need when that time does come.
In terms of your own commitment, you may use this time to do a bit of fishing, sharing ideas, thoughts, or topics that you’ve been curious about approaching and see how you feel about it, and also the type of engagement you get. Here we are being given a window to revise strategy and get clear about what we want to be known for (Saturn also rules our reputation), and if we are getting the kind of results we want based on what we’ve been working towards.
You may wish to go back over previous content you’ve shared where you got a lot of questions, and then use this period to create new content around that topic potentially exploring it in more depth, breaking it apart, (Gemini), or building upon what you’ve already shared, maybe turning it into a series.
We are being invited to consider what our audiences need in order to make a commitment to the processes we’re sharing, and the solutions we’re offering. To examine if there is anything missing, or any gaps in their knowledge or understanding that we can fill at this time with content that helps them to implement things better, or provides more context for them to grasp a deeper understanding and appreciation for the importance of the information.
Whatever you do decide to do at this time know that it will be rewarded over time with your commitment and perseverance to put the time in that’s needed, and nurture what you’re building.
Marketing Advice:
Establish Clear Goals and Consistent Content: The alignment of the Moon with YouTube's Saturn Retrograde calls for a clear vision and a well-defined content strategy. Set specific goals for your YouTube channel and ensure your content aligns with your brand and target audience consistently.
Example Strategies:
Define your target audience and create content that resonates with their interests, needs, and preferences.
Develop a content calendar to maintain a consistent posting schedule and provide a variety of engaging content.
Craft a compelling channel trailer and optimize your channel layout to make a strong first impression on new visitors.
Focus on Quality and Expertise: With Saturn's influence, prioritize quality over quantity and position yourself as an expert in your niche. Invest time and effort into creating well-produced, informative, and valuable content that sets you apart from the competition.
Example Strategies:
Conduct in-depth research on your chosen topics and deliver well-researched, accurate, and reliable information.
Improve your video production quality, including audio, visuals, and editing techniques, to enhance viewer engagement and credibility.
Collaborate with industry experts or influencers to bring unique perspectives and insights to your audience.
Build a Community and Engage with Viewers: The disciplined energy of Saturn Retrograde encourages you to foster a sense of community and engage with your audience. Focus on building strong relationships, encouraging interaction, and responding to viewer comments and feedback.
Example Strategies:
Encourage viewers to subscribe, like, and share your videos, and include clear calls-to-action throughout your content.
Respond to comments and engage in meaningful conversations with your audience, showing genuine interest and appreciation for their feedback.
Use YouTube's community features, such as live chats, polls, and community posts, to encourage participation and create a sense of belonging.
Analyze Metrics and Adjust Strategies: The Saturn Retrograde transit reminds you to review your channel analytics, identify areas for improvement, and adapt your strategies accordingly. Leverage data-driven insights to optimize your content, engagement, and channel growth.
Example Strategies:
Regularly analyze your YouTube analytics, including watch time, audience retention, and traffic sources, to understand viewer behavior and preferences.
Experiment with different video formats, titles, and thumbnails to gauge their impact on click-through rates and audience engagement.
Use YouTube's A/B testing feature to compare the performance of different video elements, such as intros, outros, or CTAs.
YouTube Ads
The Midheaven represents the peak, the potential highest attainment within our charts, our legacy, and what we’re known for in terms of our reputation, credibility, and expertise. Here we see it being activated by the Transit Moon in Gemini through a conjunction in YouTube Ad’s chart.
This indicates not only the potential available to us through leveraging YouTube Ads but also the types of content that tend to do best during this time. Under the influence of Gemini, the content that creates the most engagement is short-form, concise, and bite-sized content that addresses the big picture (umbrella issues) and narrows it down into just enough data and information for the viewer to get an adequate understanding of the topic.
We are reminded under this transit that in order to retain viewers we have to focus on meeting their needs for variety, curiosity, and attention captivation through eye-catching graphics, infographics, diagrams, bullet points, strong headlines and subheads, facts and statistics, videos, punchy music, subject matter and presentation outlines and re-caps.
Posting interesting facts, statistics, and data, using headlines that are controversial, or creating open loops in your ads are highlighted here.
The key to remember is that the information must form a well-structured argument, including an opening statement (headline) that captures attention and induces curiosity, followed by evidence(statistics/data) to back up the statement, then the information presented in a short, concise and engaging way (through creative visualization, humor, upbeat music), and then a recap of what was presented, and finally ending with a CTA for next steps.
They don’t have the time to become experts in this, but if you were to use this period to condense your years of knowledge, wisdom, and your own journey what would you share? That is what we want to cover during our lives at this time.
If you use this transit as an educational opportunity that also emphasizes your expertise, unique approach, shortcuts, and creative or innovative ways to solve or address a problem you’re likely to capture a lot of attention and improve your ROI while also building your brand.
Marketing Advice:
Define Your Target Audience: The alignment of the Moon with YouTube Ads' Midheaven reminds you to clearly define your target audience and tailor your ad campaigns to reach the right people. Understanding your audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors will allow you to create compelling ads that resonate with them.
Example Strategies:
Conduct thorough market research to identify your target audience's preferences, needs, and pain points.
Utilize YouTube's ad targeting options to refine your audience selection based on factors like age, location, and interests.
Craft ad messaging that speaks directly to your target audience's desires and challenges.
Create Compelling Ad Content: With the Midheaven in focus, it's crucial to create captivating ad content that grabs viewers' attention and delivers your message effectively. Utilize engaging visuals, concise copy, and a clear call-to-action to drive conversions and encourage viewers to take the desired action.
Example Strategies:
Develop visually appealing and eye-catching ads that align with your brand identity and values.
Craft concise and compelling ad copy that highlights the benefits of your product or service.
Use storytelling techniques to create an emotional connection with your audience and make your ads memorable.
Optimize Targeting and Ad Placement: To make the most of your YouTube Ads campaign, take advantage of the targeting options and ad placements available. By strategically placing your ads where your target audience is most likely to see them, you increase the chances of reaching the right people at the right time.
Example Strategies:
Leverage YouTube's demographic targeting to ensure your ads are shown to the most relevant audience segments.
Utilize interest targeting to reach users who have shown an affinity for topics related to your product or service.
Consider contextual targeting, such as showing your ads on YouTube channels or videos that align with your brand's values or content.
Monitor and Optimize Ad Performance: The transit of the Moon in Gemini conjunct YouTube Ads' Midheaven encourages you to closely monitor the performance of your ad campaigns and make data-driven optimizations. Regularly analyze key metrics and experiment with different ad elements to improve your campaign's effectiveness.
Example Strategies:
Monitor metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition to assess the success of your ads.
A/B test different ad variations, including visuals, messaging, and calls-to-action, to identify the most effective combinations.
Continuously refine your targeting settings based on audience response and adjust your budget allocation to maximize ROI.
YouTube Live
With this transit moon activating YouTube Live’s natal South Node we are reminded that this is a time to pour from a full cup. The South Node represents the past, including your past experiences, wisdom, expertise, history, and accomplishments.
The challenge with this transit is when we try to do something new rather than leverage what is already available, when we ignore what is available at our disposal we may incur losses (South Node), or repeat past mistakes. Here we are being reminded that sometimes the best presentations and content is content that our audience has already been exposed to before. After all most buyers need to be exposed to a piece of information or advertisement 8-12 times before they’re ready to invest in it, illustrating the power of marketing comes through consistent repeated exposure, which helps to move the needle in their understanding, readiness, and willingness to commit.
Here we may be re-capping previously shared content, facts, and statistics, using what we have already shared, or hinted at through other forms of marketing and bringing their understanding full circle. We may wish to explore different applications or use cases of what we’re sharing to help our audience visualize how it can benefit them, or apply to them more personally, or we may use this period to dispel misunderstandings, lack of information, or fill in gaps that are creating obstacles to them applying or following through on the information.
This period can also highlight the relationships you’ve already built with your followers through YouTube as well as other platforms, which can help you to expand your reach and generate more sales, followers, or sign-ups.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Authenticity: The alignment of the Moon with YouTube Live's South Node encourages you to embrace your authentic self and let your true personality shine through during your live broadcasts. Authenticity builds trust and fosters a genuine connection with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories, experiences, and insights that resonate with your viewers.
Engage in authentic interactions and respond to comments and questions during your live sessions.
Show vulnerability and share challenges you've overcome, inspiring others to do the same.
Revisit Successful Strategies: The transit of the Moon conjunct YouTube Live's South Node invites you to revisit successful strategies and formats from the past. Analyze your previous live videos that resonated with your audience and incorporate those elements into your current broadcasts.
Example Strategies:
Identify the most popular topics or themes from your past live sessions and create new content around those subjects.
Incorporate successful segments, formats, or recurring features that have received positive feedback.
Build upon past successful collaborations or partnerships with other content creators to enhance engagement and reach.
Engage with Your Audience: Foster a sense of community and engagement by actively involving your audience during your YouTube Live broadcasts. Encourage comments, questions, and participation to create an interactive experience that keeps viewers hooked.
Example Strategies:
Use live chat to interact with viewers, answering their questions and acknowledging their comments.
Conduct live Q&A sessions, where viewers can ask you questions in real-time and receive immediate responses.
Run contests, polls, or giveaways during your live sessions to incentivize engagement and create excitement.
Leverage Cross-Promotion: The Moon's alignment with YouTube Live's South Node signifies a karmic connection and an opportunity to collaborate with other content creators. Explore partnerships and cross-promotion to expand your reach and tap into new audiences.
Example Strategies:
Collaborate with other YouTubers or influencers who share a similar target audience to co-host live sessions or create joint content.
Participate as a guest on other creators' live streams, introducing yourself to their audience and gaining exposure.
Cross-promote each other's YouTube channels and live sessions through shout-outs, mentions, or collaborations.
YouTube Shorts
Opposite to the above transit for YouTube Live, this period marks an activation to the natal North Node in Gemini YouTube Short’s chart. Where the South Node indicates the past, and our accumulated experience, wisdom, expertise, and Karma, the North Node indicates our future purpose, direction, fulfillment, and Dharma. And from a collective focus, it represents where we are going as a group, in terms of our personal growth and fulfillment.
Here it clearly illustrates that the collective purpose of YouTube Shorts is information and application(Gemini), and to meet the needs for variety and curiosity with our audience. To disseminate valuable information and impart it in a way that is easily digestible, understandable, and applicable to our audience, and in a way that fulfills their curiosity about the topic we’re sharing, and helps them to feel as though they are growing as a purpose and moving towards what they’re here to do.
This a reminder that your audience is looking for information at this time with Gemini being the natural co-ruler of Mercury, the planet of connection, communication, e-commerce, and learning. But because there is SO MUCH information to learn and absorb and attention spans are shorter and faster at this time it’s important to make sure that you take your audience from the big picture, right down to the most important details, and then back up your findings, like a lawyer might in court.
This is similar to the opening or closing statements that a lawyer may make at the beginning or end of a trial, where they share a view or perspective they want you to have, and then how they plan to prove that to you, and then at the end they provide a recap of what was shared and why this is the only answer, and finally telling you what the next steps are (CTA).
Here we understand that our audience is constantly bombarded by insane amounts of informationin relation to everything going on in their lives at all times, the only thing that can help to cut through the noise is to open by presenting facts, and data or statistics to back up those facts, and then using this to inform and tell a story.
This approach for your YouTube Shorts will help meet the needs of your audience under Gemini and also keep them curious and engaged in the information you’re sharing.
This can be used to invite them to sign up for a call, watch a replay, sign up for an event, subscribe to your channel, or join your program especially if it is aligned with the higher collective calling of your followers.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Creative Expression: The alignment of the Moon with YouTube Shorts' North Node invites you to embrace your creative expression and unleash your unique style. Use this opportunity to experiment with different video formats, themes, and storytelling techniques to captivate and engage your audience.
Example Strategies:
Showcase your talents and skills through visually captivating and entertaining shorts.
Experiment with different editing styles, visual effects, and music to create a signature style for your Shorts.
Explore innovative concepts, trends, or challenges that align with your niche and resonate with your target audience.
Tap into Virality and Trends: The transit of the Moon conjunct YouTube Shorts' North Node signifies a potential for viral success and increased visibility. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends, challenges, and popular topics within the Shorts community to enhance your chances of reaching a wider audience.
Example Strategies:
Participate in trending challenges and create your unique spin on them.
Stay active on the YouTube Shorts platform and engage with other creators' content by liking, commenting, and sharing.
Monitor popular hashtags and incorporate them strategically into your Shorts to increase discoverability.
Connect with Your Audience Emotionally: The Moon's alignment with YouTube Shorts' North Node encourages you to create emotional connections with your viewers. Craft Shorts that evoke specific emotions, inspire, entertain, or share relatable experiences to foster a deeper connection with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Tell compelling stories within the short timeframe, leaving viewers wanting more.
Evoke laughter, joy, empathy, or nostalgia through your Shorts' content.
Show appreciation for your audience by featuring user-generated content or responding to comments in a heartfelt manner.
Collaborate with Other Creators: The Moon's alignment with YouTube Shorts' North Node signifies an opportunity for collaborative growth. Consider partnering with other creators to expand your reach, cross-promote each other's Shorts, and tap into new audiences.
Example Strategies:
Collaborate with creators who complement your content style or have a similar target audience.
Create joint Shorts by featuring each other in your videos or producing collaborative projects.
Exchange shout-outs or create compilation Shorts that feature multiple creators' content.
At the middle & end of Gemini Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Gemini Energy: |
Twitter Spaces
I couldn't imagine a better Moon to host or participate in Twitter Spaces. This transit sees a conjunction with the natal North Node in Gemini in Twitter Spaces chart.
Gemini in general rules the conveying of information through teaching, data analysis, processing, and presentations. With the addition of the North Node, the goal here is a collective one surrounding a higher purpose or direction.
Here we see information being used as a stepping stone to reaching for the stars, fulfilling an inner longing, understanding ourselves and the world, processing and integrating information to make changes, finding relief, solving problems, bringing healing, or any various combination thereof.
What is the collective higher purpose of your following and community?
Why do they want the information that you share?
What deeper purpose does it fill inside of them?
How can you connect their current experiences, symptoms, and challenges with this bigger yearning?
By participating in or facilitating Twitter Spaces focusing on condensing large amounts of complex information and research into something that is useable, understandable, applicable, and simplified you can bridge large gaps in your audience's awareness and aid them in making improvements in their own lives, and understanding themselves in a deeper way because they will have more tools to do so.
Marketing Advice:
Facilitate Authentic Conversations: The alignment of the Moon with Twitter Spaces' North Node invites you to facilitate authentic conversations that resonate with your audience. Use this opportunity to curate topics, invite guest speakers, and create a safe and inclusive space for open dialogue.
Example Strategies:
Choose conversation topics that align with your expertise and resonate with your audience's interests.
Encourage participants to share their perspectives, experiences, and insights during the Space.
Foster a supportive and inclusive environment by actively moderating and addressing any disruptive behavior.
Engage and Connect with Your Audience: The Moon's alignment with Twitter Spaces' North Node emphasizes the power of connection. Engage with your audience during Spaces, listen actively, and respond to their comments and questions to build a genuine connection and sense of community.
Example Strategies:
Encourage audience participation by inviting questions, opinions, or personal experiences.
Respond to comments and messages, showing genuine interest and fostering dialogue.
Acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of your audience, creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.
Collaborate with Influencers and Thought Leaders: The Moon's alignment with Twitter Spaces' North Node signifies an opportunity for collaborative growth and expanding your reach. Consider partnering with influencers and thought leaders in your industry to co-host Spaces, cross-promote each other's events, and tap into new audiences.
Example Strategies:
Collaborate with influencers or experts in your field to co-host Spaces and leverage their following.
Invite guest speakers who have a strong presence in your niche or industry.
Participate in other Spaces as a guest speaker, sharing your expertise and gaining exposure to new audiences.
Utilize Twitter Engagement Tools: Twitter offers a range of engagement tools that can enhance your Twitter Spaces experience and increase participation.
Example Strategies:
Use polls or ask thought-provoking questions to engage your audience and spark discussions.
Incorporate visuals, such as images or slides, to support and enhance your conversations.
Experiment with audio effects or background music to create a dynamic and immersive experience.
Twitter Posts
How’s a little fire added into the mix? With the Moon in Gemini conjunct with the natal Mars in Twitter's combined charts we hold a unique opportunity to inspire action, momentum, change, and motion in our followers and audience.
Here we are using condensed information, framed in a context that helps to make it relevant for your readers, and facts to inspire them to do something. This is a great time to share clear CTAs, open or close your cart, share a promotion or an offer, a link, a sign-up page, or anything that you are looking to get engagement on.
By summarizing information that would overwhelm them into a simple action forward, and removing any doubt, fears, or anxiety in their mind with truth, you have the power to move your goals forward as well as those of your community to take meaningful action towards the outcomes they desire.
With the Moon on Mars, tempers can be running a little higher than normal, and you may find that you receive more cutting comments, arguments, or inflamed discussions at this time. Try to not take it personally, approach it with professionalism and let the trolls keep trolling on.
Marketing Advice:
Be Bold and Assertive: The alignment of the Moon with Twitter's Mars encourages you to be bold, assertive, and unafraid to share your opinions. Embrace the opportunity to stand up for what you believe in and express your thoughts in a direct and confident manner.
Example Strategies:
Share strong, passionate opinions on trending topics related to your niche or industry.
Engage in debates or discussions that challenge conventional wisdom and spark conversation.
Use strong and attention-grabbing headlines or hooks to capture the interest of your followers.
Engage and Interact: The Moon's alignment with Twitter's Mars signifies an energetic and dynamic time for engagement. Take advantage of this transit to actively interact with your audience, respond to comments, and initiate conversations.
Example Strategies:
Respond promptly to comments, mentions, and direct messages, showing genuine interest in your followers' opinions.
Participate in Twitter chats, live discussions, or threads to engage with like-minded individuals.
Use polls, questions, or call-to-action prompts to encourage your followers to interact with your content.
Take Action and Share Updates: The Mars influence during this transit encourages you to take decisive action and share timely updates or announcements on Twitter. Leverage this energy to launch new products or services, share behind-the-scenes content, or provide updates on projects you're working on.
Example Strategies:
Announce and promote upcoming events, webinars, or product launches through Twitter.
Share sneak peeks or exclusive content to build anticipation and generate buzz.
Collaborate with influencers or thought leaders for joint initiatives, amplifying your reach.
Harness Visual Appeal: The Mars energy combined with the Moon's influence in Gemini highlights the importance of visual content on Twitter. Utilize eye-catching visuals, graphics, or videos to capture attention and enhance your tweets' impact.
Example Strategies:
Incorporate visually compelling images, infographics, or GIFs in your tweets.
Create short video clips or animations to communicate your message effectively.
Experiment with live video streaming to engage with your audience in real-time.
Twitter Community Spaces
Here we see, just as the transit summary I shared above, that this transit also activates the natal Mars in Gemini in Twitter Community Space's chart. Mars is all about action, momentum, and CTAs. Here it is under the influence of Gemini which is focused on the introduction, processing, and implementation of information. And with Mars, we can expect to use this information to overcome internal and external obstacles, fears, and resistance within ourselves and the world.
By hosting or participating in Twitter Community Spaces at this time and refining the information you're sharing into a more black-and-white approach, validating your findings with facts, statistics, studies, and evidence, and presenting it in a manner that empowers them to be in control of their own lives, you can find that your Spaces at this time can pack a powerful punch.
The first step is framing your content or method in the context of an argument and outlining all the pros and cons, and using this period to inform and deconstruct any untruths.
With the Moon on Mars, tempers can be running a little higher than normal, and you may find that your audience is more prone to arguments, disagreements, flare-ups or impatience, or using cutting words. Making sure that you have healthy boundaries, allowing for differing opinions, while also keeping things professional is important.
Marketing Advice:
Facilitate Engaging Discussions: The alignment of the Moon with Twitter Community Spaces' Mars emphasizes the importance of creating engaging and meaningful discussions within your community spaces. Encourage participation, foster connection, and stimulate thought-provoking conversations.
Example Strategies:
Host themed discussions or Q&A sessions where members can share their thoughts, experiences, and insights.
Invite guest speakers or experts to lead discussions and provide valuable perspectives.
Encourage members to ask questions, share resources, and engage with each other in a supportive environment.
Foster a Sense of Community: The Mars energy during this transit highlights the need to cultivate a strong sense of community within Twitter Community Spaces. Create an inclusive and welcoming environment where members feel valued, supported, and connected.
Example Strategies:
Use welcoming messages or pinned posts to greet new members and introduce them to the community.
Implement moderation guidelines to ensure respectful and constructive conversations.
Recognize and celebrate community members' achievements, contributions, or milestones.
Promote Collaborative Opportunities: The Moon's alignment with Twitter Community Spaces' Mars signifies an opportune time to promote collaboration and co-creation within your community spaces. Encourage members to collaborate, share their expertise, and work together on projects or initiatives.
Example Strategies:
Organize group challenges, contests, or collaborative projects where members can participate and showcase their skills.
Create dedicated spaces or threads for members to collaborate, network, or seek partnerships.
Facilitate mentorship or support programs where experienced members can guide and assist newcomers.
Drive Engagement and Participation: The Mars influence combined with the Moon's energy in Gemini highlights the need to actively drive engagement and participation within Twitter Community Spaces. Encourage members to contribute, share their thoughts, and interact with each other.
Example Strategies:
Use engaging prompts, questions, or polls to spark conversations and encourage member participation.
Schedule regular events, sessions, or workshops that align with your community's interests and goals.
Share valuable resources, insights, or recommendations that can enrich members' experience within the community.
At the beginning of Gemini Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Gemini Energy: |
LinkedIn Posts, Articles, Lead Gen
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The uniting of a greater purpose (to be educated, informed, and grow) and action (Mars).
During this transit of the Moon to LinkedIn's natal North Node and Mars in Gemini its combined charts we see the needs of the public, your audience, and connections on LinkedIn are highlighted with a desire to take big action on the information at their disposal.
This is excellent for sharing content that generates sales, or other goals within your business (list sign-ups, following, likes, subscribes, etc) so long as you are addressing both their immediate challenges and helping them to find solutions as well as addressing their larger need for purpose, direction, and fulfillment.
Here you are tapping into your audience's passion for learning and inspiring them to take action on it. It's important during this transit that you are helping them to process the infinite amount of information at their disposal, condensing it, simplifying it, putting it into a context they can understand,providing a framework to use it, and disabling their mental noise by backing up what you're sharing with facts (statistics, evidence, case studies, etc).
If you are launching something, make sure your approach is informative combined with inspiration and encouraging them to take the power into their own hands.
Marketing Advice:
Strategic Networking: The alignment of the Moon with LinkedIn's North Node emphasizes the importance of strategic networking and building meaningful connections within your industry. Use LinkedIn as a powerful tool to expand your professional network and establish valuable relationships.
Example Strategies:
Actively engage with industry peers, thought leaders, and potential collaborators by commenting on their posts and sharing insights.
Join relevant LinkedIn groups and actively participate in discussions, offering valuable contributions and insights.
Personalize your connection requests, showcasing genuine interest in the other person's work or achievements.
Showcase Your Expertise: The Mars energy during this transit highlights the need to assert your expertise and stand out on LinkedIn. Leverage the platform to showcase your skills, knowledge, and achievements, positioning yourself as a trusted authority in your field.
Example Strategies:
Publish insightful articles or posts that provide valuable industry insights, tips, or trends.
Share success stories, case studies, or project highlights to demonstrate your expertise and problem-solving abilities.
Participate in LinkedIn's professional development programs, webinars, or virtual events to enhance your skills and expand your knowledge.
Engage in Thought Leadership: The Moon's alignment with LinkedIn's Mars signifies an ideal time to engage in thought leadership activities and share your unique perspectives and ideas. Elevate your personal brand and establish yourself as a go-to resource in your industry.
Example Strategies:
Create and share compelling visual content, such as infographics or slideshares, that distill complex topics into easily digestible formats.
Start or contribute to relevant conversations through LinkedIn posts or comments, offering insights and stimulating discussions.
Collaborate with other industry experts on LinkedIn Live sessions, podcasts, or webinars to exchange knowledge and expand your reach.
Proactive Career Growth: The North Node's influence combined with the Moon's energy in Gemini highlights the need for proactive career growth on LinkedIn. Take charge of your professional journey and leverage the platform's resources to advance your career goals.
Example Strategies:
Update your LinkedIn profile to reflect your current achievements, skills, and career aspirations.
Actively seek and engage with job postings, leveraging LinkedIn's job search tools and networking connections.
Seek recommendations from colleagues, clients, or mentors to enhance your professional reputation.
At the middle & end of Gemini Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Gemini Energy: |
LinkedIn Posts, Articles, Lead Gen
Commitments through the presentation of facts, clear information and focus on implementation.Under this transit, you are being provided the opportunity to build a solid base on LinkedIn throughconsistent content, referral, and network building.
Saturn rules time and the commitments we make to building stability and establishing mastery. Here we can't speed up the results, but we can through a willingness to put in the work build a future for ourselves. Saturn also rules your expertise, your reputation, your core business foundations, and your strategies. This time can be used to leverage LinkedIn as part of your lead gen strategy and to strengthen your work relationships and reputation.
From a content perspective, what makes up the core foundational pieces of your system?
What does your audience need to know, be aware of, or have in place to take advantage of your expertise or make big changes to their situation?
This can serve as an excellent time to break that content down and create a series of articles focusing on it. Here we see the power of creating content that ages well and helps you and your audience to sort themselves into various categories, and if you happen to have offers related to each of those phases or categories or a working relationship with someone who compliments your work who you can funnel them to, you can amplify your reach and positioning on LinkedIn.
Whatever you do at this time, the true impact of it is likely not to be seen for some time, but that doesn't mean it's not happening.
If you're using LinkedIn as a lead gen touchpoint, what could you be putting in place now to improve your reach and leads?
Is there anywhere they are dropping off?
If so what can you do to improve your conversion and retention?
Marketing Advice:
Establish Professional Credibility: The alignment of the Moon with LinkedIn's Saturn emphasizes the need to establish professional credibility and showcase your expertise. Focus on building a reliable and trustworthy personal brand on the platform.
Example Strategies:
Update your LinkedIn profile with comprehensive information about your skills, experience, and achievements.
Request recommendations from colleagues, clients, or mentors to highlight your professional reputation.
Share thought-provoking articles, research, or industry insights to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise.
Plan and Execute: The Saturn energy during this transit encourages you to plan and execute your strategies meticulously. Take a structured approach to your LinkedIn activities and focus on long-term goals.
Example Strategies:
Set specific goals for your LinkedIn presence, such as connecting with a certain number of industry professionals or generating a specific level of engagement.
Develop a content calendar that outlines topics, themes, and posting schedules to maintain consistency and relevance.
Use LinkedIn's analytics and insights to track your progress and make data-driven decisions for optimization.
Cultivate Professional Relationships: The Moon's alignment with LinkedIn's Saturn signifies the importance of cultivating meaningful professional relationships on the platform. Build connections, engage with others, and establish a network of like-minded professionals.
Example Strategies:
Actively engage with your LinkedIn connections by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts.
Join relevant LinkedIn groups or communities and participate in discussions to expand your network.
Attend virtual events, webinars, or industry conferences hosted on LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your field.
Demonstrate Reliability and Expertise: The Saturn's influence combined with the Moon's energy in Gemini highlights the need to showcase reliability and expertise. Consistently deliver valuable content and contribute to professional discussions to position yourself as a trusted authority.
Example Strategies:
Publish well-researched articles or blog posts on LinkedIn's publishing platform to share your knowledge and insights.
Respond promptly and thoughtfully to comments, messages, or inquiries from your connections.
Provide valuable advice or guidance to professionals seeking help or support in your area of expertise.
At the beginning of Gemini Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Gemini Energy: |
Spotify Podcasts
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Action through re-evaluation. This transit focuses on the power of Mars and Mercury Retrograde in Gemini in the natal chart of Spotify Podcasts. With the Moon bringing emotional focus and attention to our needs for deep information to the forefront, we can interpret this period as a desire to take action upon the information we've previously explored or considered (Mercury Retrograde).
The thinking and processing are happening initially on a deeper level, so this period encourages you to either re-address a previously covered matter or explore the internal influences of the topics of focus on your Podcast. Here we can see your audience is interested in examining their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences with these topics and potentially new meanings or beliefs they may have around them.
This presents an opportunity to inspire action around previously addressed themes with Mars, so it's a great time to include clear CTAs and inspire action and momentum towards change, next steps, or your offers at this time. However, with Mercury being retrograde natally this is likely with something they have already been exposed to rather than something new. There is much review going on.
Also under the influence of Gemini, it's important to condense this information, provide context, an argument (your perspective), a simplified path forward and back it up with evidence (facts, statistics, studies), like a lawyer would when presenting a case. This allows your listeners to get the full package and all the necessary information they need to make a decision or take the next steps.
Marketing Advice:
Take Bold Action: The alignment of the Moon with Spotify Podcasts' Mars amplifies your podcast's energy and encourages you to take bold action in your marketing efforts. Leverage this transit to assert your podcast's presence and make a strong impact.
Example Strategies:
Launch a compelling marketing campaign that highlights the unique aspects and benefits of your podcast.
Collaborate with other podcasters or influencers in your niche to cross-promote each other's shows.
Experiment with dynamic and attention-grabbing episode titles, cover art, or teasers to entice potential listeners.
Enhance Communication: With the Moon conjunct Spotify Podcasts' Mercury Retrograde, it's time to revisit and enhance your podcast's communication strategies. Reflect on your content, delivery, and messaging to ensure they align with your goals and resonate with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Review past episodes and identify areas where you can improve clarity, engagement, or storytelling techniques.
Conduct listener surveys or gather feedback to understand their preferences, interests, and expectations.
Experiment with different podcast formats, such as interviews, solo episodes, or panel discussions, to keep your content fresh and engaging.
Engage and Interact: The Mars energy combined with the Gemini influence of this transit emphasizes the importance of actively engaging and interacting with your audience. Foster a sense of community and create opportunities for listeners to connect with you and each other.
Example Strategies:
Encourage listener participation by asking questions, inviting feedback, or running contests on your podcast.
Host live Q&A sessions or interactive episodes where listeners can submit questions or topics in advance.
Respond to listener comments, messages, or emails promptly and authentically to build rapport and loyalty.
Revisit Past Strategies: The presence of Mercury Retrograde suggests a favorable time to revisit past strategies, content, and marketing approaches. Use this transit to identify areas for improvement, refine your branding, and fine-tune your podcasting strategy.
Example Strategies:
Review analytics and listener metrics to identify episodes or topics that resonated well with your audience.
Repurpose or update older episodes that still hold value and share them with new listeners.
Refresh your podcast's branding elements, such as cover art, intro/outro music, or show descriptions, to align with your current goals and target audience.
At the middle & end of Gemini Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Gemini Energy: |
Google Podcasts
An auspicious period for your Google Podcasting content, here we see the transit Moon in Gemini conjunct with the natal Ascendant and Sun in Google Podcast's chart.
Gemini rules information, news, research, data, analysis, processing, learning, integration, teaching, exploring, deduction, and decision. It is where we combine our own personal experience and understanding of the world with further information. It's a problem-solving sign, but often needs to absorb great deals of information in order to extract the most important pieces, so that a process can be created towards application.
Here your job is to simplify that for them by compiling all of the information, analyzing it, and creating a process out of it, and with this transit, this can be an excellent time to provide a hint, a sneak peek, an announcement or an introduction of new information to your listeners.
With the addition of the Sun, their awareness of the matters at hand will be heightened and they'll have the energy and interest to explore it. With the Ascendant they will have their curiosity piqued, and with Gemini, you have the ability to share something meaningful with them, that they can apply right away.
This is a great time for a launch, a promotion, or an announcement so long as you lead in by providing the runway of information they will need to make a decision, learn, process, or move forward.
Marketing Advice:
Optimize Your Podcast's Visibility: The alignment of the Moon with Google Podcasts' Ascendant highlights the importance of optimizing your podcast's visibility and making it easily discoverable on the platform.
Example Strategies:
Ensure your podcast's title, description, and tags are clear, concise, and relevant to attract the right audience.
Utilize appropriate keywords and relevant categories to improve your podcast's search rankings on Google Podcasts.
Encourage listeners to leave reviews and ratings on Google Podcasts to increase your podcast's visibility and credibility.
Showcase Your Unique Qualities: With the Moon conjunct Google Podcasts' Sun, it's time to showcase your podcast's core essence and highlight its unique qualities that set it apart from others in the same niche.
Example Strategies:
Craft compelling episode descriptions that clearly communicate the value and benefits of listening to your podcast.
Share personal anecdotes, stories, or experiences that resonate with your target audience and reflect your podcast's authenticity.
Invite guest speakers or experts who bring a fresh perspective and unique insights to your podcast's episodes.
Foster Connection and Engagement: The Moon's alignment with Google Podcasts' Ascendant emphasizes the importance of connecting with your listeners and fostering engagement.
Example Strategies:
Encourage listeners to provide feedback, share their thoughts, and suggest future topics or guests for your podcast.
Utilize social media platforms and other communication channels to interact with your audience, answer questions, and build relationships.
Consider hosting live Q&A sessions or virtual events where listeners can engage with you and other podcast enthusiasts.
Leverage the Power of Social Sharing: With the Moon in conjunction with Google Podcasts' Sun, you have the opportunity to leverage the power of social sharing and expand the reach of your podcast.
Example Strategies:
Encourage listeners to share your podcast episodes on their social media platforms, utilizing share buttons and calls to action.
Create visually appealing quote cards or audiograms to promote your podcast on social media platforms and engage potential listeners.
Collaborate with influencers or other podcasters to cross-promote each other's shows and tap into their existing audiences.
At the beginning of Gemini Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Gemini Energy: |
Google Adsense
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This transit highlights an opportunity for you through analysis, keyword research, and creative thinking to increase the monetization and results of your Google Adsense. Here under the influence of Gemini, you'll have the interest, curiosity, and ability to analyze and research what you need to improve your results and create a better strategy.
Your thinking will be clearer and with the addition of Venus in this transit, you'll be more passionate and aligned with your values and goals around your site or goals with your Google Adsense ads. As well Venus is an additional omen that this period can prove positive for you financially with the changes you make.
Marketing Advice:
Refine Your Ad Copy: The alignment of the Moon with Google AdSense's Mercury highlights the importance of refining your ad copy and optimizing your messaging.
Example Strategies:
Use clear and concise language to convey the value proposition of your products or services.
Experiment with different headlines and call-to-action statements to increase engagement.
Monitor and analyze the performance of your ads, making adjustments based on user feedback and conversion rates.
Create Engaging Visuals: With the Moon conjunct Google AdSense's Venus, it's essential to create visually appealing and eye-catching advertisements.
Example Strategies:
Invest in high-quality images, graphics, or videos that align with your brand and resonate with your target audience.
Use color psychology to evoke specific emotions and create visual impact.
Test different ad formats and layouts to find the most visually effective approach for your audience.
Target the Right Audience: Effective targeting plays a vital role in maximizing the effectiveness of your Google AdSense campaigns.
Example Strategies:
Utilize Google's audience targeting options to reach specific demographics, interests, or user behaviors.
Conduct thorough keyword research to ensure your ads appear in relevant search results and content placements.
Analyze data and metrics to refine your targeting parameters and improve the overall performance of your campaigns.
Optimize for Mobile: Given the mobile-centric nature of advertising, it's crucial to optimize your ads for mobile devices.
Example Strategies:
Ensure your ad layout is responsive and displays well on various screen sizes.
Optimize landing pages for mobile viewing, focusing on fast load times and intuitive navigation.
Leverage mobile-specific ad formats, such as mobile interstitials or in-app advertisements, to reach users on mobile devices.
The time to publish is now. This transit has the Moon in Gemini conjunct with the natal Sun of WordPress' chart. This period acts like a 'new moon' with Moon conjunct Sun and can indicate an opportunity for beginning a new cycle for your WordPress site. As well under the influence of Gemini this is a great transit for writing, outlining, creating, and editing content, improving and optimizing it, and researching content that is of interest to your audience. You can also use this period to improve some of the techs on your site.
In terms of content creation, the goal here is to take larger more complex issues that your audience is struggling with and simplify them. Compile the research and data and translate it into something that is easy to understand and implement for your audience.
The Sun is here to bring recognition, visibility, and awareness to your content and site, as well as energetic vitality and passion for you to work on it.
If you are using your WordPress site for sales pages this can be a good time to launch your sales page offer or craft the sales page itself.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Your Unique Voice: The alignment of the Moon with WordPress' Sun emphasizes the importance of embracing your authentic self and showcasing your unique voice in your blog.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories, experiences, and insights that resonate with your audience and reflect your authenticity.
Inject your writing with your personality, humor, or passion to make your blog posts more engaging and relatable.
Experiment with different writing formats, such as lists, how-to guides, or opinion pieces, to find the style that suits your voice and resonates with your readers.
Engage with Your Audience: With the Moon in Gemini, it's essential to actively engage with your audience to foster a sense of community and connection.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments on your blog posts and encourage discussions to create a dialogue with your readers.
Use social media platforms, such as Twitter or Facebook, to share your blog posts and engage with your audience.
Consider incorporating interactive elements in your blog posts, such as polls, quizzes, or surveys, to encourage reader participation.
Explore New Topics and Ideas: This transit provides an opportunity to expand your blogging horizons and explore fresh topics or angles.
Example Strategies:
Research trending topics or current events related to your niche and offer your unique perspective.
Interview industry experts or influencers and feature their insights in your blog posts.
Experiment with different content formats, such as video blogs (vlogs), podcasts, or infographics, to cater to diverse reader preferences.
Optimize for SEO: Effective search engine optimization (SEO) can help increase your blog's visibility and reach a wider audience.
Example Strategies:
Conduct keyword research to identify relevant and popular search terms within your niche.
Optimize your blog posts with appropriate meta tags, headings, and keyword-rich content.
Build quality backlinks to your blog from reputable sources to improve your blog's authority and search engine rankings.
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Past efforts generate current and future wealth and growth. Here we see the Moon in Gemini transit the natal South Node and Jupiter in Medium's combined charts. The South Node indicates content or topics previously published or discussed, as well as your previous assets, expertise, skills, or history. Here your audience benefits from being exposed to your previous work, or content, potentially in a new light, or with a new approach. The addition of Jupiter indicates publishing, PR, teaching, and writing opportunities, as well as financial and PR gains as a result of your previous (South Node) work.
Under the influence of Gemini, this can show up as re-caps, revisiting of data, content, or studies, turning data, studies, or science into an approach, presenting content in terms of phases, pillars, or parts, breaking apart complex topics into more bite-sized and applicable content.
The other asset we can see here with publishing content on Medium is that it helps you to get found, even if your content was written weeks, months, or years in the past, it can still serve to introduce potential clients to your content, while also operating as a funnel (Jupiter) to your offers.
This can be an opportunity as well to generate sales, a launch, or a promotion through your content or attach a funnel to your bio on Medium.
Marketing Advice:
Leverage Your Expertise: The alignment of the Moon with Medium's South Node highlights the importance of leveraging your expertise and sharing valuable insights with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Write in-depth articles or guides that showcase your knowledge and provide practical advice or solutions.
Offer personal anecdotes or case studies to illustrate your expertise and demonstrate real-world applications.
Collaborate with other writers or experts in your field to provide diverse perspectives and enhance the value of your content.
Revisit and Repurpose Previous Works: With the Moon conjunct Medium's South Node, it's a favorable time to revisit your past articles and breathe new life into them.
Example Strategies:
Update outdated articles with fresh information, new research, or recent developments in your field.
Repurpose content into different formats, such as creating a podcast episode based on a written article or turning a series of blog posts into an e-book.
Share "throwback" articles with your audience, highlighting their continued relevance or providing new insights based on your current knowledge.
Explore New Topics and Trends: This transit invites you to expand your horizons and explore new topics or emerging trends in your writing.
Example Strategies:
Stay up to date with the latest news and developments in your industry and write timely articles that address these topics.
Experiment with different writing styles or genres to keep your content fresh and engaging.
Conduct research and write in-depth articles about emerging trends or niche subjects within your field.
Cultivate a Growth Mindset: With Jupiter in Gemini, it's essential to embrace a growth mindset and seek opportunities for personal and professional development.
Example Strategies:
Engage in continuous learning by reading books, attending webinars or conferences, and participating in online courses related to your writing or blogging niche.
Share your learning journey with your audience by writing about your insights, key takeaways, or challenges you encountered.
Collaborate with other writers or Medium publications to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and expand your network.
There are a few transits that immediately bring to mind publishing so succinctly, but this is one of them. Here we see the Moon in Gemini (Information/writing) conjunct with the natal Jupiter (publishing/PR/writing) in Patreon's combined charts. This period marks a potentially prosperous window for your writing and publishing on Patreon, with Jupiter expanding your reach and potential cash flow.
You can utilize this period to release a new offering, promote your Patreon membership to new Patrons, or do an internal promotion within your Patreon to encourage your lower-tiered members to join a higher tier to get access to new materials and benefits.
Under the influence of Gemini, this content likely has a broad range focus, while also being dialed into the specific needs and interests of your Patrons. The key here is to make sure that you have provided enough information for them to understand the material while also ensuring it's not too overwhelming that they can't apply it. Focus on simplifying the material with an emphasis on application and implementation, while also keeping your members excited and curious about the possibilities of the content in their lives.
Marketing Advice:
Promote Your Membership Offering: The alignment of the Moon with Patreon's Jupiter encourages you to market your membership program and highlight its value to potential patrons.
Example Strategies:
Create engaging promotional content, such as videos, social media posts, or podcast episodes, that explain the benefits and exclusive perks of being a patron.
Offer limited-time incentives or special discounts to attract new patrons and incentivize them to join your membership community.
Collaborate with other creators or influencers in your niche to cross-promote each other's Patreon campaigns and expand your reach.
Engage and Communicate with Your Patrons: This transit emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships with your patrons and fostering a sense of community.
Example Strategies:
Regularly communicate with your patrons through Patreon updates, newsletters, or exclusive behind-the-scenes content.
Host live Q&A sessions, virtual events, or private discussion groups to facilitate interaction and engagement with your patrons.
Seek feedback and suggestions from your patrons to understand their needs and interests, and tailor your content accordingly.
Diversify Your Content Offerings: With the Moon conjunct Patreon's Jupiter, it's a favorable time to explore new content formats and provide diverse offerings to your patrons.
Example Strategies:
Create exclusive audio content, such as bonus podcast episodes, guided meditations, or audiobooks.
Develop digital downloads, such as e-books, templates, or artwork, that align with your niche and provide value to your patrons.
Offer personalized content or experiences, such as one-on-one coaching sessions, customized video shout-outs, or personalized recommendations.
Showcase Your Expertise and Creativity: This transit invites you to highlight your unique skills, expertise, and creative abilities to attract and retain patrons.
Example Strategies:
Share your creative process, behind-the-scenes insights, or exclusive sneak peeks into your projects.
Offer tutorials, masterclasses, or workshops that allow your patrons to learn from your expertise and develop their own skills.
Collaborate with other creators or experts in your field to provide unique and valuable content to your patrons.
This a great period to promote your Substack, write content that you're passionate about, or promote your offers through your Substack. Here we can see the transit Moon in Gemini conjunct with the natal Venus in Substack's combined charts. Gemini in Venus loves information and the possibilities that new information can bring. The passion is around growing as a result of knowledge and education, especially around topics that your audience is passionate about. Here you can also ensure that you are aligning your values with your content, and emphasizing how this makes your content different than other Substacks or the focus of your competitors. Here the goal is to inspire passion around what you write about and to connect with your followers at a heart level.
With Venus being activated if you have any promotions, or sales or would like to increase your paid subscribers on your Substack this can be an excellent time to do so. Just make sure that you are presenting the right information, and dialing into the needs of your audience, without overwhelming them. Present clear facts, use statistics, science, or studies to back up your research and writing, and use this to create the context for your audience to grow and apply what you're sharing in a more intimate way.
Marketing Advice:
Craft Compelling and Engaging Content: The alignment of the Moon with Substack's Venus invites you to create content that captivates your readers and leaves a lasting impression.
Example Strategies:
Tell captivating stories or anecdotes that resonate with your audience and evoke emotions.
Provide unique perspectives, thought-provoking analysis, or deep dives into your niche that showcase your expertise.
Use visual elements, such as images, illustrations, or infographics, to enhance the aesthetic appeal and readability of your newsletters.
Cultivate Authentic Connections: This transit emphasizes the importance of building authentic and meaningful relationships with your subscribers.
Example Strategies:
Encourage two-way communication by inviting feedback, questions, or suggestions from your readers.
Respond to comments and engage in discussions to create a sense of community and foster connection.
Share personal experiences, challenges, or lessons learned to create a genuine connection with your audience.
Show Appreciation to Your Subscribers: With the Moon conjunct Substack's Venus, it's a favorable time to express gratitude and appreciation for your subscribers' support.
Example Strategies:
Offer exclusive perks or bonuses to your paid subscribers as a token of appreciation for their loyalty.
Highlight and feature your readers' contributions, such as testimonials, guest posts, or reader spotlights, to show that you value their engagement.
Host virtual events, webinars, or live Q&A sessions exclusively for your subscribers to strengthen the bond and provide additional value.
Collaborate and Cross-Promote: This transit encourages collaboration with other writers or influencers to expand your reach and attract new readers.
Example Strategies:
Guest-write or co-write newsletters with fellow Substack writers in complementary niches to introduce each other's work to new audiences.
Participate in collaborative projects, such as round-up newsletters, panel discussions, or joint giveaways, to leverage the collective reach and engagement of multiple creators.
Cross-promote each other's newsletters on social media platforms or through dedicated recommendation sections in your newsletters.
At the middle & end of Gemini Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Gemini Energy: |
Here we see a repeat of the transit summary I shared above for Patreon. This is occurring due to the placement of Jupiter in several of Patreon's charts. Rather than repeat what I wrote, please read the summary above.
Google Search, Publishing, SEO
This transit brings the Moon in Gemini to the Midheaven in Google's combined charts. The Midheaven rules our career pinnacle, reputation, legacy, and what is built over time. In the sign of Gemini, the focus here is content, education, learning, teaching, processing, integration, data, analysis, research, media, application, deconstruction, dissemination, and decision-making.
One of the main goals of your website is likely the transmission of knowledge and information to your audience so this transit makes perfect sense in terms of the placement of the Midheaven in Google's combined charts. As it is through your consistent content creation, research, optimization, and strategization around your website you can ensure the legacy of your work, as well as potential ranking with Google and other search engines to drive traffic to your work.
Here the focus is on the core content that will help to drive that traffic, the research to ensure that the traffic is targeted, and the content that keeps you ranking and grows your website and subscribers.
Under Gemini the content is often broad with a niche focus, disseminating any relevant information and discarding the rest so as to offset any overwhelm. Here we are looking for shortcuts, answers, and a process to apply or solve the issues ourselves or to arm ourselves with information in order to make a decision and progress toward the next steps in the process.
Use this transit to also determine your most powerful keywords that will help you to rank in your field, and reach underserved markets.
Example Strategies:
Conduct keyword research to identify relevant and high-performing keywords in your industry or niche.
Optimize your website's meta tags, headers, and content with targeted keywords to increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.
Create high-quality, informative, and engaging content that provides value to your audience and encourages them to spend more time on your website.
Leverage Google Ads: This transit offers favorable conditions for utilizing Google Ads to reach a wider audience and drive targeted traffic to your website or landing pages.
Example Strategies:
Identify your target audience and define specific goals for your advertising campaigns.
Craft compelling ad copy that grabs attention, conveys your unique selling points, and encourages users to take action.
Monitor and analyze the performance of your ads using Google Ads' analytics tools, and make data-driven adjustments to optimize your campaigns.
Create Valuable Content: With the Moon conjunct Google's Midheaven, it's essential to focus on creating high-quality and valuable content that resonates with your target audience.
Example Strategies:
Develop informative blog posts, articles, or videos that address common pain points, provide solutions, or offer insights within your industry.
Incorporate relevant keywords and optimize your content to increase its visibility in search results.
Promote your content through social media channels, email newsletters, and other distribution channels to maximize its reach and impact.
Utilize Google Analytics: This transit encourages you to leverage Google Analytics to gain insights into your website's performance, user behavior, and traffic sources.
Example Strategies:
Set up and configure Google Analytics to track important metrics, such as page views, bounce rate, and conversion rates.
Analyze the data to identify trends, understand user preferences, and optimize your website's user experience.
Use the information to refine your marketing strategies, improve your content, and make data-driven decisions to enhance your reach and engagement.
Google Adsense
This is an excellent period to focus on the monetization of your Google Adwords site as well as running your own Google Adwords. With the Sun being activated, we have key information (Gemini) being brought to our attention (Sun) so that we can do something with it. This can be a powerful time to dive deep into the research and analytics of your site, try new Google Adsense strategies, improve the ranking or keywords for your site, or create new content to drive further traffic.
With Gemini, this content is likely well researched, with backlinks and references, with high converting headlines, SEO, and takes into account the research and data from competitors' sites.
Marketing Advice:
Optimize Ad Placements: The alignment of the Moon with Google AdSense's Sun highlights the importance of strategically placing ads on your website or blog to maximize visibility and revenue.
Example Strategies:
Analyze your website's layout and identify high-traffic areas where ads can be prominently displayed without overwhelming the user experience.
Experiment with different ad formats and sizes to find the most effective combination for your audience and website design.
Use responsive ad units that adapt to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a seamless user experience across all platforms.
Experiment with Ad Types: This transit offers favorable conditions for experimenting with different ad types offered by Google AdSense to find the ones that resonate best with your audience and generate higher click-through rates.
Example Strategies:
Explore display ads, including text, image, and rich media formats, to attract users' attention and encourage engagement.
Consider native ads that blend seamlessly with your website's content, offering a less intrusive advertising experience.
Test different ad layouts, such as in-article or in-feed ads, to determine which format performs best for your specific audience and website structure.
Enhance User Experience: With the Moon conjunct Google AdSense's Sun, it's crucial to prioritize user experience to ensure that ads complement your website's content and do not detract from the overall browsing experience.
Example Strategies:
Optimize page load times to minimize any negative impact on user experience caused by ad loading.
Maintain a clean and uncluttered design, allowing sufficient space for content and ads to coexist harmoniously.
Monitor ad performance and user feedback to ensure that ads are relevant, non-intrusive, and add value to the user's visit.
Monitor Performance and Refine Strategies: This transit encourages you to regularly monitor your ad performance, analyze data, and make data-driven decisions to optimize revenue generation.
Example Strategies:
Utilize Google AdSense's reporting tools to track key metrics, such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates, and earnings.
Identify trends and patterns in your ad performance and user behavior to uncover opportunities for improvement.
Experiment with different ad configurations, ad networks, or ad targeting options based on the insights gained from data analysis.
Saturn and the Ascendant, the time is now to build your future and commit to your brand through your WordPress site. This transit finds the Moon in Gemini conjunct natal Saturn and Ascendant in Wordpress' chart. Saturn is about growth that is done over time, it requires commitment, steadfastness, consistency, mastery, and sacrifice. It lays the groundwork for your business and helps you to generate consistent income, referrals, and subscribers over time.
This can feel quite counter-intuitive to the energy of Gemini which is rapid, immediate, and constantly jumping from thing to thing. But here we are seeing the application of the information, research, knowledge, experience, and strategies in a direct, and tangible way through Saturn.
This can also be a great time to build, scale, improve, or launch sales pages, offer pages, check out pages, a WooCommerce site, or invest more time, resources, and energy into these assets on your website.
This combined with the Ascendant marks an excellent period for you to leverage this time to grow your brand awareness, improve your brand aesthetics, offer sneak peeks, trailers, behind-the-scenes, or hints, as well as make announcements.
The key under Gemini is to make sure you present only the information that's necessary for them to become informed, to fill in any knowledge gaps, and to help them conceptualize their next steps, use cases, and how this can be applied to them. There can be a desire for a lot of information but not all information will aid them, and much of it will overwhelm, so by outlining ahead of time the arguments you will make in your sales copy, blog posts, or other offer pages, while also including any relevant factual data (statistics, case studies, science), and breaking apart the process to show them where they are and the path forward using your system (the analysis of the information) to get the results they want you'll be able to successfully cut through overwhelm and set them on a clear path forward.
Marketing Advice:
Establish a Solid Brand Presence: The alignment with WordPress' Ascendant highlights the importance of establishing a professional and cohesive brand presence across your website, blog, and other online platforms.
Example Strategies:
Customize your WordPress theme to align with your brand's visual identity, utilizing colors, fonts, and imagery that reflect your brand's personality.
Craft a compelling and concise About page that clearly communicates your brand's mission, values, and unique selling points.
Implement consistent branding elements, such as logos, taglines, and brand messaging, throughout your website and content.
Implement Content Structure and Organization: With the Moon conjunct WordPress' Saturn, it's crucial to focus on structuring and organizing your content effectively to enhance user experience and encourage engagement.
Example Strategies:
Create a clear and intuitive navigation menu that allows visitors to easily find and access different sections of your website or blog.
Implement categories and tags to classify and organize your content, making it easier for readers to explore related topics.
Utilize page builders or custom templates to ensure a consistent layout and structure across your blog posts and pages.
Deliver Valuable and Engaging Content: This transit invites you to focus on delivering high-quality and valuable content to your audience, establishing yourself as an authority in your niche.
Example Strategies:
Conduct thorough research to ensure your content is well-informed, accurate, and provides unique insights or perspectives.
Incorporate multimedia elements such as images, infographics, or videos to enhance the visual appeal and engagement of your content.
Encourage reader interaction through comments, social sharing, or calls to action to foster a sense of community and increase audience engagement.
Implement SEO Best Practices: With the Moon conjunct WordPress' Saturn and Ascendant, it's essential to optimize your content for search engines to improve visibility and attract organic traffic.
Example Strategies:
Conduct keyword research to identify relevant and high-impact keywords that align with your content and target audience.
Optimize your titles, meta descriptions, headings, and URLs to incorporate target keywords and improve search engine rankings.
Regularly update and refresh your content to ensure it remains relevant, informative, and valuable to both readers and search engines.
At the beginning of Gemini Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Gemini Energy: |
Email in All Forms (But Especially Personal Email/ Warm Audience)
☾ Chiron Rx
This a powerful transit that should not be underestimated when it comes to emailing your list. Here we see a lunar return with the Moon in Gemini to Email's charts as well as a conjunction with Chiron Retrograde. The Moon in Gemini sets the stage not only in being an apt descriptor of the act of email in general but especially to a warm audience. Gemini rules communication, networking, connection, teaching, relaying information, processing, integration, application, dissemination, and decision-making. When it's combined with a lunar return it sets the stage for a new cycle beginning with your subscribers, and an opportunity to present new information or a new opportunity for them.
With Chiron Retrograde, your audience is more aware of their wounds and struggles, and you have the ability to convey them clearly in your messages. The retrograde motion empowers them to take action on it without being too 'in the wound' or in the position of being a victim. However, the biggest transformation possible with this transit is for you to aid in this process with your perspectives.Here we have the opportunity to frame new perspectives and help our audience view things from different lenses or positions. Often what prevents people from making changes or taking action is they feel the problem isn't solvable. This often is because as Chiron here demonstrates they believe THEY are the problem, and that renders the issue mute, even if it causes them a lot of mental anguish (Gemini).
Through the power of words (Gemini), we have the ability to reframe (Gemini) their perspectives of their wounds and struggles (Chiron Retrograde) and do something about it. But first, the key is to know these wounds intimately and to help them to dissociate from them by projecting the cause of these issues outside of them. There needs to be other villains or sources of the issue, and this provides them with understanding and compassion towards themselves as well as empowers them to do something about it with the solution that you present them with (Gemini), and the additional benefit during this transit is that you can easily tap into these shared struggles intuitively with the lunar return (the moon is the emotional and intuitive needs of the public, often unconscious).
This is also an opportunity for you to bring attention to patterns, symptoms, or issues that they didn't realize were connected and use this as a jumping-off point to share your system, blueprint, or process. Under Gemini it helps to explain this from a bird's eye approach first, focusing on the pillars or dots and then connecting them through data, research, and a process to help them make sense of how it all goes together.
Marketing Advice:
Cultivate Authentic Connections: The alignment with Email's Moon highlights the importance of establishing authentic connections with your subscribers and building trust through your email communications.
Example Strategies:
Personalize your emails by addressing subscribers by their first name and tailoring content based on their preferences and interests.
Share personal stories, experiences, and insights to create a genuine and relatable connection with your audience.
Use conversational language and tone to foster a sense of familiarity and approachability.
Focus on Emotional Engagement: This transit invites you to tap into the emotional side of your audience and create email content that resonates deeply with their needs, desires, and pain points.
Example Strategies:
Incorporate storytelling techniques to evoke emotions and create a compelling narrative within your emails.
Ask questions, encourage feedback, and invite subscribers to share their own experiences to foster a sense of community and engagement.
Offer exclusive content or special promotions to reward and show appreciation to your loyal subscribers.
Address Communication Wounds: With the Moon conjunct Email's Chiron Retrograde, it's time to address any past communication wounds and heal any areas of your email marketing strategy that may have caused dissatisfaction or disconnection.
Example Strategies:
Conduct surveys or feedback loops to understand your subscribers' preferences, concerns, and suggestions for improvement.
Apologize for any previous miscommunications or mistakes and outline steps taken to rectify the situation.
Implement clear and concise communication practices to ensure that your emails are understood and received as intended.
Utilize Gemini Adaptability: Gemini's energy brings adaptability and versatility to your email marketing strategy. Embrace these qualities by experimenting with different approaches, subject lines, and content formats to keep your emails fresh and engaging.
Example Strategies:
Test different subject lines to optimize open rates and click-through rates.
Vary the content format, such as including video messages, GIFs, or interactive elements to capture attention and increase engagement.
Experiment with different email scheduling and frequency to find the optimal balance that resonates with your audience.
Email Newsletter Marketing
This transit of the Moon in Gemini is also a lunar return of the natal Moon in the chart of Email Newsletter Marketing. Lunar returns are a reset of a cycle, and operate like a 'new moon'. They can be excellent periods to introduce new information, grow your list, introduce a new information product, begin an email series (while leveraging the power of Gemini to help disseminate large amounts of information and research into a system, a series of facts, a process that can be used by your readers), or to kick off a launch warmup period.
Under Gemini, your audience may be struggling with information overload, so the key here is to simplify the information to only what they need to know and understand in order to fill in any gaps in awareness and also aid them in knowing enough to make a decision. Gemini is here to provide context to the content, to provide a frame of reference, and to digest the information for them so that they can easily disseminate it.
The use of bullet points, short key phrases, headlines, and subheads, as well as simple facts are very beneficial to quelling anxiety and ensuring your content is easily readable.
Marketing Advice:
Personalize and Segment: The alignment with Email Newsletter Marketing's Moon highlights the importance of personalization and segmenting your email lists to tailor content based on your subscribers' interests and preferences.
Example Strategies:
Utilize subscriber data to personalize emails with recipient names, recommended content, or relevant offers.
Segment your email lists based on demographics, behaviors, or engagement levels to deliver targeted content that resonates with specific groups.
Craft personalized subject lines that capture the attention and curiosity of your subscribers.
Embrace Versatility: This transit invites you to embrace the versatility of Gemini energy and explore various content formats and styles to keep your email newsletters fresh and engaging.
Example Strategies:
Experiment with different types of content, such as articles, videos, infographics, or interactive elements, to cater to different preferences and capture your subscribers' interest.
Incorporate storytelling techniques to create engaging narratives and foster emotional connections with your readers.
Provide valuable resources, tips, or exclusive offers that cater to your subscribers' needs and aspirations.
Foster Two-Way Communication: With the Moon in Gemini conjunct Email Newsletter Marketing's Moon, it's essential to create opportunities for two-way communication and engagement with your subscribers.
Example Strategies:
Encourage feedback, comments, and replies to your email newsletters, inviting subscribers to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences.
Conduct surveys or polls to gather insights and understand your subscribers' preferences and interests.
Respond promptly and personally to subscriber inquiries or feedback, showing that you value their input and appreciate their engagement.
Adapt and Optimize: The adaptability of Gemini energy can be harnessed to continuously refine and optimize your email newsletter marketing strategy.
Example Strategies:
Analyze email performance metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to identify areas for improvement.
Test different subject lines, calls to action, or layouts to optimize engagement and response rates.
Regularly review and update your email templates and design to ensure they are visually appealing, mobile-friendly, and aligned with your brand identity.
Email Marketing - Cold Emailing & Lead Gen
If you are focusing on lead generation or cold emailing to a list this transit can indicate financial opportunities through the sharing of information, especially information that your prospects are passionate about or align with their values and deeper needs.
Here we see the Moon in Gemini conjunct with the natal Venus of the Email Marketing (cold lead gen)'s chart. Gemini rules communication, networking, connection, teaching, relaying information, processing, integration, application, dissemination, and decision-making, and when in conjunction with Venus cash flow can be generated through these themes so long as you deeply understand the struggle and pain points of your audience.
See what I shared above about how to focus Gemini energy to break down overwhelming information and condense it into an argument with facts, evidence, and context to help frame it in a beneficial and actionable way for your prospects.
Dialing your message in to include their language is important, how do they describe their problem? What do they think their problem is? What do you know their problem is? How can you bring them from where they are to where they need to be? What are their information gaps? How can you fill these gaps without talking at them but instead using inclusive language (think 'we', or 'us', instead of 'you')? Why is it important that they solve this problem now? What do you share in common with them? How can you use this as a rapport builder? Have you done deep research into your prospect and what's important to them? This is a good time to do so.
The key here under Venus is an invitation, sales may come as a byproduct of the rapport and relationship you build, and the sales may not be right away, but what is for certain is that without the rapport and relationship, no sales will come at all, so best to spend the time.
Marketing Advice:
Craft Compelling Messages: The alignment with Email Marketing Lead Generation's Venus highlights the importance of creating captivating and persuasive messages that grab the attention of your subscribers and motivate them to take action.
Example Strategies:
Use attention-grabbing subject lines that pique curiosity or offer a compelling benefit.
Write persuasive and concise email copy that clearly communicates the value proposition of your offering.
Incorporate storytelling techniques to make your emails relatable, emotionally engaging, and memorable.
Build Rapport and Trust: With the Moon in Gemini conjunct Email Marketing Lead Generation's Venus, it's crucial to focus on building rapport and establishing trust with your audience to enhance lead generation efforts.
Example Strategies:
Share authentic and valuable content that showcases your expertise and provides actionable insights to your subscribers.
Personalize your emails by addressing subscribers by their names and tailoring the content based on their preferences or past interactions.
Include social proof, testimonials, or case studies in your emails to build credibility and instill trust in your brand.
Engage with Call-to-Action: The persuasive energy of Venus in Gemini can be harnessed to create compelling and effective calls-to-action (CTAs) in your email marketing campaigns.
Example Strategies:
Use clear and action-oriented language in your CTAs to prompt subscribers to take the desired action, such as signing up for a webinar, downloading a lead magnet, or making a purchase.
Experiment with different placement, design, and wording of your CTAs to optimize click-through rates and conversions.
Offer exclusive incentives, discounts, or limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate action.
Segment and Personalize: Leverage the power of segmentation and personalization in your email marketing campaigns to deliver targeted and relevant content to different segments of your audience.
Example Strategies:
Segment your email lists based on demographics, interests, or previous interactions to send tailored messages that resonate with specific groups.
Use dynamic content to customize email content based on subscriber preferences or behaviors.
Leverage personalized recommendations or product suggestions based on subscribers' past purchases or browsing history.
This can be an excellent transit for follow-ups and administrative work within Gmail. Here we see the Moon (Public Needs) in Gemini (Information/knowledge/solutions) conjunct with the natal Mars (action/motivation) and Ascendant (Brand Face/Hint/Announcement) of Gmail's chart.
You can use this transit for follow-ups that contain a clear CTA (the key being that you have interacted with them before and this is the final conclusion of your conversations), or to provide clear CTAs in your messages (download this link, book a call, here's my free guide). The key here is the action is based on information, and only you can determine what that information is. However, to give some ideas of what this could look like using emails as an information or resource tool, sharing your thoughts or perspectives, answering questions, sharing a process or a framework, or a series of steps, etc.
The addition of the Ascendant also suggests an excellent time for sales and CTAs as the Ascendant can provide an opportunity for you to release or share something with them, announce something, share an invitation, or introduce yourself for the first time, or provide further information.
The goal under Gemini is to make sure the information is digestible, we can only convey so much in an email, so if you need more space or runway to explain something you can think about an email series, sharing a link to a video, a diagram, or analyzing where they're at and providing the first step or two on addressing what's needed. The information needs to be factual and researched and provide a basis for them to make any necessary decisions, if there are knowledge gaps you'll want to make sure you fill them in before giving a CTA.
Marketing Advice:
Efficient Lead Generation: The alignment with Gmail's Mars highlights the importance of taking proactive steps to generate leads efficiently and effectively.
Example Strategies:
Utilize Gmail's integrated tools like Google Forms or Google Sheets to create lead generation forms and capture valuable information from prospects.
Set up email templates or canned responses to quickly follow up with leads, ensuring prompt and personalized communication.
Leverage Gmail's search and filtering capabilities to organize and prioritize leads, making it easier to focus on the most valuable opportunities.
Prompt Follow-ups: With the Moon in Gemini conjunct Gmail's Ascendant, it's essential to capitalize on the timely communication and efficient follow-up capabilities of Gmail.
Example Strategies:
Use Gmail's snooze feature to remind yourself to follow up with leads or respond to important messages at the most appropriate times.
Enable email tracking to receive notifications when recipients open your emails, allowing you to follow up promptly and capitalize on their engagement.
Utilize Gmail's "Canned Responses" or template functionality to quickly send follow-up emails, ensuring consistent and prompt communication.
Streamlined Administrative Tasks: The energetic influence of Mars in Gemini can be harnessed to streamline administrative tasks and enhance productivity within Gmail.
Example Strategies:
Use labels and filters in Gmail to organize and categorize emails, ensuring efficient management and easy retrieval of important information.
Leverage Gmail's integration with task management tools like Google Tasks or third-party apps to create to-do lists and prioritize administrative tasks.
Explore Gmail's keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow and save time when navigating and managing emails.
Effective Communication: Leverage Gmail's features to enhance the clarity and impact of your communication with leads and clients.
Example Strategies:
Utilize Gmail's rich text formatting options to highlight key points or important information within your emails, making them visually appealing and easy to read.
Experiment with Gmail's scheduling feature to send emails at optimal times, maximizing the chances of your messages being seen and read.
Take advantage of Gmail's "Undo Send" feature to correct any mistakes or make last-minute changes before your emails are sent out.
Email Strategy, Series & Funnel Building
Chiron ☊
An unconscious wound is a desire for information that provides freedom. This transit of the Moon in Gemini is conjunct with the natal Chiron and North Node in Email Strategy's chart. Here holds the effect of a double-edged sword, in the case of your audience their mind, thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives about an issue are causing them harm, and also have the power to free them.
And your understanding of these wounds and beliefs provides you with the opportunity to create a strategy, series, or funnel that helps them to become aware of their suffering and struggles (Chiron), to address and uncover the core issues of what's causing it, to shift the blame off themselves (and onto someone or something else ) so that they can be empowered to change and reach their highest potential and deepest fulfillment (North Node).
There are no sales funnels without Chiron. Chiron is to awaken from the pain we cause ourselves by holding incorrect or skewed views, or beliefs shaped by our experiences and programming.
Under this transit through deep research, understanding the language (Gemini) of your prospects, what they believe they are struggling with, what you know they're struggling with, the symptoms of their problem, their fears and beliefs, and channeling this research into your series, funnel or strategy you can create a healing opportunity for your clients.
The second theme of this transit is the placement of the North Node in Gemini which is a desire for information that helps them to fulfill their greater destiny or higher purpose (their belief in the meaning of their life and what provides the most growth for them in this lifetime). In this case, that is truth, information, personal growth, and application of that information in a direct and personal way. I would describe this as the bigger overall goal after solving their more immediate problems. By uniting what they are currently struggling with, with this bigger perspective, and helping them not only see the connection but also to understand the solution to their smaller problem also solves this larger one, you will successfully create long-term client relationships and deeper fulfillment.
This can also be an excellent time to do your research using this transit, focus on forums, Facebook groups, Quora, Reddit, Amazon reviews, and wherever else your ideal clients hang out and mine for information related to their struggles and incorporate it into your offers and copy.
Marketing Advice:
Strategic Email Campaigns: The alignment with Email Strategy and Funnel Building's Chiron invites you to heal and refine your email campaigns for maximum impact and engagement.
Example Strategies:
Conduct a thorough review of your email content and identify areas where improvements can be made in terms of messaging, clarity, and value proposition.
Segment your email list based on relevant criteria such as interests, demographics, or engagement level, and tailor your email campaigns accordingly for more personalized and targeted communication.
Use A/B testing to experiment with different subject lines, call-to-action buttons, or email layouts, and track the results to optimize your email performance.
Audience Nurturing: With the Moon in Gemini conjunct Email Strategy and Funnel Building's North Node, nurturing your audience and building strong connections becomes a key focus.
Example Strategies:
Develop a comprehensive email onboarding sequence to welcome new subscribers and provide them with valuable resources, information, or exclusive offers.
Regularly engage with your audience through personalized emails, addressing their pain points, providing solutions, and fostering a sense of community.
Leverage automation and segmentation to send targeted emails based on specific actions or behaviors of your subscribers, ensuring they receive relevant content at the right time.
Funnel Optimization: Embrace the transformative energy of Chiron to identify and address any weaknesses or gaps in your email funnels.
Example Strategies:
Analyze your conversion rates and identify any bottlenecks or drop-off points within your funnels. Make necessary adjustments to optimize the flow and increase conversions.
Create lead magnets or opt-in incentives to attract and capture the attention of potential customers, enticing them to join your email list and enter your funnels.
Incorporate strategic upsells or cross-sells within your email sequences to maximize revenue and provide additional value to your customers.
Data-Driven Insights: Leverage analytics and data to gain insights into the performance of your email strategy and make informed decisions.
Example Strategies:
Track and analyze key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and subscriber engagement to assess the effectiveness of your email campaigns.
Use email marketing platforms' reporting features to gain insights into subscriber behavior, preferences, and patterns, and utilize this information to tailor your email strategy.
Implement split testing to compare different elements of your emails, such as headlines, content, or offers, to optimize performance based on data-driven results.
At the middle & end of Gemini Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Gemini Energy: |
Email in All Forms (But Especially Personal Email)
If you have leveraged the first half of Gemini to send an email to your list (see the top of this section for my summary forecast) then this can be an excellent period to continue the process as the Moon in Gemini conjuncts the natal North Node of Email's chart.
With the placement of the North Node in Gemini there is a desire for information that helps them to fulfill their greater destiny or higher purpose (their belief in the meaning of their life and what provides the most growth for them in this lifetime).
Using this period to deepen your market research to understand both the immediate challenges they struggle with as well as their deeper, more soul or spiritually-oriented needs for fulfillment in life will be very helpful for you in aligning your copy with their emotional and mental needs under this Moon in Gemini. They are seeking answers at this time to their bigger questions, potentially questions they don't even know they're asking and it's very likely their 'smaller' more immediate problems are actually rooted in this larger unmet need.
In this case, that need is for truth, information, personal growth, and application of information in a direct and personal way. By uniting what they are currently struggling with, with this bigger perspective, and helping them not only see the connection but also to understand the solution to their smaller problem also solves this larger one, you will successfully create long-term client relationships and deeper fulfillment.
What is the collective desire surrounding information from your list? Why did they REALLY sign up? What is the deeper need, or deeper mental struggle? Can you provide insight, information, data, a system, a process, a perspective that helps to shift this struggle and put it into a more lofty, spiritual, or sophisticated perspective, in terms of the growth of their soul?
Marketing Advice:
Relationship Building: The alignment with Email Marketing (Warm)'s North Node invites you to prioritize relationship building and fostering connections with your email subscribers.
Example Strategies:
Craft personalized and heartfelt emails that resonate with your audience, using a conversational tone and addressing them by their names.
Engage in two-way communication by encouraging replies, asking for feedback or opinions, and responding promptly to create a sense of connection.
Implement targeted email sequences that are designed to nurture relationships and provide value over time, such as welcome series, storytelling emails, or exclusive content for loyal subscribers.
Compelling Content Creation: With the Moon in Gemini conjunct Email Marketing (Warm)'s North Node, focus on creating valuable and engaging content that resonates with your subscribers' needs and interests.
Example Strategies:
Develop a content calendar specifically for your email campaigns, ensuring a consistent flow of high-quality content that educates, entertains, or solves problems for your subscribers.
Incorporate storytelling elements into your emails, sharing personal anecdotes or customer success stories that create an emotional connection and build trust.
Include multimedia content such as videos, infographics, or podcasts in your emails to enhance engagement and deliver information in diverse formats.
Conversion-Oriented Campaigns: Leverage warm email marketing techniques to drive sales and conversions, aligning with the purpose of Email Marketing (Warm)'s North Node.
Example Strategies:
Use persuasive copywriting techniques to create compelling email offers, promotions, or discounts that encourage subscribers to take action.
Implement scarcity or urgency tactics, such as limited-time offers or exclusive deals for subscribers, to motivate immediate responses and drive conversions.
Leverage segmentation and personalization to deliver targeted product recommendations or tailored offers based on subscribers' preferences, past purchases, or browsing behavior.
Metrics Tracking and Optimization: Monitor key metrics to gain insights into the performance of your email marketing campaigns and optimize for better results.
Example Strategies:
Track open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall revenue generated from your email campaigns to evaluate their effectiveness.
Use A/B testing to experiment with different subject lines, calls-to-action, or email layouts, and analyze the results to optimize your campaigns.
Continuously refine and optimize your email marketing strategy based on data-driven insights, ensuring that you align your efforts with your goals and objectives.
Email Strategy, Series & Funnel Building
This transit is the same as the one I shared above for the 'Email Newsletter Marketing'' summary. Please read what I shared above, as the same applies here.
?♋ Social Media With Cancer
NEED: The need during Cancer is to feel seen, valued, and validated. This is the sign of the caretaker, the doer, the nurturer, the one who puts others’ needs above their own.
Our emotions are heightened as the Moon moves through the sign it rules. We are feeling our wounds and triggers more deeply. This can lead to more unsatisfied or otherwise picky or complaining clients and followers if we don’t meet their needs for acknowledgment and validation.
Under Cancer, we are more caught up in the world of the personal, which can activate issues around family trauma, drama, or just feeling more triggered by others’ behavior than usual. We are looking for a safe space to process our emotions, express our hearts, and be seen for how much we’re trying.
We aren’t actively in a space of being able to receive a lot of information, or make any major decisions (unless they somehow tie into our family obligations, or our desire to create more family security).
We can be motivated to do things for others, like our children, our parents, or for who we want to be seen to be (our image to others), especially if we feel it makes us a better person, or fulfilling a role that we really identify with. We are secretly hoping that we will be acknowledged, seen, and valued for the work, but often it doesn’t come in the way, from the right people, at the right timing, or as often as we may need with this sign.
If you can provide that validation, if you can give their feelings a voice during this time they will feel more deeply connected with you, and be more likely to create a deeper relationship with your brand and services.
We may struggle with boundaries during this period, we may feel taken advantage of, victimized, or under-appreciated. We may struggle with saying ‘no’, or saying what we want in a clear way without sounding ‘mean’.
MARKETING: Acknowledge them, give them gifts, validate their efforts, tell them they deserve it, and help them to acknowledge their own value, without needing to wait around for others to say ‘thank you’.
Cancer wants security, the security of the family, and the home, it wants its values respected, for others to pay as much attention and care to things as it does. Do this for them in your marketing.
Use wording like ‘for the mom who’s overworked’, ‘I wanted to do a little something for you because I know you don’t have time to do it for yourself, and I know how much of a difference can make’. ” I want to save you some time because you’ve got important things to do’, and give them something valuable.
Giving during Cancer season or Moons are never forgotten, especially if you are ACTUALLY making their lives easier. This is not a time to shame, blame, guilt trip, imply scarcity, or add any pressure to buy, if you do, it can backfire.
Cancer needs to be comfortable with you before it will invest, or trust. It wants the best for those it cares about, but if it doesn’t feel like you care, it will ditch you – fast, and it won’t forget the opinion it has.
Honestly speaking, unless you can show you deeply care, and want to help, don’t sell during Cancer.
- Talking about difficult or challenging personal stories, especially with drama, and how you came out on top.
- Talk about ‘petty’ topics relationships with family or close friends, personal situations that happened to you, where someone took advantage, where you had to set boundaries, where something disastrous happened but you resolved it, and what you learned (in your life, your business – whatever you are selling).
- Family, children, home, mothering, parenting, juggling obligations with grace/class, homemaking/caretaking/heart/emotional focus, or whatever is their ‘baby’ (can be business or pets)
- Things that bring more presence, home, security, and harmony into their lives – examples ‘ hands-free mama’, ‘Needlework’, ‘batch cooking’, ‘meal planning’, ‘creating home-based systems – Ikea beautiful organization), pictures of dinners or meals made, or things that come from the heart.
- Videos, especially inspirational brand videos that focus on values/impact.
- The messy human parts of life (pictures, quotes, conversations)
- Emotional content – story-based, workbooks
- Group therapy, coaching, or 1:1 coaching.
- Live streams / Workshops where they are addressing a personal/emotional issue
- Help threads (AMA, Q+A, what are you struggling with)
? CANCER Content Calendar by Platform ♋
♋? Cancer Activated Social Media Platforms
At the beginning of Cancer Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Cancer Energy: |
Facebook Posts
Here with the Moon in her own sign, we see a conjunction with the natal Saturn in Cancer in Facebook's combined charts. The Moon rules the public and when in its own sign we see an uptick of emotional responses and the filtering of our experiences through a more personal and emotional lens. The thing to keep in mind regarding Cancer is that it is the sign that tends to over give, to the point of exhaustion, and rarely sees acknowledgment of its generosity. One of the main themes to learn under Cancer is healthy boundaries and here with the conjunction of the natal Saturn, you can support your community, friends, and followers by acknowledging what they have sacrificed, how difficult things have been for them, and give them permission to set healthy boundaries for themselves. To give themselves what they hope others would.
Here there is an acknowledgment that their cup is empty, they are more likely to pick, and complain and the balm to soothe this is to dive deep into where they feel underappreciated, how much they often take on in terms of responsibility and emotional burden, validate it, acknowledge them for it, and support them in nourishing themselves (however that may look). Think of the deeper emotional layers of the struggles you support clients through in your work; what they often spend a lot of time and energy doing, without much recognition. What are their biggest sources of guilt, or patterns that they often repeat due to feeling they're not enough, or that their value is tied to what they can accomplish, or the approval they receive from others?
With the activation of Saturn, this transit indicates a powerful opportunity for you to build rapport with your community by addressing their emotional needs and wounds, through acknowledgment, solutions, or support. Saturn rules our business foundations, and what is built over time. It asks us for sacrifice, demands our commitment and time, and leads to the eventual rewards we seek. Your community is tired, they feel underappreciated, just like you might. Tap into what you're struggling with and what you have in common with your community. Build your brand around this deep level of caring and acknowledgment, and you'll build a brand with staying power, where people feel seen, heard, and understood.
What are the core emotional barriers that your community needs to have acknowledged, discussed, or nourished? Can you build your content around these needs and validate them?
Marketing Advice:
Establish Trust and Authority: The alignment with Facebook's natal Saturn invites you to establish yourself as a trusted authority within your niche and build a reputation for reliability and expertise.
Example Strategies:
Share high-quality and valuable content that showcases your expertise and addresses the needs and pain points of your audience.
Cultivate a consistent and reliable posting schedule to build trust and demonstrate your commitment to delivering valuable information.
Leverage user-generated content, testimonials, or case studies to highlight the positive experiences of your customers and reinforce your credibility.
Cultivate Meaningful Connections: Focus on building genuine connections with your audience and fostering a sense of community on your Facebook page.
Example Strategies:
Encourage engagement by asking questions, inviting discussions, and responding to comments and messages promptly.
Create opportunities for your audience to share their stories, experiences, and opinions, fostering a sense of belonging and active participation.
Organize contests, giveaways, or exclusive events that reward your loyal followers and encourage community interaction.
Emotional Resonance: Tap into the emotional aspect of your audience by creating content that evokes genuine emotions and connects with their values.
Example Strategies:
Share authentic stories, experiences, or testimonials that resonate with your audience's emotions and aspirations.
Use visual content, such as images or videos, that evoke emotions and convey your brand's personality and values.
Incorporate storytelling techniques to create narratives that capture the attention and hearts of your audience.
Long-Term Strategy: Focus on building a sustainable and long-term presence on Facebook, aligning your efforts with your broader marketing goals.
Example Strategies:
Develop a content calendar or strategy that aligns with your business objectives and target audience's needs.
Utilize Facebook analytics and insights to track the performance of your posts, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.
Experiment with different ad formats, targeting options, and optimization techniques to find the most effective strategies for your specific objectives.
Facebook Groups
Here we see an opportunity arising from the foundational relationships and connections we've made within our community. With the transit Moon conjunct the Natal South Node in Cancer in Facebook Group's combined charts, we are drawing from our emotional connections, rapport, nourishment, and mutual understanding within our community. Under the influence of Cancer, your people need A LOT of refilling.
They are likely drained and feel underappreciated. With this activating the South Node we are reminded that this is NOT a time for new content, new offers, or new announcements, but rather a time to leverage the relationships, content, and offers you already have available. Before you ask for a sale, you'll want to make sure you've over-given to your community and shower them with love, nourishment, acknowledgment, and appreciation.
To give you a visual to help you understand this transit, I want you to think of a single mother of 3 small children, no family support, working 3 jobs, never getting a decent night's sleep, never taking time for herself, who has neglected her own self-care because she has three little people demanding every ounce from her, and she doesn't want to fail them, or fail at what she sees as her most important job, to care for them.
The truth is even if your clients don't fit this description, it helps you to put into perspective the level of neglect we're dealing with, especially if you serve primarily women or caregivers. A common uniting theme that arises especially during Cancer is that this level of care is often devalued in our society and yet so many of us tie our very self-worth to serving, taking responsibility, and the care we give to others. And so we have a chronically distressed society that doesn't take care of themselves, set healthy boundaries, or ever put themselves or their needs first (so that they can then have enough to care for others).
The truth is most people care too much and take on responsibilities (physical and emotional) that aren't theirs. Supporting them to set them down and take care of themselves will win you deep points, and respect from your people (because no one else is doing this for them!)
When you see exactly how fragile everything is, you'll have a deeper level of compassion for cranky clients, and people who seem critical or non-appreciative during this time, which this period in the cycle can amplify. If this happens to you, set healthy boundaries for yourself, don't take on responsibility for other people's emotions, but wrap them in a big hug, send as much love as you can, and move on. Often I find when this has happened to me, and I respond that way, they later come back and apologize.
The activation of the South Node here is a reminder to make sure to fill your own cup first, and then from there take your overflow and give generously to your community, re-share valuable content, experiences, and offers that support them. Use more emotional copy in your posts, connect with their language and struggles, and give them permission to give less fucks. From there, you're paving the way for a tight-knit community built on trust, and rapport with people who know you get them.
Marketing Advice:
Authentic and Relevant Content: The alignment with Facebook Groups' South Node invites you to create authentic and relevant content that resonates with the interests and needs of your group members.
Example Strategies:
Conduct polls or surveys within your group to understand the topics and content formats that your members are most interested in.
Share valuable insights, tips, or tutorials that address common challenges or provide solutions to your group members' pain points.
Foster discussions and encourage group members to share their experiences, ask questions, or seek advice.
Nurturing Community Engagement: Focus on fostering engagement and interactions among group members to create a vibrant and supportive community.
Example Strategies:
Facilitate regular discussion threads or themed days to encourage participation and conversation.
Recognize and highlight the contributions of active and valuable group members, fostering a sense of appreciation and encouragement.
Respond to comments and questions promptly, showing genuine interest and fostering a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.
Emotional Connection: Tap into the emotional aspect of your group members and create a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the community.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories, experiences, or anecdotes that evoke emotions and encourage group members to connect on a deeper level.
Create opportunities for group members to share their stories, achievements, or challenges, fostering empathy and support within the community.
Organize virtual events, such as live Q&A sessions or workshops, that allow group members to connect with you and with each other in real-time.
Encourage Collaboration and Co-Creation: Leverage the power of your community by encouraging collaboration and co-creation of content.
Example Strategies:
Invite group members to share their expertise through guest posts or interviews within the group.
Organize group challenges, contests, or projects that encourage participation and collaboration among members.
Crowdsource ideas or feedback from your group members, making them feel involved and invested in the growth and direction of the community.
Facebook Business Pages & Ads
A robust transit to run emotionally-oriented Facebook Ads and posts to your Business Page. Here we see the Moon (public) conjunct natal Mars (action) in Cancer (their personal/emotional lives and family) in the chart of Facebook Business Pages & Ads.
You know that feeling of guilt you get when you purchase something expensive or 'unnecessary' for yourself? That level of regret is a feeling that your community has, and it is a feeling that you don't want them to associate with your brand. Otherwise, they will connect any reminders of that purchase or any potential future purchases with feeling terrible about themselves. The power in this transit is that if you can leverage your content and advertising copy to focus on acknowledging these unmet needs, and that they are deserving of what it is they want and need for themselves (usually we don't come straight out and say this but it is implied or alluded to) this helps them to not only notice these needs in themselves but to then come to a place of validation in themselves. Without this necessary step, they may purchase your offer, and then feel that regret we talked about (due to not clearing these emotions and beliefs in themselves), and then seek out a refund, complain about the quality/content/their expectations, or ultimately not use it at all because of the pain it triggers in them due to these emotions.
Here it is important to be very clear on their struggles, their underlying pain or wounds that maybe they don't even acknowledge to themselves, the language they use to describe this struggle, and also the emotional context and space they're occupying so as to set the stage of your offer operating as a salve to their open wound, or as an oasis to their dehydration.
The offer should be more emotional in nature, and meet these layers of unmet needs in your client, and when combined with a clear CTA, and benefits of acting now, especially if those benefits help them to be better equipped to serve or support others (ie a better mom, a better coach, a better physician, etc).
Here the motivation is emotional and based on their sense of responsibility and obligation.
Marketing Advice:
Strategic Ad Campaigns: The alignment with Facebook Business Pages and Ads' Mars invites you to develop targeted and strategic ad campaigns that grab attention and inspire action.
Example Strategies:
Clearly define your campaign objectives, whether it's driving website traffic, increasing conversions, or generating leads, and align your ad content and targeting accordingly.
Use compelling visuals, engaging copy, and emotional appeals to capture the interest and resonate with your target audience.
Continuously monitor and analyze the performance of your ad campaigns, making data-driven optimizations to maximize their effectiveness.
Engaging Content Creation: Focus on creating engaging and relevant content for your Facebook Business Page to foster audience connection and encourage interaction.
Example Strategies:
Use storytelling techniques to share compelling narratives that evoke emotions and resonate with your audience.
Incorporate visual elements, such as images, videos, or infographics, to make your content more visually appealing and shareable.
Encourage audience participation by asking questions, conducting polls, or running contests to boost engagement and create a sense of community.
Emotional Appeals: Tap into the emotional aspect of your target audience and create content that elicits positive emotions or addresses their pain points.
Example Strategies:
Showcase customer success stories or testimonials that demonstrate the value and impact of your products or services.
Use storytelling techniques to connect with your audience on a deeper level, highlighting how your offerings can improve their lives or solve their problems.
Incorporate empathy and understanding into your messaging, showing that you genuinely care about your audience's needs and concerns.
Action-Oriented Sales Approach: Leverage the assertive energy of Facebook Business Pages and Ads' Mars to drive conversions and sales through clear and compelling calls-to-action.
Example Strategies:
Use persuasive language and strong CTAs in your ad copy to encourage immediate action from your audience.
Create time-limited offers, discounts, or exclusive promotions to create a sense of urgency and incentivize conversions.
Implement retargeting strategies to reach users who have shown interest in your products or services, nudging them towards making a purchase.
Facebook Messenger
This transit marks the beginning of a new cycle for Facebook Messenger, with the transit Moon in Cancer conjunct with the natal Moon in Cancer in Facebook Messenger's chart. Known as a lunar return this period behaves similar to a 'New Moon', and can be utilized as an opportunity to initiate new deeper connections through Facebook Messenger.
It's important that your approach be one of a sincere desire to connect and consideration, rather than a desire to get something out of them, because under Cancer emotionally we are already feeling burnt out and taken advantage of. Two feelings don't bode well when you ask someone who doesn't really know you well for something (a favor, cash, or their time).
This can be a good time to follow up with warm leads, to be generous with your community by giving them something, and using Facebook Messenger to deliver it (sharing a link, etc). The key with Cancer energy is to over-give especially from an emotional perspective, and to stay attuned to the emotional challenges of your audience and leads. If you understand their struggles, and you can empathize with them, and use this time to nourish them you'll find it pays off later in dividends. Because there is no better opportunity to build a solid connection with someone than by giving them something they need, without strings attached. Remember Cancer naturally rules the 4th house of home and family, as well as family origins, and operates as a double-edged sword, on one side, it represents family-like connections, responsibility, and emotional connection, on the other side it can represent those we owe things to, gaslighting, emotional betrayal and manipulation and some of the malignancies that can often run rampant through generations and leave scars.
This is a time to bring healing through solutions, generosity, authenticity, and compassion, by doing so you build true relationships with people who will not forget your generosity.
Marketing Advice:
Create a Supportive Community: Leverage the nurturing energy of Cancer to build a supportive community within Facebook Messenger.
Example Strategies:
Establish a Facebook Messenger group where members can connect, ask questions, and share experiences related to your product or service.
Foster a sense of community by encouraging participants to support and uplift each other.
Share valuable resources, tips, or exclusive content within the group to provide ongoing support.
Personalized Emotional Connection: Use the emotional energy of Cancer to create personalized and meaningful connections with your leads and customers.
Example Strategies:
Send personalized messages that address individual needs, concerns, or challenges.
Share stories or experiences that resonate with your audience and evoke emotions.
Express genuine empathy and understanding in your conversations, making your leads feel heard and valued.
Nurturing Follow-Up Campaigns: Leverage the nurturing nature of Cancer to develop follow-up campaigns that focus on building relationships and guiding leads through the customer journey.
Example Strategies:
Implement drip campaigns that deliver a series of nurturing messages, providing valuable content and resources along the way.
Use Facebook Messenger's features, such as tags or labels, to segment your leads and tailor your follow-up messages to their specific interests or actions.
Offer personalized recommendations or next steps based on the individual's needs and preferences.
Empathetic Customer Support: Use Cancer's empathetic energy to provide exceptional customer support through Facebook Messenger.
Example Strategies:
Respond promptly and genuinely to inquiries, demonstrating your commitment to helping your customers.
Take the time to understand the challenges or issues your customers are facing and provide personalized solutions.
Offer proactive assistance by anticipating potential problems or concerns and addressing them proactively.
At the middle & end of Cancer Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Cancer Energy: |
Facebook Groups
♄ Rx
Here with this transit, we see the Moon in Cancer conjunct with the natal Saturn Retrograde in Facebook Group's combined charts. This is a powerful transit as we have the Moon in its own sign, and conjunct Saturn in its opposing sign (Saturn naturally rules Capricorn, the opposite sign of Cancer). Both Cancer and Capricorn, the Moon, and Saturn rule obligations, roles, duties, responsibilities (emotional and physical), and burdens.
With Saturn being retrograde, we see a pause here in commitments and a sense of reprieve from obligations and duties, an opportunity to revisit what we are committing to, and where we are investing ourselves. In the case of Facebook Groups, we see that commitment within your community, as well as the foundations of your community, are built upon deep connections, compassion, support, and the establishment of healthy boundaries that create freedom.
It is a place where they will not be shamed or feel judged to share their true feelings around their struggles to build _______ (whatever it is you help them with).
Here we are not seeking long-term commitments in terms of what is being shared but rather providing an opportunity for our community to explore different potentials that can provide solutions, security, and support for them. Here we are playing with potential ideas and encouraging them to try on different 'outfits/roles' to see what suits them best.
This can be a good time to emotionally approach your core content, to share core materials that support them both physically and emotionally to build more of a solid foundation for themselves.
Where are they struggling emotionally, what can you provide that will help support them at this time? Here we are planting seeds for their future commitment by stabilizing what is out of control or emotionally taxing them.
This also indicates that the relationships you build in your community will take time, and through that time and the generosity of your understanding, compassion, and support they will grow, and become a stable part of your business.
Marketing Advice:
Establish Clear Guidelines: Use the disciplined energy of Saturn Retrograde to define clear guidelines and expectations for your Facebook Group.
Example Strategies:
Create a pinned post that outlines the purpose of the group, community rules, and guidelines for engagement.
Set clear boundaries for self-promotion and ensure members understand the value of contributing to the community.
Encourage members to introduce themselves and share their goals to foster a sense of belonging and accountability.
Strategic Content Creation: Leverage the structured energy of Saturn Retrograde to plan and deliver valuable content within your Facebook Group.
Example Strategies:
Develop a content calendar that includes a mix of informative, educational, and entertaining posts.
Create engaging discussions or polls to encourage active participation and gather insights from your community.
Feature member spotlights or success stories to showcase the value and achievements within the group.
Targeted Marketing Efforts: Utilize Saturn Retrograde's analytical energy to identify and target your ideal audience within the Facebook Group.
Example Strategies:
Conduct regular surveys or polls to understand the specific needs, interests, and challenges of your group members.
Customize your marketing messages to resonate with the identified pain points and desires of your target audience.
Use Facebook Group insights to analyze engagement and member demographics, allowing you to refine your marketing strategies.
Sales and Promotions: Leverage the structured energy of Saturn Retrograde to implement effective sales and promotional strategies within your Facebook Group.
Example Strategies:
Offer exclusive discounts, early access, or bonuses to group members as a way to reward their engagement and loyalty.
Host limited-time promotions or flash sales specifically tailored to the interests and needs of your community.
Provide personalized recommendations or solutions based on member inquiries, showcasing the value of your products or services.
Foster Community Engagement: Use Saturn Retrograde's disciplined energy to encourage active participation and meaningful interactions within your Facebook Group.
Example Strategies:
Initiate regular discussion threads or Q&A sessions to encourage members to share their experiences and expertise.
Recognize and highlight members' contributions, achievements, or milestones within the group.
Actively engage with comments, questions, and discussions, demonstrating your commitment to fostering a vibrant community.
Facebook Posts
Just like the transit above for Facebook Posts and Facebook Messenger, here we see the Moon conjunct the natal Moon and Saturn in Cancer. This creates both a lunar return (new cycle/public needs) and activation of the planet Saturn (commitment/foundations).
With the lunar activation, especially in its own sign, this is a period where the public in general is a lot more emotional and open with their feelings and a time where needs are more apparent on the platform of Facebook.
This serves as an excellent period for you to tap into the emotional pain of your followers by understanding their struggles and challenges, the root origins and potential solutions to address these issues, as well as how they would describe these challenges (specific words, and language). Writing more emotional copy, uniting you with your audience, as a group who is in it together is very powerful under Cancer. Using words like 'us' and 'we' rather than 'you', help them to know that you too struggle with this and that they are not alone or a failure for having these challenges.
The key here is to remember to fill their cup before you ask for anything at this time. The inclusion of Saturn in this transit indicates this can be an excellent time for inviting and securing commitment to your offers, or to the next steps with your followers, so long as you not only acknowledge where they're at, and why it's needed to do something now, but also to indicate where things are going in the future, and how doing something now, and specifically what you're advocating for will help them build a more secure future, or address the root challenges they're navigating and provide relief is an important aspect of your content at this time.
There is more of a willingness to emotionally commit at this time so long as they feel you are authentic, and that they will get the support they need to make the changes they wish to make.Otherwise, if it's too premature, or we have not done enough bread crumbing emotionally leading up to this point you may get people who naturally resist or feel pressure, so making sure you are going deep and personal enough into their challenges is important so that you can make sure your offer is meeting these needs.
Marketing Advice:
Authentic Brand Storytelling: Use the nurturing energy of the Moon in Cancer to connect with your audience on an emotional level through authentic brand storytelling.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories or experiences that align with your brand values and resonate with your audience's emotions.
Use Facebook Live or video content to create a genuine connection, allowing your audience to see the human side of your brand.
Highlight customer success stories or testimonials that showcase the positive impact of your products or services.
Engaging Content Creation: Leverage the nurturing energy of the Moon in Cancer to create engaging and meaningful content on Facebook.
Example Strategies:
Create posts that evoke emotions, such as nostalgia, joy, or empathy, to resonate with your audience.
Use interactive content formats like polls, quizzes, or challenges to encourage active participation and increase engagement.
Regularly provide valuable and informative content that addresses your audience's pain points, interests, or questions.
Targeted Advertising Campaigns: Utilize the focused energy of Saturn and the Moon in Cancer to develop targeted advertising campaigns on Facebook.
Example Strategies:
Define your target audience and leverage Facebook's targeting capabilities to reach them effectively.
Craft personalized ad copy and visuals that speak directly to the emotional needs and desires of your audience.
Monitor ad performance closely, making data-driven adjustments to optimize your campaigns and improve results.
Authentic Engagement and Community Building: Foster a sense of community and authentic engagement on Facebook by nurturing connections with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments, messages, and reviews promptly and authentically, showing that you value and appreciate your audience's feedback.
Initiate and participate in meaningful conversations, actively encouraging dialogue and discussion.
Create Facebook Groups or communities where your audience can connect, share experiences, and support each other.
Relationship-driven Sales Approach: Utilize the nurturing energy of the Moon in Cancer to build genuine relationships and drive sales on Facebook.
Example Strategies:
Focus on relationship-building rather than aggressive sales tactics by providing value, offering solutions, and being responsive to your audience's needs.
Offer exclusive discounts, promotions, or incentives to your Facebook followers as a way to reward their loyalty and support.
Use Facebook's retargeting features to reconnect with potential customers who have shown interest in your brand.
Facebook Live
Mars is not naturally at home in the sign of Cancer, in fact, it tends to create a lot of frustration in this placement, and with the combination of the transit Moon, your people are likely to be feeling it at this time. However when used well it can be an excellent time for clear CTAs, and tapping into the right emotional motivation to inspire your followers to move forward. Mars is all about action and in the sign of Cancer that action and motivation come from their personal lives, and their desire to get relief from their emotional struggles, obligations, guilt, and responsibilities.
Here we may make decisions based on improving the welfare of our family, taking care of children, doing more for our parents or clients, relationship issues, building more home security, or addressing more immediate needs, especially ones that are creating anxiety, fear, and stress.
If you have been warming up your audience before your Facebook Live, and you have dialed into their emotional needs and struggles, as well as their language, you can absolutely use this time to directly sell, especially to more emotional motivations.
Marketing Advice:
Compelling and Authentic Presentations: Harness the dynamic energy of the Moon in Cancer conjunct Mars to deliver compelling and authentic presentations through Facebook Live.
Example Strategies:
Prepare engaging topics or themes that resonate with your audience's emotions and interests.
Incorporate storytelling techniques to captivate and connect with your viewers on a personal level.
Be genuine, enthusiastic, and passionate in your delivery to convey your expertise and establish credibility.
Interactive Q&A Sessions: Leverage the energetic and action-oriented energy of Mars in Cancer to engage your audience through interactive Q&A sessions during Facebook Live broadcasts.
Example Strategies:
Encourage your viewers to submit questions in advance or during the live session to foster engagement and participation.
Respond to questions in real-time, providing valuable insights and solutions to address your audience's needs.
Use the interactive features available on Facebook Live, such as polls or reactions, to involve your audience and gauge their opinions.
Behind-the-Scenes and Exclusive Content: Use Facebook Live as a platform to provide behind-the-scenes glimpses and exclusive content, taking advantage of the Mars-driven energy to create a sense of excitement and exclusivity.
Example Strategies:
Showcase the process of creating your products or services, giving your audience a behind-the-scenes look into your business.
Offer exclusive access to promotions, discounts, or giveaways during your Facebook Live broadcasts.
Collaborate with influencers or industry experts for joint Facebook Live sessions to provide unique and valuable content.
Engage and Respond in Real-Time: Capitalize on the dynamic energy of Mars in Cancer to engage with your viewers and respond to comments and questions in real-time during Facebook Live broadcasts.
Example Strategies:
Monitor the comments section actively, acknowledging viewers' comments, and responding promptly.
Encourage viewers to interact by asking questions, sharing their thoughts, or participating in discussions.
Use the viewer's names and respond directly to their comments to create a personalized and engaging experience.
Promote and Repurpose Live Content: Extend the reach and impact of your Facebook Live broadcasts by promoting and repurposing the content across other platforms and formats.
Example Strategies:
Share highlights or snippets from your Facebook Live broadcasts on other social media channels to attract a wider audience.
Transcribe and repurpose the content into blog posts, articles, or podcasts to reach those who prefer different mediums.
Create short video clips or teasers to build anticipation for upcoming Facebook Live sessions and generate buzz.
At the beginning of Cancer Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Cancer Energy: |
Instagram Posts
How many times does the average consumer need to see or be exposed to an offer before it has gone deep enough into their subconscious and marinated with their emotional needs and wants before they’re ready to say yes? According to statistics, this ranges somewhere between 8-12 times, meaning that the more repetitive you are, and the more dialed in you are to your market, their language, and their needs, and the more your offer fills these needs the more income you’re likely to generate. And this transit speaks to the potential impact of doing so. Here we see the Moon in Cancer (the sign it rules) conjunct with the natal South Node and Saturn in the combined charts of Instagram.
In general, the South Node represents the past, including your past experiences, wisdom, expertise, history, and accomplishments, and when in the sign of Cancer, this involves personal and family experiences, our emotional origins, and a sense of obligation and responsibility to those we care about, as well as what we are seeking from those experiences. In essence, it indicates our emotional behaviors and habits. From a content perspective, this suggests re-sharing emotionally aligned content that reflects to your audience some of the situations or emotional states they’re occupying or moving through now while providing support. This isn’t a time for new content, but rather previously shared or discussed themes or elements that you have already alluded to or covered in-depth in the past. It provides an opportunity for you to re-introduce these themes and topics to your followers, especially from an emotional perspective or lens.
With the addition of Saturn in Cancer, this only further hammers home the sense of obligation and responsibility we and our followers carry. What is burdening them? What do they take responsibility for that possibly isn’t theirs or that could benefit from reframing or healthy boundaries?
Either way, this period indicates an opportunity through exposure to previously addressed concepts and content to commit, invest, or apply the information and build a more solid foundation. The need to do this will stem from an emotional place and likely will involve their family obligations or expectations of themselves in relation to those they care about and their responsibilities.
The content is likely to be emotionally focused, inspiring them to de-burden themselves with what isn’t theirs to own, facilitate the creation of healthy boundaries, and provide them with permission slips and emotional validation as well as an opportunity for them to implement the core methods or philosophy of your work.
Marketing Advice:
Nostalgic and Authentic Content: Utilize the reflective energy of the Moon in Cancer conjunct Instagram's natal South Node to create nostalgic and authentic content that resonates with your audience's emotions and memories.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories, experiences, or throwbacks that evoke sentimental feelings and encourage engagement from your audience.
Utilize Instagram's features, such as Stories or Reels, to showcase behind-the-scenes moments or share memories related to your brand or industry.
Encourage your audience to share their nostalgic moments and experiences, fostering a sense of connection and community.
Consistent and Meaningful Branding: Emphasize the importance of consistent branding and meaningful content creation during this period. Saturn's influence prompts you to establish a solid and reliable presence on Instagram.
Example Strategies:
Define and adhere to a consistent visual style, color palette, and tone of voice in your Instagram posts and stories.
Craft content that aligns with your brand's values, mission, and identity, ensuring each piece adds value and resonates with your target audience.
Develop a content calendar or schedule to maintain a regular posting cadence and reinforce your brand's reliability and commitment.
Engage in Meaningful Conversations: With the Moon in Cancer conjunct Instagram's natal South Node, prioritize building genuine connections and engaging in meaningful conversations with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Respond promptly and authentically to comments and direct messages, showing that you value and appreciate your audience's engagement.
Initiate conversations by asking thought-provoking questions or seeking input on relevant topics.
Host live Q&A sessions or Instagram Live broadcasts to encourage direct interaction and create a sense of community.
Showcasing Authenticity and Reliability: Leverage Saturn's influence to showcase authenticity, expertise, and reliability through your Instagram content.
Example Strategies:
Share testimonials, case studies, or success stories from satisfied customers or clients to demonstrate your expertise and build trust.
Highlight your brand's milestones, achievements, or industry recognition to showcase your reliability and establish credibility.
Use Instagram's IGTV feature to create in-depth, informative videos that showcase your knowledge and provide value to your audience.
Repurposing and Revitalizing Content: Make use of the reflective energy of the South Node and Saturn in Cancer to repurpose and revitalize your existing Instagram content.
Example Strategies:
Repost and re-share evergreen or popular content that resonates with your audience, providing valuable information or inspiration.
Update and refresh older posts with new information, visuals, or captions to breathe new life into them.
Create collages or "best of" compilations to showcase the highlights and most engaging moments from your Instagram journey.
At the middle & end of Cancer Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Cancer Energy: |
Instagram Posts
Personally motivating content that inspires action, acknowledgment, and validation of emotional investment of your followers. Here we see the transit Moon in Cancer conjunct the natal Mars in Instagram’s combined charts. Mars represents an opportunity for sales, launching, and clear CTAs (any action you’d like them to take), and when in Cancer we see the motivation be personal and emotional. Being in touch with their specific struggles, and the language they use to describe these struggles, especially in areas where they feel underappreciated or undervalued, or burnt out from over-giving to those they care about can help to inform your copy, your approach, and your ROI from the strategies you implement at this time.
Use emotionally motivating content to capture the heart of the matter, and channel their emotions into action for themselves. If we have clientele who are burnt out, and struggling with their own energy they are not likely to take action unless they believe they have the power to do something about their situation (victim-ness under Cancer is very common), and that they are justified and worthy of doing so (validation and acknowledgment are important shifting mechanisms in copy to move them from victim to empowered, from undeserving to deserving) as they can stop seeking external validation and give it themselves instead.
Marketing Advice:
Bold and Energetic Content: Harness the energetic influence of the Moon in Cancer conjunct Instagram's natal Mars to create bold and vibrant content that grabs attention and inspires action.
Example Strategies:
Use eye-catching visuals, such as bright colors, bold typography, or striking images, to create an immediate impact and capture your audience's attention as they scroll through their feeds.
Craft compelling captions that convey a sense of enthusiasm, urgency, or empowerment, encouraging your audience to engage with your content or take action.
Experiment with dynamic video content, such as Instagram Reels or Stories, to deliver messages with high energy and visual appeal.
Action-Oriented Call-to-Actions: Leverage the assertive nature of Mars to incorporate strong and actionable call-to-actions in your Instagram marketing.
Example Strategies:
Encourage your audience to take specific actions, such as "Shop Now," "Learn More," or "Swipe Up," to drive traffic to your website, landing pages, or product pages.
Utilize interactive features like polls, quizzes, or contests to engage your audience and invite them to participate actively.
Incorporate time-limited offers, discounts, or promotions to create a sense of urgency and motivate immediate action from your audience.
Influencer Collaborations and Partnerships: Capitalize on the assertive energy of Mars by seeking out influencer collaborations and partnerships to amplify your reach and engagement on Instagram.
Example Strategies:
Identify influencers or thought leaders in your niche or industry whose audience aligns with your target market. Reach out to them for collaboration opportunities, such as sponsored posts, product reviews, or guest appearances on their Instagram Stories.
Co-create content with influencers or partner brands, leveraging their credibility and audience trust to expand your brand's reach and attract new followers.
Engage in cross-promotion activities, where you and your collaborators promote each other's Instagram accounts or content, fostering mutual growth and exposure.
Active Engagement and Community Building: Foster active engagement and community building on Instagram, leveraging the assertive energy of Mars to initiate conversations and build meaningful connections.
Example Strategies:
Proactively engage with your audience by responding to comments, direct messages, and mentions in a timely and personalized manner, fostering a sense of connection and responsiveness.
Initiate conversations through Instagram Live sessions, Q&A sessions, or interactive polls to encourage active participation and build a community around your brand.
Encourage user-generated content by creating hashtags, challenges, or contests that motivate your audience to share their experiences, opinions, or creative content related to your brand.
Growth-Oriented Strategies: Embrace the assertiveness of Mars to implement growth-oriented strategies and expand your Instagram presence.
Example Strategies:
Collaborate with complementary brands or businesses to host joint Instagram giveaways, where participants are required to follow both accounts and engage with specific content to enter.
Invest in targeted Instagram advertising to reach new audiences, increase brand awareness, and drive traffic to your profile or website.
Analyze your Instagram insights and metrics to identify high-performing content and optimize your strategy for maximum engagement and reach.
At the beginning of Cancer Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Cancer Energy: |
TikTok Videos
♃ Rx
Jupiter rules publishing, PR, teaching, personal and spiritual growth, and risk-taking. Here we see an activation by the Moon in Cancer conjunct with the natal Jupiter Retrograde in TikTok’s combined charts. This can highlight previously released content or topics (retrograde) that are of an emotional or personal nature (Cancer). Some of the more common themes of Cancer are self-care, domestic roles and duties, emotional responsibility and obligation, over-giving, lack of boundaries, victim-ness, taking things personally, not feeling valued or appreciated, running on empty, feeling ‘tapped out’ emotionally, women’s challenges, unpaid labor (emotional /physical/ mental), and learning to fill one’s own cup first.
With Jupiter Retrograde, we may be exploring some of these themes in relation to finances, personal or spiritual growth, belief systems/faith, writing/teaching/publishing, or taking ‘risks’ of a more emotional nature. With this being retrograde many of these themes may be running on an internal level, or being brought up through addressing the ‘symptoms’ and shifting the responsibility of these challenges away from your followers and onto society, media, beliefs, family patterns, etc. Jupiter can also indicate opportunities for cashflow and business growth through discussing these topics, however with it retrograde we are approaching it with the understanding that it may take a while for the rewards of our efforts to show up, or they may show up in more unexpected ways, ie followers versus cash, engagement versus sign-ups, referrals versus direct clients, etc.
It’s important to remember that under Cancer your audience is looking for recognition of their labor and efforts, to feel emotionally valued and validated, because they are likely not receiving it from their circle. With this transit, we carry the power of giving them a voice, through acknowledgment and outside validation and inspiring them to acknowledge themselves, review their true obligations, and set healthy boundaries so they can take their power back.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Creativity and Authenticity: With the influence of Jupiter retrograde, focus on expressing your creativity in a genuine and unique way that resonates with your audience on TikTok.
Example Strategies:
Experiment with different video formats, effects, and editing techniques to create visually appealing and engaging content.
Showcase your personality and let your authenticity shine through by sharing personal stories, insights, or behind-the-scenes glimpses into your brand or life.
Use TikTok trends and challenges as a springboard for creating your own unique content that aligns with your brand's values and messaging.
Inspire and Educate: Tap into Jupiter's expansive energy to inspire and educate your TikTok audience, providing value and fostering a sense of growth and optimism.
Example Strategies:
Create educational content that shares tips, tricks, or informative insights related to your niche or industry.
Use storytelling techniques to inspire and motivate your audience, sharing success stories, lessons learned, or thought-provoking messages.
Collaborate with experts or influencers in your field to provide expert advice or insights, positioning yourself as a trusted source of information.
Engage with the TikTok Community: Leverage Jupiter's optimistic energy to actively engage with the TikTok community, fostering connections and building a loyal following.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments, direct messages, and engage with your audience's content to create a sense of community and connection.
Participate in TikTok trends, challenges, or duets to showcase your creativity and engage with other creators.
Collaborate with other TikTok creators in your niche, co-creating content or featuring each other in videos to expand your reach and tap into new audiences.
Leverage TikTok's Virality: Jupiter's influence invites you to harness TikTok's potential for virality and increased exposure.
Example Strategies:
Optimize your videos for maximum shareability, using eye-catching thumbnails, attention-grabbing captions, and clear storytelling.
Utilize trending hashtags and sounds to increase the discoverability of your content and tap into relevant conversations.
Encourage TikTok users to engage with your content through call-to-actions, challenges, or contests, creating opportunities for your videos to go viral.
Analyze and Adapt: Jupiter retrograde calls for reflection and optimization. Use data analysis and insights to refine your TikTok marketing strategy for better results.
Example Strategies:
Regularly review your TikTok analytics to identify high-performing content, understand your audience's preferences, and adjust your approach accordingly.
Experiment with different content styles, topics, or formats based on the feedback and engagement you receive from your audience.
Stay updated with TikTok's algorithm changes and platform updates, adapting your strategy to leverage new features and opportunities.
TikTok Live Events
The generation of sales and clients is more than just a great offer, or exceptional copy, it's rooted in understanding the deeper emotions, needs, and motivations of your potential clients, and giving those needs, emotions, and motivations a voice through their own language, and by providing the necessary emotional and mental insights they need to move them from where they are to where they want to be (and where they’re ready to commit to doing something about it). Here we see the Moon (Public/Needs) in Cancer (home/heart/personal/security) conjunct with the natal Mercury (information/education/processing/implementation/decisions) in TikTok’s chart.
With Mercury being direct, we are free to not only discuss these underlying emotional needs and challenges openly with our community but they are also more available to process that information, apply it, and make clear decisions around it, and in connection with the Moon this will be highly focused on their needs, wants and emotions currently (so long as you’ve done your research).
Here we are moving them from being a victim or being the cause of their problems to being validated, and not to blame for what they’re experiencing. The reason this is important is that those who feel like they’re a victim or who feel they are the cause and blame themselves as the reason things aren’t working for them don’t make changes.
Here we can support our followers through a process of educating them from where they’re at, focusing on the symptoms of their challenges, and the villains who are the cause (society, media, their upbringing, the government, Hollywood, etc), providing validation of what they have struggled through and how much they give and then moving them into empowerment through setting healthy boundaries, ending their shame and inspiring them to take action.
When we combine our words with highly descriptive emotions and validate their experiences and use this to inform, educate and guide them, this can be an incredibly powerful transit for your TikTok Events. If you focus on over-giving, and indulging these emotions at the beginning of your event, you can likely generate sales, or clear CTAs from your event (ie sign up for your email, join an event, or buy your product or service). Skipping or bypassing these emotional needs is a mistake however as under Cancer they are all-encompassing and become part of the filter they view their world through at the moment, and given that 80% of buying is emotions, this can be an asset for you, or your downfall if not used well.
Marketing Advice:
Clear and Engaging Communication: With Mercury's influence, prioritize clear and engaging communication during your TikTok Live Events to ensure that your message comes across effectively.
Example Strategies:
Plan and prepare a script or outline to guide your live event, ensuring a smooth flow of information and engaging content.
Use visuals, props, or interactive elements to enhance the visual appeal and keep your audience captivated.
Encourage audience participation by asking questions, conducting polls, or inviting viewers to share their thoughts and reactions in real-time.
Emotionally Resonant Content: Focus on creating TikTok Live Events that evoke emotional responses and forge deeper connections with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories, experiences, or anecdotes that align with your brand's values and resonate with your audience's emotions.
Incorporate elements of humor, inspiration, or nostalgia to create a positive and uplifting atmosphere during the live event.
Engage in authentic and vulnerable conversations that touch upon relatable topics, allowing your audience to feel connected and understood.
Foster Interaction and Engagement: Mercury's influence encourages you to actively engage with your audience during TikTok Live Events, fostering a sense of community and participation.
Example Strategies:
Respond to audience comments, questions, and messages in real-time, creating a dynamic and interactive experience.
Encourage viewers to interact with each other by facilitating discussions, debates, or collaborative activities during the live event.
Incorporate interactive features such as polls, quizzes, or challenges to encourage active engagement and participation.
Provide Valuable and Actionable Information: Focus on delivering valuable and actionable information during your TikTok Live Events, positioning yourself as a trusted source of expertise.
Example Strategies:
Share tips, advice, or tutorials related to your niche or industry that your audience can immediately apply in their lives.
Conduct live Q&A sessions where you address specific questions or challenges faced by your audience, offering practical solutions and guidance.
Invite guest experts or influencers to participate in your live events, bringing additional insights and expertise to the discussion.
Authenticity and Transparency: Mercury in Cancer emphasizes the importance of authenticity and transparency in your TikTok Live Events.
Example Strategies:
Be genuine and transparent in your communication, allowing your audience to connect with the real person behind the content.
Share behind-the-scenes moments, glimpses into your creative process, or challenges you face to create a relatable and authentic experience.
Address any concerns or feedback from your audience openly and honestly, fostering trust and building stronger relationships.
At the middle & end of Cancer Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Cancer Energy: |
TikTok Videos
⨀ MC
A potent transit that should not be underestimated. Here we see the Moon in Cancer conjunct the natal Sun and Midheaven in TikTok’s combined charts. The Sun operates like a spotlight highlighting and bringing attention, awareness, and life, especially to the themes that fall under Cancer such as self-care, domestic roles and duties, emotional responsibility and obligation, over-giving, lack of boundaries, victim-ness, taking things personally, not feeling valued or appreciated, running on empty, feeling ‘tapped out’ emotionally, women’s challenges, unpaid labor (emotional /physical/ mental), and learning to fill one’s own cup first.
The Midheaven rules our reputation, achievements, expert status, legacy, and long-term stability, and when activated like under this transit, we find that through sharing and discussing topics surrounding the themes of Cancer (above) that we build trust, reputation, and connection with our community that ultimately builds our brand and strengthens our business.
Are you a brand that cares? Does your community know or feel you understand their struggles, that you’ve been there, and that you are ‘like them’ (rapport)? Here we have the power to bring attention to often under-recognized emotional challenges and struggles of our community by acknowledging them and giving them what they wish others would recognize in them or do for them (something that they often do for others without recognition).
The topics of your video could be based on some of the themes of Cancer that I posted above or based on your specific topics with a lens of the emotional challenges that your market faces personally.
Marketing Advice:
Authentic Self-Expression: With the Sun's influence, focus on expressing your authentic self on TikTok. Let your true personality shine through and share content that resonates with your values and interests.
Example Strategies:
Create videos that reflect your passions, hobbies, or areas of expertise, allowing your audience to connect with your genuine enthusiasm.
Share personal stories or experiences that highlight your journey, struggles, and growth, fostering a sense of relatability and connection.
Embrace your individuality and showcase your unique style, talents, or perspectives to stand out from the crowd.
Emotional Storytelling: Utilize the Moon's influence to incorporate emotional storytelling into your TikTok content. Connect with your audience on an emotional level, evoking empathy and creating a lasting impact.
Example Strategies:
Craft narratives that elicit emotions such as joy, inspiration, empathy, or nostalgia, capturing the hearts of your viewers.
Use music, visuals, and editing techniques to enhance the emotional impact of your videos, creating a powerful and memorable experience.
Share vulnerable moments or personal challenges that demonstrate resilience and inspire others to overcome their own obstacles.
Nurturing Relationships: The Moon in Cancer urges you to foster genuine connections and nurture relationships with your TikTok audience.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments, direct messages, and engage with your audience by showing genuine interest and appreciation for their support.
Use live streams or Q&A sessions to directly interact with your viewers, addressing their questions, concerns, and building a sense of community.
Collaborate with other TikTok creators or engage in duets to expand your reach and create cross-promotional opportunities.
Consistency and Reliability: Aligning with the Midheaven's influence, prioritize consistency and reliability in your TikTok presence. Build a reputation for delivering valuable and engaging content on a regular basis.
Example Strategies:
Establish a consistent posting schedule that aligns with your audience's preferences and expectations.
Focus on high-quality content production, ensuring that each video reflects your brand's standards and resonates with your target audience.
Explore different formats, trends, and challenges while maintaining your unique voice and style to keep your content fresh and engaging.
Showcasing Expertise: Leverage your knowledge and expertise to position yourself as a trusted authority within your niche or industry.
Example Strategies:
Share informative and educational content that provides value to your audience, showcasing your expertise and establishing credibility.
Collaborate with influencers, experts, or industry leaders to expand your reach and provide diverse perspectives to your audience.
Participate in industry-related discussions, challenges, or trends to demonstrate your knowledge and engage with like-minded TikTok creators.
TikTok Live Events
This transit operates very similarly to the one I shared above for TikTok Videos, so I will elaborate on that summary here -
Here we see the Moon in Cancer conjunct the natal Sun and Midheaven in TikTok’s combined charts. The Sun operates like a spotlight highlighting and bringing attention, awareness, and life, especially to the themes that fall under Cancer such as self-care, domestic roles and duties, emotional responsibility and obligation, over-giving, lack of boundaries, victim-ness, taking things personally, not feeling valued or appreciated, running on empty, feeling ‘tapped out’ emotionally, women’s challenges, unpaid labor (emotional /physical/ mental), and learning to fill one’s own cup first.
Because the Sun is a natural spotlight this is an important opportunity for you to discuss the matters most important to your followers through an emotional lens, and ideally around the themes or topics I mentioned above for Cancer.
How do these themes shape your offers, focus, or brand of your business? How can you use this period to bring more personal authenticity to your business by demonstrating your care and understanding of these struggles? This is a great time to over give, emotionally validate, acknowledge, and outline symptoms and impacts of not addressing these themes and issues directly, so that your followers get the permission slip they’re needing to create healthy emotional waves in their lives.
Marketing Advice:
Authentic and Personal Approach: Infuse your TikTok Live Events with an authentic and personal touch. Share your genuine thoughts, feelings, and experiences to establish a deeper connection with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Use the live format to engage with your audience directly, responding to their comments, questions, and messages in real-time.
Share personal stories, anecdotes, or behind-the-scenes moments that allow your viewers to get to know you on a more intimate level.
Create a welcoming and inclusive environment where your audience feels comfortable expressing themselves and interacting with you and other participants.
Emotional Engagement: Leverage the Moon's influence to evoke emotions and create a memorable experience for your audience during TikTok Live Events.
Example Strategies:
Use storytelling techniques to engage your viewers emotionally. Craft narratives, anecdotes, or relatable scenarios that resonate with their experiences and elicit emotional responses.
Incorporate music, visuals, and interactive elements to enhance the emotional impact of your live events.
Encourage audience participation by asking thought-provoking questions, hosting polls or challenges, and inviting viewers to share their stories or opinions.
Nurturing Community: With the Moon in Cancer, prioritize building a sense of community and fostering connections among your live event participants.
Example Strategies:
Acknowledge and appreciate your audience during the live event, responding to their comments, giving shout-outs, and recognizing their contributions.
Create opportunities for viewers to engage with each other, such as introducing interactive games, discussion topics, or collaborative activities.
Consider hosting recurring live events to establish a regular community gathering and encourage ongoing participation and engagement.
Warm and Supportive Atmosphere: Emphasize creating a warm and supportive atmosphere during your TikTok Live Events.
Example Strategies:
Foster a positive and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and respected.
Offer encouragement, words of affirmation, and motivational messages during your live sessions.
Provide valuable insights, tips, or advice that can empower and inspire your audience.
Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements to make your TikTok Live Events more engaging and enjoyable for your audience.
Example Strategies:
Conduct Q&A sessions, where viewers can submit their questions and receive live answers from you.
Host live tutorials, demonstrations, or workshops that allow participants to learn something new or acquire new skills.
Utilize interactive features such as polls, quizzes, or challenges to encourage active participation and keep the audience invested in the live event.
At the beginning of Cancer Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Cancer Energy: |
YouTube Videos, Engagement & SEO
This transit sees the Moon in Cancer conjunct the natal Midheaven in YouTube’s combined charts. The Midheaven rules our reputation, achievements, expert status, legacy, and long-term stability, and when activated like under this transit, we find that through sharing and discussing topics surrounding the themes of Cancer (above) that we build trust, reputation, and connection with our community thatultimately builds our brand and strengthens our business.
What are you known for in your business? What is the emotional experience or association that people have with you, not just with your expertise but the way you operate or connect as a human? Do they see you as caring, genuine, authentic, understanding, like them?
Through this transit, you are being invited to not only include some more emotional themes and topics or a new lens to your work but also allow them to see you as you are. This can be a very nurturing period for you with your community, providing validation, support, and ‘mothering’ so that they can reach their highest potential, and heal their wounds (especially those they inflict on themselves trying to meet their own expectations of who they think they should be, and how they value themselves which often shows up around how much they give, or what they can do for others versus their innate value). By taking this approach in your content you’ll find that you can increase your reputation and the trust of your community as they will see you as someone who genuinely cares and understands them.
Marketing Advice:
Brand Identity and Messaging: Use the Moon's influence to connect with your audience on a deeper emotional level by developing a strong brand identity and consistent messaging.
Example Strategies:
Clearly define your channel's purpose, values, and unique selling points.
Craft a compelling channel trailer or introduction video that showcases your brand and sets the tone for your content.
Consistently communicate your brand messaging in your video titles, descriptions, and visuals.
High-Quality and Engaging Content: Focus on creating high-quality, engaging, and relevant content that resonates with your target audience.
Example Strategies:
Conduct thorough research to understand your audience's interests, preferences, and pain points.
Develop content ideas that provide value, solve problems, entertain, or educate your viewers.
Utilize storytelling techniques, visuals, and compelling narratives to captivate your audience's attention and keep them engaged.
Authenticity and Transparency: Emphasize authenticity and transparency in your YouTube presence to build trust and credibility with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Share behind-the-scenes footage, bloopers, or personal stories to let your viewers get to know the person behind the channel.
Engage with your audience through comments, community posts, and live interactions to foster a sense of connection and openness.
Address any feedback or concerns from your audience in a genuine and transparent manner.
Consistency and Regular Uploads: Maintain a consistent uploading schedule to keep your audience engaged and establish a sense of reliability.
Example Strategies:
Plan and organize your content calendar to ensure regular uploads.
Communicate your upload schedule to your audience so they know when to expect new videos.
Experiment with different video formats and series to provide a mix of content that keeps your audience interested.
Collaboration and Cross-Promotion: Leverage the power of collaboration to expand your reach and tap into new audiences.
Example Strategies:
Collaborate with other YouTubers or creators within your niche to create joint videos or featured appearances.
Cross-promote your content on other social media platforms, your website, or through email newsletters to attract new subscribers.
Participate in community events, interviews, or panel discussions to increase your visibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
YouTube Shorts
YouTube Shorts also shares the same Midheaven sign as YouTube does, which makes the transit summary the same for both platforms. Please see the above summary to help inform your content for this period. The only difference is that YouTube Shorts content is shorter, so storytelling, recapping, providing a behind-the-scenes, trailer, or giving them a preview of your material, through a more emotional lens can be highly effective at this time.
Marketing Advice:
Emotional Storytelling: Utilize the Moon's influence to tell compelling stories and evoke strong emotions in your YouTube Shorts.
Example Strategies:
Craft concise narratives that evoke happiness, nostalgia, inspiration, or empathy.
Use visual cues, music, and editing techniques to enhance the emotional impact of your Shorts.
Incorporate personal experiences or relatable situations that your audience can connect with on an emotional level.
Authenticity and Vulnerability: Emphasize authenticity and vulnerability in your Shorts to build a genuine connection with your audience.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories, challenges, or moments of vulnerability that your audience can relate to.
Highlight your unique personality, quirks, or perspectives to showcase your authenticity.
Encourage audience engagement by inviting them to share their own experiences or thoughts in the comments.
Visual Appeal and Creativity: Focus on creating visually appealing and creative Shorts that capture attention and leave a lasting impression.
Example Strategies:
Experiment with different visual styles, effects, and filters to enhance the visual appeal of your Shorts.
Incorporate catchy and engaging thumbnails to entice viewers to click and watch your Shorts.
Showcasing visually stunning locations, objects, or actions can captivate your audience and make your Shorts stand out.
Audience Engagement: Actively engage with your audience through comments, likes, and shares to foster a sense of community.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments and engage in meaningful conversations with your viewers.
Encourage viewers to like, share, and save your Shorts, and thank them for their support.
Pose questions or include call-to-action prompts to encourage audience interaction and participation.
Trend Awareness: Stay up-to-date with current trends and adapt them creatively to fit your brand and content style.
Example Strategies:
Research popular trends and challenges within the YouTube Shorts community.
Put your unique twist on trending topics or challenges to showcase your creativity and originality.
Participate in hashtag challenges or collaborate with other creators to increase visibility and reach new audiences.
At the beginning of Cancer Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Cancer Energy: |
Twitter Posts
Here we see the transit Moon conjunct the natal Ascendant in Cancer in Twitter’s combined charts. The Ascendant rules the ‘first introduction’, ‘first impression’, ‘first exposure’, ‘first announcement’, hint or preview of new content, material, or your brand itself. Under the influence of Cancer, we see that the best approach here is not only emotional and focused on the needs, wants, and wounds of your community but also to be generous and nurturing.
Cancer is the sign that unites us all, we all have an origin story, we are all human, with a range of human emotions, and we all to one degree or another share the same emotional struggles such as finding our place in the world, understanding our value and contribution, feeling responsible for others and ourselves, navigating obligations and sacrifice, and the wounds we carry around these areas within our lives and within ourselves. Here we are learning the lessons of being human, from life to death, and everything in-between, and how we emotionally process this, and the level of support we have through that process varies between people, however in many cases it just simply isn’t enough. This means that we were often taught to put the needs of others before ourselves, this is especially challenging for women, and as a result, often are operating with a near to completely empty cup. And the built-in kicker is that we are also programmed to feel guilt for taking care of ourselves, because our value is often denoted by what we do for others, while also simultaneously rewarding us for silencing our own needs.
The trouble is that this isn’t sustainable and we inevitably exist within a community that is teetering on the edge of burnout. Under this transit, you have the power to give your followers a permission slip to take care of themselves, which begins by validating their struggles, acknowledging their labor, and letting them know they’re valued and important, and that it’s okay to create healthy boundaries and to also re-evaluate their responsibilities and if they are doing more than their share. As a byproduct of this, your products and services can be ways in which they can achieve this or fulfill it for themselves.
Marketing Advice:
Empathetic Communication: Use the Moon's influence to communicate with empathy and understanding, ensuring that your tweets resonate with your audience on an emotional level.
Example Strategies:
Show genuine care and concern for your followers by addressing their needs, challenges, and aspirations.
Respond to tweets and messages with empathy and kindness, providing support and guidance where applicable.
Use inclusive language and consider diverse perspectives to make your tweets relatable to a wide range of individuals.
Authenticity and Transparency: Emphasize authenticity and transparency in your Twitter presence to build trust and foster meaningful connections.
Example Strategies:
Share personal insights, experiences, and stories that showcase your authenticity.
Be transparent about your brand values, intentions, and processes to establish credibility.
Engage in open and honest conversations, addressing any concerns or feedback openly and constructively.
Community Engagement: Focus on actively engaging with your followers and building a strong community on Twitter.
Example Strategies:
Respond to comments, mentions, and direct messages, fostering two-way communication with your audience.
Participate in relevant conversations, hashtags, and Twitter chats to expand your reach and connect with like-minded individuals.
Retweet and share content from your followers and other thought leaders in your industry, showing appreciation and fostering a sense of community.
Emotional Support and Inspiration: Use your Twitter platform to provide emotional support and inspire your audience.
Example Strategies:
Share motivational quotes, uplifting messages, or personal anecdotes that can inspire and uplift your followers.
Offer guidance, tips, or resources to help your audience navigate challenges or achieve their goals.
Create a positive and encouraging atmosphere by celebrating successes and milestones of your followers.
Visual Appeal and Multimedia Content: Enhance your tweets with visually appealing content and multimedia elements to capture attention and convey your message effectively.
Example Strategies:
Incorporate high-quality images, videos, GIFs, or infographics into your tweets to make them visually engaging.
Use relevant emojis or symbols to add personality and enhance the emotional impact of your tweets.
Experiment with Twitter's multimedia features, such as polls, threads, or live videos, to create interactive and immersive experiences.
At the middle & end of Cancer Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Cancer Energy: |
Twitter Posts
This transit is the same as the one shared above under Twitter Posts, as it also activates the Ascendant in the combined natal charts for Twitter. Please see the above summary for the forecast for this transit.
At the middle & end of Cancer Energy - Beginning on the 2nd day of Cancer Energy: |
LinkedIn Groups
Here we see the Moon in Cancer conjunct the natal Sun in LinkedIn Groups chart. The Sun operates like a spotlight highlighting and bringing attention, awareness, and life, especially to the themes that fall under Cancer such as self-care, domestic roles and duties, emotional responsibility and obligation, over-giving, lack of boundaries, victim-ness, taking things personally, not feeling valued or appreciated, running on empty, feeling ‘tapped out’ emotionally, women’s challenges, unpaid labor (emotional /physical/ mental), and learning to fill one’s own cup first.
Because the Sun is a natural spotlight this is an important opportunity for you to discuss the matters most important to your community members through an emotional lens, and ideally around the themes or topics I mentioned above for Cancer.
How do these themes shape your offers, focus, or brand of your business? How can you use this period to bring more personal authenticity to your business by demonstrating your care and understanding of these struggles? This is a great time to over give, emotionally validate, acknowledge, and outline symptoms and impacts of not addressing these themes and issues directly, so that your followers get the permission slip they’re needing to create healthy emotional waves in their lives.
This can also be a great time to grow your LinkedIn Group by sharing relevant content with an emotional lens, and bringing attention to these needs and emotional challenges for them, while also providing a community that understands and supports them. Your content is likely to take on more of an emotional or nurturing focus at this time, helping your people where they are at and also helping them to step out of being a victim through acknowledgment of their labor, giving them a permission slip to take care of themselves, helping them to draw healthy boundaries, and reminding them of their own value. If you have products or services that help them through this process, this can be a great time to share them, after you have spent some time filling their cup and giving them support (and possibly gifts).
Marketing Advice:
Emphasize Emotional Connection: Leverage the Moon's influence to cultivate emotional connections within LinkedIn Groups.
Example Strategies:
Encourage members to share personal experiences and stories related to their professional journey.
Create posts that evoke empathy, understanding, and support within the group.
Acknowledge and validate members' challenges and achievements with empathy and encouragement.
Foster Authentic Engagement: Prioritize authentic and meaningful engagement within LinkedIn Groups.
Example Strategies:
Ask open-ended questions that encourage members to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences.
Respond to comments and discussions with genuine interest and thoughtful responses.
Actively listen to others' perspectives and provide constructive feedback when appropriate.
Encourage Collaboration and Support: Create a collaborative and supportive environment within LinkedIn Groups.
Example Strategies:
Facilitate group activities or projects that encourage members to collaborate and share their expertise.
Establish mentorship or buddy programs where experienced professionals can support and guide newcomers.
Encourage members to provide feedback, advice, and support to one another.
Promote Well-being and Work-Life Balance: Address the emotional well-being and work-life balance of group members.
Example Strategies:
Share resources, articles, or tips related to managing stress, maintaining work-life balance, and self-care.
Initiate discussions on topics such as mental health, self-improvement, and work-life integration.
Organize virtual events or workshops focusing on wellness, mindfulness, and personal growth.
Celebrate Diversity and Inclusion: Foster an inclusive and diverse community within LinkedIn Groups.
Example Strategies:
Highlight success stories and achievements of individuals from different backgrounds and underrepresented groups.
Engage in discussions that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within professional settings.
Create a safe space for members to share their perspectives and experiences without judgment.
At the beginning of Cancer Energy - Lasting for the 1st day of Cancer Energy: |
Apple Podcasts
Here we see the Moon in Cancer conjunct the natal Sun and Ascendant in Apple Podcasts chart. The Sun operates like a spotlight highlighting and bringing attention, awareness, and life, especially to the themes that fall under Cancer such as self-care, domestic roles and duties, emotional responsibility and obligation, over-giving, lack of boundaries, victim-ness, taking things personally, not feeling valued or appreciated, running on empty, feeling ‘tapped out’ emotionally, women’s challenges, unpaid labor (emotional /physical/ mental), and learning to fill one’s own cup first.
Because the Sun is a natural spotlight this is an important opportunity for you to discuss the matters most important to your community members through an emotional lens, and ideally around the themes or topics I mentioned above for Cancer.
The Ascendant rules the ‘first introduction’, ‘first impression’, ‘first exposure’, ‘first announcement’, hint or preview of new content, material, or your brand itself. Under the influence of Cancer, we see that the best approach here is not only emotional and focused on the needs, wants, and wounds of your community but also to be generous and nurturing.
Cancer is the sign that unites us all, we all have an origin story, we are all human, with a range of human emotions, and we all to one degree or another share the same emotional struggles such as finding our place in the world, understanding our value and contribution, feeling responsible for others and ourselves, navigating obligations and sacrifice, and the wounds we carry around these areas within our lives and within ourselves.
Under this transit, you have the power to give your followers a permission slip to take care of themselves, which begins by validating their struggles, acknowledging their labor, and letting them know they’re valued and important, and that it’s okay to create healthy boundaries and to also re-evaluate their responsibilities and if they are doing more than their share. As a byproduct of this, your products and services can be ways in which they can achieve this or fulfill it for themselves.
Marketing Advice:
Authentic Storytelling: Leverage the emotional depth of the Moon in Cancer to create authentic and relatable podcast content.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories, experiences, and anecdotes that resonate with your target audience.
Conduct interviews or conversations that evoke emotion, empathy, and connection.
Focus on delivering content that is genuine, transparent, and speaks to the hearts of your listeners.
Engage and Interact: Foster a sense of community and engagement with your podcast audience.
Example Strategies:
Encourage listeners to leave reviews, comments, and feedback on Apple Podcasts.
Prompt listeners to share their thoughts and experiences related to the podcast episodes on social media.
Respond to listener comments and questions, showing genuine interest and appreciation for their engagement.
Collaborate and Cross-Promote: Expand your reach and audience base by collaborating with other podcasters and cross-promoting each other's shows.
Example Strategies:
Invite guest speakers or experts from related fields to share their insights on your podcast.
Participate in guest appearances on other podcasts to introduce yourself to new audiences.
Establish mutually beneficial partnerships with podcasters to promote each other's shows and reach a wider audience.
Leverage Apple Podcasts Features: Utilize the features and tools provided by Apple Podcasts to enhance your podcast's visibility and discoverability.
Example Strategies:
Optimize your podcast title, description, and tags with relevant keywords to improve search rankings.
Encourage listeners to subscribe, rate, and review your podcast on Apple Podcasts.
Utilize Apple Podcasts' episode trailers, show notes, and chapter markers to enhance the listening experience.
Data Analysis and Iteration: Regularly analyze podcast analytics and listener feedback to refine your content and marketing strategies.
Example Strategies:
Monitor listener engagement, download numbers, and retention rates to identify trends and patterns.
Use listener surveys or feedback forms to gather insights and suggestions for improvement.
Experiment with different episode formats, topics, and promotional strategies based on data-driven insights.
Spotify Podcasts
Unfolding at this time we see a lunar return in the sign of Cancer as well as a conjunction with Venus in Spotify Podcast’s chart.
A lunar return indicates the beginning of a new cycle for your listeners and within your content itself, and when combined with Venus, especially in Cancer increases your ability to share emotionally poignant content, that speaks to the heart of the matter, amplifying your shared values while also opening the doors on income generation and cashflow.
This can be a great opportunity for promotion during a launch, so long as you first warm up your audience by generously giving to them or rather rewarding them in some way by providing something high value to them. Doing so promotes the natural act of reciprocity, and builds rapport with your community before you move into asking something of them (signing up, subscribing, sharing, buying, etc).
It’s important to note that under Cancer we are all operating with a more emotional lens and as a byproduct themes such as self-care, domestic roles and duties, emotional responsibility and obligation, over-giving, lack of boundaries, victim-ness, taking things personally, not feeling valued or appreciated, running on empty, feeling ‘tapped out’ emotionally, women’s challenges, unpaid labor (emotional /physical/ mental), and learning to fill one’s own cup first will take precedent.
Hosting guests whose line of work is more emotional in nature, opening discussion around more emotional topics, especially those highlighted above, sharing insights into your own struggles and some suggestions to help support your listeners if they too are also experiencing those challenges, or explaining the background of your product or service if it’s origins were the result of your own emotional struggles can be very helpful and strengthen your listener base as well as potentially generate growth or sales for you at this time.
Marketing Advice:
Authentic and Vulnerable Storytelling: Leverage the nurturing energy of the Moon in Cancer to share personal stories and experiences that evoke emotions and create a sense of intimacy.
Example Strategies:
Open up about your own journey and challenges, allowing your vulnerability to connect with listeners on a deeper level.
Share stories of triumph, resilience, or personal growth that inspire and empower your audience.
Encourage listeners to share their own stories and experiences, fostering a supportive and inclusive community.
Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Create opportunities for dialogue and engagement with your audience, fostering a sense of community and connection.
Example Strategies:
Encourage listeners to leave comments, share their thoughts, and engage in discussions on Spotify or other social media platforms.
Host live Q&A sessions or interactive episodes where you can directly interact with your audience, addressing their questions and concerns.
Initiate conversations around important topics or current events, inviting your listeners to share their perspectives and insights.
Collaborate with Influencers and Thought Leaders: Partner with influencers or thought leaders in your niche to expand your reach and tap into their engaged audiences.
Example Strategies:
Invite influential guests as guest speakers on your podcast, bringing fresh perspectives and expertise to your audience.
Collaborate on joint episodes or mini-series with other podcasters or content creators who share a similar target audience.
Engage in cross-promotion activities, where you promote each other's podcasts to reach new listeners.
Supportive Community Engagement: Create spaces and opportunities for your podcast community to connect, support one another, and share their experiences.
Example Strategies:
Establish a dedicated community group or forum where listeners can interact, share their insights, and support each other.
Highlight listener stories, experiences, or achievements on your podcast, showcasing the strength and support within your community.
Host virtual meetups or events where listeners can network, exchange ideas, and form deeper connections.
Cultivate Emotional Resonance through Music and Sound Design: Leverage Spotify's audio features to enhance the emotional impact of your podcast episodes.
Example Strategies:
Carefully select background music, sound effects, or ambient sounds that complement the emotional tone of your podcast's content.
Utilize soundscapes or audio cues to create a specific atmosphere that aligns with the mood and message of each episode.
Experiment with audio storytelling techniques, such as using voice modulation, sound layering, or dramatic pauses, to evoke emotional responses.
Google Podcasts
This transit marks an excellent opportunity for education and teaching that is approached from a more emotional lens. Here we see the Moon (Public/Needs) in Cancer (home/ heart/ personal/ security) conjunct with the natal Mercury (information/ education/ processing/ implementation/ decisions) in Google Podcasts chart.
With Mercury being direct, we are free to not only discuss these underlying emotional needs and challenges openly with our listeners but they are also more available to process that information, apply it, and make clear decisions around it, and in connection with the Moon this will be highly focused on their needs, wants and emotions currently (so long as you’ve done your research).
Here we are moving them from being a victim or being the cause of their problems to being validated, and not to blame for what they’re experiencing. The reason this is important is that those who feel like they’re a victim or who feel they are the cause and blame themselves as the reason things aren’t working for them don’t make changes.
Supporting your followers through a process of educating them from where they’re at, focusing on the symptoms of their challenges, and the villains who are the cause (society, media, their upbringing, the government, Hollywood, etc), providing validation of what they have struggled through and how much they give and then moving them into empowerment through setting healthy boundaries, ending their shame and inspiring them to take action is the overarching theme of this period.
When we combine our words with highly descriptive emotions and validate their experiences and use this to inform, educate and guide them, this can be an incredibly powerful transit for your podcast on Google. If you focus on over giving, and indulging these emotions at the beginning of your podcast you can likely generate sales, or clear CTAs (ie sign up for your email, join an event, or buy your product or service). Skipping or bypassing these emotional needs is a mistake however as under Cancer they are all-encompassing and become part of the filter they view their world through at the moment, and given that 80% of buying is emotions, this can be an asset for you, or your downfall if not used well.
Hosting guests who explore more emotional topics, or sharing your own origin story and the pain or challenges you experienced around it which brought you to creating your offer, community or system is also an excellent direction to kick your podcast off under this transit.
Marketing Advice:
Embrace Emotional Storytelling: Craft episodes that evoke strong emotions and connect with your listeners' personal experiences.
Example Strategies:
Share personal stories and anecdotes that resonate with your audience's emotions, highlighting moments of vulnerability and growth.
Feature guest interviews that delve into their emotional journeys, providing relatable experiences that inspire and connect with listeners.
Use music, sound effects, and audio enhancements to enhance the emotional impact of your storytelling.
Cultivate a Safe and Supportive Community: Create a podcasting environment that fosters a sense of belonging and encourages listeners to engage with one another.
Example Stra